A 1993 movie directed by Steven Spielberg, based on a novel of the same name, written by Michael Crichton.
It is the story of a mid-life scientist, Dr. Alan Grant, played by Sam Neil. Dr. Grant is an archeologist digging out dinosaurs somewhere in Montana.
While he knows all about dinosaurs, he is less adept in human relationships. Namely, he hates children.
His girlfriend, Dr. Ellie Sattler, a paleobiologist played by Laura Dern, loves children and wants to have her own (fathered by Alan). But he says children stink.
When an unfortunate child makes the mistake of talking to Alan, Alan scares the daylights out of the boy by describing in living color how dinosaurs would eat him alive.
Beside children, Alan also hates computers.
Promised the financing of three more years of his Montana digging, Alan and his girlfriend go to examine a theme park, which turns out to have live dinosaurs brought back to life by geneticists. The park's name is Jurassic Park.
Much to his chagrin, Alan finds himself in the company of two children, a boy (Tim, played by Joseph Mazzello) and a girl (Lex, played by Ariana Richards). The boy gets on his nerves right away: Tim has read Alan's book on dinosaurs and disagrees with many things written in it.
In reality, little Tim really likes Alan and his work, but he is questioning him and comes out as quite an annoying brat, at least as viewed through Alan's eyes. Tim wants to take the tour of the Park in the same car as Alan, but Alan spares no guile to get rid of him: The children end up riding in a car with a "blood-sucking lawyer", while Alan rides in an adult-scientists-only vehicle.
Alas, the ride turns out disastrous, compliments of a disgruntled computer programmer Dennis Nedry (note the last name can easily be made into Nerdy) played by Wayne Knight. In order to solve his financial problems, Dennis steals dinosaur embryos. To get them to his evil customers safely, Dennis creates a diversion by turning off many essential parts of the system running the Park. As he gets eaten by a pretty but vicious dinosaur, he never gets back to restore the full functionality of the system.
In desperation, the people in control room reboot the system. Doing that, however, turns off electricity to everything in the park (except the computer apparently, since it does show a prompt).
This now sets the stage for Alan's conversion. Without the protection of electric fences, a T Rex is able to escape and comes to the two cars. The blood-sucking lawyer, thinking only of himself, runs away from the car and hides in the bathroom, leaving the children completely defenseless and on their own (he is later punished by being eaten alive).
It turns out that Alan knows more than how to dig out dinosaurs. He knows such things as that they cannot see you if you do not move. Alas, the children do not know it, and keep making all the wrong moves. They become easy prey.
Children or not, they are about to be eaten. Alan steps out of the car with a flashing flare in his hand. Risking his own life, he saves the children from the T Rex (who then eats the blood-sucking lawyer instead).
Alas, the car falls off an artificial cliff and lands in a tree. With Tim inside. Alan climbs the tree and rescues Tim. He then spends the night alone with the children in the middle of Jurassic Park surrounded by dinosaurs, some friendly, some vicious. It is Alan's task now to protect the children. He stays awake all night to let them sleep in safety.
In the morning, he takes the children out of the dinosaur area. They climb an electric fence which is still disconnected. But, his girlfriend (who is in the control room area) turns the electricity on just as Alan and Lex (Tim's sister) get off the fence. Tim is thrust off the fence electrocuted.
Alan tries to bring Tim back to life, doing CPR, including mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Finally, he succeeds.
Alan brings the children to the safety of the visitor's center and leaves them there convinced that dinosaurs could not open door. He was wrong. Finally, he came back and rescued them again.
All of them now in the control center, they are being attacked one more time, and this time Alan is losing the battle: A dinosaur keeps opening the door, while Alan is losing strength in keeping the dino from getting in.
This time Alan is saved by:
Tim's sister Lex takes just one look at the computer and sees a graphic interface. Instantly, she recognizes it as Unix, a system that is very easy to use: All she has to do is find the right file. She tries several files, while Alan is fighting the dinosaur at the door. Then she finds the right file, executes it by clicking the mouse over its icon, and the door locks.
They all are saved by a computer and by a child.
The story ends with them all leaving the island in a helicopter: The children sitting in Alan's lap, their sleepy heads leaning against his chest. A former child hater has turned into a child protector.