"Out" Everythingians
157 gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered/questioning noders!
Updated 23 March 2011

United Kingdom (1987)
(bi) Aberdeen, UK (1981)
Raleigh/Chapel Hill, North Carolina (1984)
Livingston, UK (1975)
(bi) College Park, Maryland
Oakland, CA (1978)
Tel Aviv, Israel (1976)
Weymouth, Massachusetts
Dorchester, Massachusetts(1979)
(bi) Mogadore, Ohio (1987)
Seattle, Washington (1973)
(bi) Detroit, Michigan (1976)
Avis Rapax
Glasgow, UK (1985)
Manchester, UK (1970)
UK (1991)
Seattle, Washington (1984)
Bill Dauterive
Ohio (1974)
(bi) Cary, North Carolina (1984)
(bi) New Jersey
Quartz Hill, California (1980)
Glasgow, UK (1984)
Edinburgh, UK (1979)
Santa Barbara, California (1960)
Chicago, Illinois (1983)
(bi) New York
(bi) Omaha, Nebraska (1991)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin (1980)
Edinburgh, UK (1976)
(polyamorous pansexual) New York City (1976)
Bryan, Texas (1984)
Digital Goblin
Chichester, UK
(unspecified) Copenhagen, Denmark (1959)
(bi) Washington, DC
Ada, Ohio (1985)
Cincinnati, Ohio (1979)
(bi) Placerville, California (1962)
Albuquerque, New Mexico (1977)
(bi) Minnesota (1968)
(bi) British Columbia, Canada (1983)
Washington, DC (1981)
Evil Catullus
Denver, Colorado (1976)
East Lansing, Michigan (1983)
(bi/trans) Wiltshire, UK (1984)
fuzzy and blue
Owensboro, Kentucky (1975)
(pansexual) Chicago, Illinois
New York City (1978)
(trans-bi) Middletown, Ohio (1987)
(bi) Davis, California
Olney, Illinois
Portland, Oregon (1976)
San Francisco, California (1984)
I'm The Pumpkin King
Los Angeles, California (1980)
(bi, poly) Fort Worth, Texas (1985)
Infinite Burn
New York (1981)
Chicago, Illinois (1985)
Linköping, Sweden (1981)
(bi) (only out on E2)
Chicago, Illinois (1985)
Evansville, Indiana (1965)
Kansas City, Missouri (1978)
John Ennion
(bi) Kansas City, Missouri (1984)
New York City (1977)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1986)
Texas (1984)
Manchester, UK (1975)
Moscow, Idaho (1984)
(bi, maybe) Baltimore, Maryland
labrys edge
Chattanooga, Tennessee (1983)
Birmingham, UK (1983)
(bi) Birkenhead, UK (1984)

Prince Edward Island, Canada (1981)
MacArthur Parker
Denver, Colorado (1980)
(trans online) Las Cruces, New Mexico (1978)
(bi) British Columbia, Canada
San Diego, California
Boston, Massachusetts (1982)
Sydney, Australia (1975)
Glasgow, Scotland (1989)
Newport News, Virginia (1990)
(bi) Anaheim, California (1973)
Lexington, Kentucky (1981)
(bi) Massachusetts (1981)
(bi) Mainz, Germany (1972)
(bi) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1980)
(bi/trans) Oakland, California
Albuquerque, New Mexico (1979)
(bi) Edinburgh, Scotland (1978)
Lincoln, Nebraska (1978)
Santa Barbara, California (1968)
Raleigh, North Carolina (1985)
Birmingham, UK (1985)
(bi) Portland, Oregon (1982)
The Netherlands (1982)
Cambridge/Somerville, Massachusetts (1977)
Maryland (1983)
Real World
Los Angeles, California (1982)
London, UK (1976)
Ryan Dallion
(bi) Vancouver, Canada (1982)
(trans) Seattle, Washington
saul s
Wisconsin (1985)
(bi) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1983)
Birmingham, UK (1986)
Leicester, UK (1989)
Baltimore, Maryland (1977)
Seattle, Washington
(bi) West Hartford, CT (1956)
Lexington, Kentucky (1981)
Little Rock, Arkansas (1985)
Los Angeles, California (1976)
(asexual) Rhyl, UK (1986)
Brooklyn, New York (1977)
so save me
Birmingham, UK (1986)
(bi) Texas (1981)
Boston, Massachusetts (1977)
Birmingham, UK (1975)
Columbus, Ohio (1968)
San Francisco, California
(bi) Australia (1992)
Sacramento, California (1986)
(bi) Dublin, Ireland
Holland, Michigan (1987)
(bi) Walnut Creek, California (1971)
(bi) United Kingdom
New Jersey (1984)
(bi) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1979)
(bi) (only out on E2) Ann Arbor, Michigan (1982)
Spokane, Washington (1980)
Centreville, VA (1984)
(bi) Toronto, Canada (1974)
Newcastle, UK
(bi) Seattle, Washington
Heyworth, Illinois (1957)
(gender neutral) Brooklyn, New York (1977)
Madison, Wisconsin (1976)
Houston, Texas (1965)
(bi) Wales, UK (1979)
Denver, Colorado (1979)
Oulu, Finland (1979)
Santa Barbara, California (1978)
Xydexx Squeakypony
Norfolk, UK (1974)
Ontario, Canada (1985)

Blab to Wiccanpiper (below) if you have questions/corrections, or want on/off the list
(include your city of residence and year of birth, if you'd like)
You don't have to belong to the Outies usergroup to get your name up here, by the way.

About Outies

Outies is a social usergroup for noders who identify themselves as homosexual, bisexual, transgendered or just differently gendered. We also welcome those who are questioning their developing sexuality and feel they may identify with our group, but basically we\'re "Queers Only" here.

If you\'d like to join, you should know that the message traffic in this usergroup can sometimes be very high (as in edev-level). However, at other times there is no traffic for days. We\'re either flooding each other\'s message inboxes, or half-forgetting that we\'re even in the group. Note that as of March 2004, this usergroup is no longer moderated! Lots of off-topic prattle and inane ranting may and does occur. If the idea of logging on to find 150+ group messages within 24 hours really bothers you, Outies might not be your cup of tea.

If you do decide to join, we also add your name to the list of "Out" Everythingians (above). You don\'t have to be "out" in real life, just online. If you are "out" in real life, that\'s great! But we won\'t treat you any differently if you\'re not.

To join or leave this usergroup, message Wiccanpiper.

Venerable members of this group:

Evil Catullus, panamaus$, ideath, fuzzy and blue, Oslo, Xeger, ocelotbob, Error404, boi_toi, tandex, eponymous, CamTarn, nmx, kidcharlemagne, Ubiquity, Excalibur, Splunge, MizerieRose, Sofacoin, Giosue, MacArthur Parker, Grae, Tlogmer, aeschylus, Tlachtga, oakling, XWiz, TheSoko, 256, Avis Rapax, J-bdy, Zxaos, eliserh, bookw56, scarf, Kit, wordnerd, katanil, dichotomyboi, Tato, eien_meru, TTkp, greth, WoodenRobot, tkeiser, indigoe, Tiefling, banjax, Ariamaki, chaotic_poet, moosemanmoo, Danneeness, shaogo, scunner, Beanie127, Whiskeydaemon, cruxfau, Oolong@+, tentative, Wiccanpiper, Hopeless.Dreamer., Chord, Dom Coyote, Estelore
This group of 64 members is led by Evil Catullus

It took twelve years for a film which addresses the horror story of the AIDS epidemic to get produced. In its day the film was part education, driving home its message with unvarnished emotion, and part entertainment by way of psychological and courtroom drama. To the modern, enlightened viewer, this film is a macabre fictional but oh-so-accurate account of the exquisite physical and mental suffering of an early-AIDS-era victim and the vortex of discrimination and hopelessness he's sucked into. No matter what time period one lives/lived in, the thought of dying a painful, protracted death; broke and isolated (not unlike lepers of yore) is terrifying. Terrifying to a degree that no monster nor villain of a screenwriter's imagination can match.

Director: Jonathan Demme
Executive Producers: Ron Bozman, Gary Goetzman
Screenwriter: Ron Nyswaner
Musical Score: Howard Shore
Cinematographer: Tak Fujimoto

Release Date: December 23, 1993
English; 125 Minutes


Tom Hanks as Attorney Andrew Beckett
Denzel Washington as Attorney Joe Miller


Joanne Woodward as Sarah Beckett
Jason Robards as Attorney Charles Wheeler
Antonio Banderas as Miguel Alvarez
Obba Babatunde as Jerome Green
Quentin Crisp as a Guest at Party
Roberta Maxwell as Judge Tate

The Gay Pride movement had begun moving along at a fast pace and acceptance of gays was at an all-time high by the late 1970s. By the early 1980s, all of the progress made since the Stonewall Riots seemed to have been set back by the initial focus on gay men as the propagators of AIDS. The enlightened seemed to have second thoughts. Worse, the "I told you so" mindset of the homophobe was reaffirmed. "Philadelphia" addresses the public's fear of the unknown; of homosexuality; rekindled by a disease spread by the physiology of homosexual sexual practices (and now we know, also spread by numerous means which are not homosexual by nature at all).

The following trial transcript is part of a larger portion taken from the movie by the Law School at the University of Indiana. It demonstrates the core of the plot of the movie:

35) Q. Are you a homosexual?

A. What?

36) Q. Are you a homosexual? Answer the question. Are you a homo? Are you a faggot? You know, a punk, a queen, pillow-biter, fairy, booty-snatcher, rump-roaster? Are you gay?

DEFENSE. Objection! Where did this come from? Suddenly counsel's attacking his own witness? Mr. Collins' sexual orientation has nothing to do with this case!

JUDGE. Please have a seat, Ms. Conine. Would you approach the bench, Mr. Miller? Would you kindly share with me exactly what's going on inside your head? Because at this moment I don't have a clue.

PLAINTIFF. Your Honor, everybody in this courtroom is thinking about sexual orientation, you know, sexual preference, whatever you want to call it. Who does what to whom and how they do it. I mean, they're looking at Andrew Beckett, they're thinking about it. They're looking at Mr. Wheeler, Ms. Conine, even you, your Honor. They're wondering about it. Trust me, I know that they are looking at me and thinking about it. So let's just get it out in the open, let's get it out of the closet. Because this case is not just about AIDS, is it? So let's talk about what this case is really all about, the general public's hatred, our loathing, our fear of homosexuals, and how that climate of hatred and fear translated into the firing of this particular homosexual, my client, Andrew Beckett.

JUDGE. Please have a seat, Mr. Miller. Very good. In this courtroom, Mr. Miller, justice is blind to matters of race, creed, color, religion and sexual orientation.

PLAINTIFF. With all due respect, your Honor, we don't live in this courtroom, though, do we?

The attorney utilizing this dramatic tactic was, until he met his client, Andrew Beckett, a bona fide homophobe. In fact, despite being black and therefore no doubt having been the subject of racism of some sort or another at some point in his life, attorney Miller (Denzel Washington) was quite narrow-minded about sexual diversity before taking Beckett's case.

Andrew Beckett (Tom Hanks) was a promising young lawyer, in fact, a Senior Associate, at a prestigious Philadelphia firm. He'd consistently attracted the attention of the partners in the firm by demonstrating his ability to win difficult cases and produce excellent work product.

Beckett is also gay. He's got a lover with whom he shares a gorgeous apartment, plenty of friends, and is happy with his life. He enjoys opera. Beckett's mother (played brilliantly by Joanne Woodward) is aware of his sexuality and accepting of it. She does her best to hide the devastation she feels  her son's terminal diagnosis. He's failed, however, to have revealed his sexuality nor his health situation to his employers, and with good reason.

Beckett discovers, over time, that there's a culture of discrimination within the firm. This is not unusual in law firms run by a cadre of old-boy network types who're disturbed at anything unusual which disturbs the status quo of their staid, conservative lives. Beckett's horrified to discover he's diagnosed with AIDS, and even more horrified when the ugly lesions resulting from AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma appear on his face and body. Little does he know, the very partners in the firm who were once grooming him for a spot as partner are now repulsed, and decide they must rid their pristine world of the pox (literally) that Beckett represents.

An important plot twist occurs when Beckett must produce a very important filing in a high-profile case. He completes his work and goes home. The morning the paperwork is due in court, it's nowhere to be found. This confounds both Beckett and his assistants, who look high and low for it. The papers show up in the nick of time in a very unlikely place.

Shortly after the incident mentioned in the above paragraph, Beckett is fired without fanfare by one of the firm's partners. He's given no severance. He's certain that the disappearance of the papers was an planned act which the firm perpetrated to justify his firing. Although weakened and wasted by his disease, he decides to sue for having been unfairly terminated.

Beckett sets out to find a lawyer who'll take his case. His quest among his former colleagues (as well as fine attorneys whom he'd previously argued against in court) fails, leaving him disillusioned and discouraged. One by one they give weak excuses why they can't take the case. It becomes obvious to the viewer that they're as fearful and confounded by the new, mysterious disease (associated at that time exclusively with male homosexuals) as were his former colleagues. They're also fearful of running afoul of his former employers — some of the most powerful lawyers in the city. For a while, he decides to try the case himself; during one of his research sessions, he meets Joe Miller, a low-level attorney best described as an ambulance chaser.

Miller never thought he'd defend a case like this. However, the plot dictates that Beckett's case be fought so the screenwriter writes a sudden and overwhelming epiphany for actor Washington's character, and the battle royale ensues.

A Modern View of "Philadelphia" as a Historical Milestone

This review will not reveal any more of the plot. What is necessary is to revisit the movie with an historical outlook. The New York Times had rather negative things to say about the movie. The reviewer for the Times said that there were unnecessary holes in the plot, that certain characters were not completely fleshed out, and that the courtroom scenes had a "soapbox" feel to them. Well, why the hell not? At the time the movie came out, AIDS was still a disease that was fatal in a relatively short period of time, although some sufferers had survived up to five years after diagnosis. If anything, the movie conservatively described the woeful lot of AIDS sufferers when all that was apparent to the public was the tip of the iceberg. The epidemic, of course, crossed all lines of sexual orientation, race and sex. But hindsight is 20/20. Of course, these days AIDS is being detected early and treated effectively (albeit with extremely expensive drug protocols). Persons who seroconvert and start and maintain a treatment regimen have a reasonable expectation to live indefinitely if they present with no other significant health issues.

But back to the issue of lackluster reviews. If anything, the movie's run-time is a bit on the long side. Much had been cut out for reasons of time; a scene featuring actors Banderas and Hanks in bed was deleted (but is included in the DVD version of the film) perhaps because the focus of the film is AIDS-phobia and not homosexuality. The 1982 film "Making Love" featuring Harry Hamlin and Michael Ontkean already crossed that line.

Mountains of progress have been made with regard to AIDS-related discrimination. However, it doesn't mean that it'll go away completely any time soon. That's why today's youth ought perhaps to see "Philadelphia." Sure, they may find the mores of 1993 antiquated compared to the much more open and accepting climate of today. Additionally, what's really important about the film is that, but for a costume party (which features the late Quentin Crisp, darling of the campy gay set, as one of Beckett's friends), it successfully distances itself from clichéd stereotypes of gays and paints a more realistic picture.

One must ready one's self for an experience which will at once anger and sadden. Suffice it to say, despite a token silver lining, the climax and resolution of the movie, combined with the elegant minimalism of Bruce Springsteen's "The Streets of Philadelphia" will leave many viewers weeping openly.

As a work of art, the star-power cast combine with elegant cinematography to create an absorbing, realistic and often dark/bleak mood which at times verges on the surreal without becoming inappropriately so. The sublime musical selections, as well as soundtrack composer Howard Shore's haunting musical cues round out the moving experience.

For Survivors of the Early 1980s

This movie also gives an important glimpse of what life was like when AIDS was just emerging as a gay health crisis. Back when friends and co-workers became sick, none of us knew what was happening. All we knew was that to attend a funeral a month was not, for many, an exaggeration, if one's career and/or social life involved interacting with the gay community. Worse, with no awareness of preventative measures, more and more people were becoming infected each day. I recall terrified gay co-workers who, as soon as testing became available, began getting tested nearly every week, damn the expense. They wanted to know if they should continue saving for retirement or spend it on the cruise they always wanted to take.

Why re-visit such a horrible time? Well, perhaps it's good to use it as a benchmark to allow us to a bit of hope by way of the awareness of how far we've come. Those who engaged in risky behaviors and came away without contracting the disease should see the movie (even a second or third time) as a reminder of how, in a way, the hedonism of the 1970s ended. And thank their lucky stars, or God, or whatever.

Notes on the Movie Music

This review was triggered by a purchase of a used copy of the soundtrack album, after having lost the first purchase. Artistic star-power was not spared when selecting the music for the film. Seven out of the nine songs were nice when they came out (the Spin Doctors' cover of Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Have You Ever Seen The Rain" is a notable effort). Maria Callas is heard singing a black aria from a relatively obscure opera by Umberto Giordano. The two odes to the City of Brotherly Love are the primary reason I replaced this album in my collection.

Music reviewers rate Neil Young's theme music from this movie as more touching than Bruce Springsteen's Oscar-Winning hit "Streets of Philadelphia." Young's lyrics evoke emotion due to their complexity. Springsteen brilliantly utilizes a minimalist approach with a melody that's funereal but infectious. No guitars, harmonica nor saxophone backup are present. Springsteen utilizes instead a carefully-chosen chord progression performed using a synth sound which evokes a cool-sounding church organ, a vocal chorus which sounds ironically carefree, and a backbeat done on two drums, one of them a snare.

Why one reviewer thought Springsteen wasn't merely addressing the topic of Springsteen's included homelessness, it's hard if one pays attention to the lyrics to see the point. Suffice it to say, Springsteen's sotto voce delivery of the carefully chosen lyrics is haunting and memorable. It's a delight to hear "The Boss" deliver a song which shamelessly displays his soft side.


  1. "Streets of Philadelphia" by Bruce Springsteen (Performed by the Composer)
  2. "Lovetown " Peter Gabriel
  3. "It's in Your Eyes" Pauletta Washington 
  4. "Ibo Lele (Dreams Come True)" RAM 
  5. "Please Send Me Someone to Love" Sade 
  6. "Have You Ever Seen the Rain?" Spin Doctors 
  7. "I Don't Wanna Talk About It" Indigo Girls 
  8. "La Mamma Morta" Maria Callas 
  9. "Philadelphia" by Neil Young (Performed by the Composer) 
  10. "Precedent" by Howard Shore (Soundtrack Orchestra)

UPDATE: Comments from readers echo an important impression of the film which the original reviews mentioned. There's a feeling that, although the film was released about five years too late, the producers and director are shouting, "Hooray for me for having the courage to do a controversial project like this!" Research is still pending regarding whether or not members of the cast, crew and production staff were gay and/or were HIV-positive or full-blown AIDS. Stay tuned.


  • The Internet Movie Database: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107818/fullcredits#cast (Accessed 10/11/07)
  • Review/Film: Philadelphia; "Tom Hanks as an AIDS Victim Who Fights the Establishment," by Janet Maslin, The New York Times, December 22, 1993
  • Court Transcripts from the Screenplay: Website of Indiana University Law School: http://www.law.indiana.edu/webinit/tanford/movies/Philadelphia.htm (Accessed 10/11/07)
  • Philadelphia: Music from the Movie Soundtrack (1994) Epic Soundtrax EK-57624
  • Soundtrack Album Additional Information: AllMusic.com: http://wc09.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&token=&sql=10:jjfoxqlgldke (Accessed 10/11/07)

La Garçonne (That’s “boy” in French, but with a feminine suffix. It was translated to “The Bachelor Girl” in English versions) was, as far as I can tell, the first lesbian novel. It was written by Victor Margueritte, a heterosexual man, and was published in 1922, the same day the French senate denied women the right to vote.

The novel was seen as completely scandalous at the time. It’s about a woman, named Monique, who learns that her fiancé is cheating on her and already has a kid with another woman. She is understandably angry and calls off the marriage. In fact, she walks out on her whole former life, including her oppressive family. She lives life on her own terms: wearing her hair short, smoking cigarettes, dressing like a boy, and having multiple sexual partners, including women.

The original book was illustrated with twenty-eight colour pictures by Van Dognen, who would go on to get an award for these illustrations by the Légion d'Honneur. His illustrations in La Garçonne of thin and elegant Monique, with large almond-shaped eyes and short hair, got him artistic recognition. Not so with the author of the novel.

Victor Margueritte caused an uproar with this bestseller. It sold 600,000 copies and after it had been published for a year more than 150 articles had been written about the book. The controversy of the book, not only because of its lesbian references, but also because of the promotion of equality between the sexes, caused him to lose his Légion d'Honneur award. He was, in a sense “de-knighted” for writing such a disgraceful work.

La Garçonne was even successful enough to be made into a movie in 1936. The title of Margueritte’s novel has been used as a title for a German lesbian magazine, as well as a fashion style similar to the English “Flapper”, most likely because the heroine, Monique, sports the bob haircut epitomized by the style.

La Garçonne (n.d.). Retrieved May 7, 2007, from http://www.kb.nl/bc/koopman/1919-1925/c17-en.html
La Garçonne (2007, February 11). Retrieved May 25, 2007, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Garçonne
French literature: Twentieth century (2002). Retrieved May 7, 2007, from http://www.glbtq.com/literature/french_lit3_20c.html

''Prior to this book, homosexuals, male and female, in American novels had to pay for their deviation by cutting their wrists, drowning themselves in a swimming pool, or by switching to heterosexuality (so it was stated), or by collapsing alone, miserable and shunned.”

- Patricia Highsmith

The influential lesbian work The Price of Salt published 1953, later re-released as Carol (perhaps because most readers, like me, don't understand what the original title means1), described itself in the blurb on the cover as "The novel of a love society forbids". Written by Patricia Highsmith, a lesbian writer, under the pseudonym Claire Morgan, it was her second novel (the first being Strangers on a Train) and her first piece of lesbian fiction.

Highsmith accredits her inspiration for this novel to a woman she barely ever met. When Highsmith was 27 and working at Bloomingdale’s, she sold a doll to an attractive blonde woman named Kathleen Senn. Though it was only a brief encounter, Highsmith couldn’t forget Senn. Not long after, she got chickenpox. In her feverish dreams, the plot details of The Price of Salt started to come together.

Highsmith kept the details of Senn’s credit card to find her address in New Jersey and track her down. Twice, in June, 1950 and January, 1951, she spied on the woman. Unfortunately, Senn never read, or even heard about, the book she inspired. She had psychiatric problems and was an alcoholic, and a year before the book was published, she committed suicide.

The Price of Salt is basically a story of what could have happened if Highsmith had pursued Senn. It’s about a 19-year-old, Therese, who sends a letter to a 32-year-old, Carol, she meets after processing her transaction at a department store.

Carol is going through a divorce, but they develop a relationship regardless. Later, Carol’s ex-husband threatens to out his ex-wife and gain custody of their daughter. She is forced to choose between her daughter and Therese.

The book is significant because of its ending (spoilers follow). Although Carol loses in the court battle of the book, The Price of Salt is regularly seen as the lesbian novel with the happy ending. Why? Because this was a time of lesbian pulp fiction, in which all books with homosexual content "punished" the homosexuals in the end. Since neither Carol nor Therese "turns straight", or ends up dead, it’s a happy ending by gay literature terms. There remains the possibility of Therese and Carol living happily ever after, which was unheard of. (spoilers end here) The main characters were also unconventional for lesbian characters because they weren’t mannish or neurotic, as lesbians were often depicted in gay fiction.

It was not easy for Highsmith to get her soon-to-be-bestseller novel published. Her American publisher rejected it for the lesbian content, as many homosexual novels had been before by various publishers. Controversial books were not seen as good for business.

When Highsmith did find a publisher, The Price of Salt came out first in hardcover, an oddity in the pulp fiction era. It’s still often seen as a pulp fiction novel, however, because it did not become popular until it came out in paperback.

The author received mounds of letters from lesbians, as well as gay men, thanking her for the hopeful ending to her novel. It was popular with lesbians who had never seen people of their orientation cast in a positive light.

The Price of Salt went on to inspire Lolita’s cross-country chase, and there are even rumours of a movie version coming out soon. Highsmith’s second novel helped pave the way for others to give their lesbian novels a happy ending, and so, marks a significant point in classic lesbian fiction.

“A story once told in whispers now frankly, honestly written.”

- Spring Fire’s original cover

Spring Fire is not, as is often claimed, the first lesbian pulp fiction novel ever published (Women's Barracks by Tereska Torres, published in 1950, holds that title), but it was the one that pushed lesbian pulp fiction to become a distinct genre. It’s also an excellent indicator of attitudes at the time towards lesbians and lesbian fiction.

Marijane Meaker, a New Yorker who wrote with the pseudonyms M. E. Kerr and later Ann Aldrich, was working at Gold Medal publishing company when she was approached by Dick Carrol, an editor in charge of Gold Medal, to write a lesbian-themed novel. Meaker agreed to do it and in 1952, under the pseudonym Vin Packer, Spring Fire was published.

The title was chosen because James Michener's The Fires of Spring was coming out around the same time as Meaker's novel and she was hoping to sell some copies by confusion. This was hardly necessary, as the novel went on to sell one and a half million copies in its first print.

Spring Fire told a fairly simple story about two women in college (and in a sorority) who fall in love with each other and have an affair. It uses the standard lesbian stereotypes of butch and femme, and the lesbians in the novel are self-loathing and ashamed. It's often described as a depressing read, as it portrays (probably accurately) college life at this time for these women as painful, full of intolerance and pressure to conform.

(spoilers follow) It also uses the most common plot device in lesbian fiction: the miserable ending. Because the novels had to go through the U.S. Postal Service, they were subject to government censorship. The novels had to be moral, which meant the lesbians in Meaker's book had to be penalized or her books would be seized. These endings, in which the homosexuals in a novel “turned straight” or suffered a terrible punishment, were seen as happy endings: they got what they had coming. In Spring Fire's case, the protagonist renounces love between women as an illness. Leda not only gets in a car crash (automobile accidents were a common punishment for gay character), but also ends up going insane and stuck in an asylum. Mitch, too heartbroken to function, becomes a college drop-out.

Ironically, the tragic ending of Spring Fire probably did more to help lesbian pulp fiction than if the lesbians had lived happily ever after. By using stereotyped characters and punishing them in the end, Meaker's novel slipped through censors. The subsequent success of her novel proved there was a market for lesbian pulp fiction and proved it was possible to publish some without getting severely reprimanded. If it had ended happily, the novels being seized by the U.S. Postal Service and the bad publicity that would have followed likely would have stopped lesbian pulp fiction almost before it began. But because Spring Fire was not seized, it went on to inspire other writers to write lesbian fiction, as well as encouraging publishers to take the risk of publishing it. (spoilers end here)

A notable writer that was inspired by Spring Fire was Ann Bannon, who went on to write the famous lesbian Beebo Brinker chronicles.

"I am quite sure that without Spring Fire and Vin Packer, there would never have been the Beebo Brinker chronicles, nor an author known as Ann Bannon."

- Ann Bannon

[Author’s note: being an interview with a gay porn performer, this writeup involves some very frank and explicit discussions of sexual activities and practices. If you’re the prudish sort, stop reading now.]

When I got to Mark’s flat, I could tell that he’d made a big effort to clean up, to stack magazines, clean dishes, and make sure CDs were in their cases and on the shelves. I could also tell that this clearly wasn’t the normal state of things. Of course it was a bit flattering to be considered that important, but also a bit disheartening since as an interviewer, you really hope to sneak in and see what the bed looks like unmade. Still, our conversation ended up being a lot about the tensions between what is presented and what is fact. What with his being a porn performer, this clean façade may have been the perfect thematic setting.

I had first come across Mark [not his real name] about a year before online, at a gay hook up site. It was the combination of his grinning, handsome face and geeky-smart screen name, “orobourical,” that caught my eye. Most screen names are in the category of “hot9inchboi” and “gdlkgstudSF,” so the oddly-spelled reference to the ancient symbol of a serpent swallowing its tail stood out. We traded some logophile messages and left it at that, touching base every month or so. Then, in November of last year, I logged on to the site again only to find that his pics, which had been fun-loving snaps of him at various vacation spots, were suddenly replaced with all-nude posed studio muscle shots with him brandishing a woody. I inquired. He told me that he had recently transitioned into porn. Whoa. Had this been hot9inchboi, I might not have given it a second thought, but this was orobourical, and I was curious what drove such a transition in him. So, I asked for an interview. I didn’t hear back from him for about three months. I was worried that he’d misinterpreted my intentions as a cheap excuse for getting in the same room with him. But, when I logged on around March, I was surprised to see a response from him again saying that he’d love to do the interview, and we set it up from there. A couple of weeks later I found myself drinking green tea in his bedroom, beginning with the spelling of his porn name.

    Me: OK So your porn name is what?
    Bo: Bo Matthews.
    Me:Beau” as in French for—?
    Bo: No, B-O.

I’m kind of a tall guy, so even at 5'10", Mark feels kind of short to me. He’s got reddish brown hair cut short and unattended, Mountain Bluebird eyes with early-30s smile lines that appear when he grins, which is often. Off and on he sports the type of goatee the World Beard Championship calls a “natural.” (Think Andre Agassi circa 2004.) He’s an animated speaker who hasn’t quite lost his Michigan accent, bordering on an upspeak that ends many of his statements with “right?” He wears jeans and tshirts that are loose enough to only suggest, not boast, the muscled torso underneath. During our interview he sat cross legged most of the time on the far side of his California-King sized bed. We talk about his past and what path took him from the Bay Area (Michigan) to the Bay Area (San Francisco).

A history

He grew up in an area around Saginaw, smarter than the adults around him and perhaps a little precocious for it. Mom gave him some explicit details when he asked about babies.

    Bo: I was asking questions about where babies come from. Mom made the decision that she was just going to tell me. So they explained sex to me at the age of five. I soon understood what a penis was, and that it went into a woman’s vagina and that he shot something up inside of her, and I was completely fascinated. I spent my entire childhood looking at men’s crotches. I have such clear memories of this. Being 5, 6 years old and checking out packages. And I remember thinking as a child when there was a really big bulge, thinking “Oh, he’d be fun.” Where does that come from? Where does a 6 year old get that?

By 6th grade the overweight, effeminate kid given to histrionics had been labeled the “class fag” and it racked him with self-esteem issues. At college he tried both being straight and in a fraternity, both only lasting until one of his fraternity brothers hit on him. Sex was never psychologically comfortable since he wasn’t comfortable with himself. After a first, disastrous attempt at grad school, the wild side suggested that he join the Peace Corps, and the good side went right along with it. That landed him in Zimbabwe for four transformative years. The effects of which were apparent when he returned.

    Bo: I come back from Africa 25 pounds lighter, having had the experience of a lifetime, being way more comfortable in my skin, and all the sudden I’m getting noticed a lot. I can go up to Chicago and get laid with no problem. So I had this year and a half of kind of finally coming into my own as a gay man.

The second attempt at grad school worked, and he managed to get an assignment that took him back to Africa, this time in neighboring Zambia. The awakened gay guy in him couldn’t be as easily repressed as before, so he found the experience less liberating than the first time around. When he was done with his project, he left to finish his studies in the States, where, upon graduation, he realized that he needed to find a whole new place to live. The calculation went something like this:

    Bo: Until the age of 33 as an adult I either lived in college towns or Africa. I was really, really, really ready to live someplace cool. Let me rephrase that. Africa was cool. I was ready to live someplace where I could get laid.

I had three criteria. I needed to have a large gay population. It needed to be a place I could see lots of live music. And it had to have really easy access to the outdoors. At least once a month I need to get outside. Like seriously outside. Camping, hiking. So I started looking at American cities and San Francisco seemed like the clear choice based on those criteria.

Sight unseen and knowing only a few people, he took up residence in a friend’s basement for a few months to find work and a place to live. He found both fairly quickly. He’s been here in the city ever since.

A few years ago, he began to date a guy who worked off-camera at a porn studio in town, and found his curiosity for the industry—and in being the one on-camera—piqued. Still, despite having been a regular attendee of the Gold’s Gym in the Castro, he’d never really felt up to par. But to test his level of comfort of being watched, he went to a sex party, where he had kind of a epiphany in the sling:

    Bo: The sex party ends with me in a sling getting fucked and literally everybody in the room stopping dead to watch. It was hot. There was something about having that power; it was an amazing experience. The guy that was topping me was pretty hot, and I was definitely into him and having a good time with him, but there was something also incredible about having an audience. My eyes could wander around the room and make eye contact and see the looks on people’s faces. They were enjoying it just as much as I was. It was almost like in some weird way I was having sex with everyone in the room. And, frankly, I wouldn’t have had full-contact sex with most of the guys there, but with their watching me, they’re sharing it with me, and there was this flow of energy inward and it was incredible. That’s when I made the decision, “I’m doin’ porn.”

He’s insistent that the real point of getting into porn wasn’t the goal in and of itself—though he likes to talk about it and seems to be having a ball—but rather as a motivation for getting himself into the best shape of his life. So he changed his workout and his relationship with food (I tried to avoid treating him like some reluctant personal trainer/nutritionist, so I didn’t press for details) and worked like hell to change his body.

He posted his new pics to BigMuscle.com and started some conversations with veteran porn performer Adam Faust, who was impressed with Bo’s pictures and convinced his producers to take a look. That recommendation got Bo a first shoot, which has led two more at the time of this writing. It looks like this side career is already taking off.

As a result, I find myself sitting cross legged on comforter looking for somewhere to put the drained cup of green tea.

    Me: So that’s who Mark is. Let’s talk about Bo Matthews. Who is he? Who do you want him to be, since he’s kind of in-construction at the moment?

Bo: I’m a calculated and cerebral enough person that I do have an answer to that. So, whether or not people talk about me as this great bottom “Wow, he can take a lot of dick” the one thing that is very clear to me that I want to be known for is “He’s always having a good time. He’s the one having real sex.”

Real sex? How is what the other porn actors are doing not real sex? Those who haven’t spent time contemplating Bill Clinton's deposition statements or understanding porn as an illusion machine parallel to Hollywood may find such a statement complicated, but after spending this time with Mark, I’m not surprised that he can just drop something that nuanced and move on. He’s a smart guy. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was pleasantly surprised to find myself having the sorts of pithy, unabashed conversations that I relish with erudite friends. So while we talked about a lot of things, the snippets I’m going to focus on are those that illustrate that most-salient point.

On the power politics of bottoming

    Me: You mentioned earlier that you took a great deal of care in determining who you’d first let top you and the circumstances around it. Why did that mean so much?

Bo: Some of it was my still buying into the idea that I’m giving up something by letting a guy fuck me, which a lot of gay men kind of have to work through. We basically fall into the same trap, or the same socialization that women do. That the act of being penetrated can only be enjoyed by the penetrator, as opposed to it being something that I actively want, and I have control over. This took me some years to kind of think about and sort through. It’s this whole thing of “pained bottom face,” that appears in porn; the idea that being a bottom seems to be degrading somehow.

I think we’ve [the gay community] always kind of sidestepped the criticism that’s hurled at straight porn; that it’s inherently degrading of women. In gay porn we say, because these are all men, there’s no inherent power difference between them. But in fact gay porn almost always privileges the top. It’s seen from his perspective. I understand why that’s true because I’m still capable of responding to a big dick going into a hole, absolutely. But still, it seems like we get pained bottom face more than we get fucking ecstatic bottom face.

Constructing (and being the victim of) our own desires

    Me: How do you feel being a part of an industry that many argue sets impossible standards for gay physical attractiveness?

Bo: Well first of all they’re not impossible, it’s just about how badly you want it. And if you don’t want it badly enough, don’t continue portraying yourself as the victim of advertising, marketing, and the gay porn industry because your desires feed into this. You can only fall prey to this comparison if you put yourself into it. And that’s the part that makes me a little crazy.

I had a guy email me on Manhunt whose opening line was “Oh, you’re so hot I know I could never get the likes of you, I know I’m not in your rank.” This was so stupid. So not sexy. It’s like you’re shooting yourself in the foot. When I came home from Peace Corps I had this ease, this confidence. I was astounded at the men who approached me because of it. I still felt I was a little overweight, unattractive. But this was just some hierarchy I had in my head. My hierarchy didn’t match anyone else’s. So this criticism of gay porn is valid only if you buy into it.

Me: But let’s be honest, you cannot escape the media images. “Just don’t buy into it” is not practical. You cannot walk down Market Street and not see the hotties on the Gay.com ads. Your only hope to escape it is to become hermetic, and that’s more than just “not buying into it.”

Bo: Well, then it’s more about self-centering. I’m thinking about the prominence of the “bear” subculture. There’s bear porn. Bear bars. There’s a BigMuscleBears website. I probably couldn’t get away with posting a profile there. So they’re not buying into my type as a center, and more power to them.

Edgy, nasty, pigs…and bell hooks

[Vocabulary note: A “pig” as a term regarding sexual practice refers to an individual eager to perform any sex act, and particularly what many would consider degrading sex acts.]
    Me: What is the porn industry’s impression of you as a newcomer?

Bo: It’s funny. There’s this assumption about me that I am edgy. And a lot of it was because it was [fisting-specialist] Adam who introduced me to the industry. Plus, I’m very much a blue jeans and t-shirts kind of guy. Partly because I hate clothing. I hate dealing with it. I hate going shopping for it. I don’t own very much. And if your perceived norm of gay men is more fashion-oriented, then somebody who like me who just wears jeans and t-shirts must be kind of edgy. And I’ve got the goatee, and I live in San Francisco. Clearly I must be into leather.

I’ve also been told that when people look at my pictures they see this guy who couldn’t play the innocent boy next door, that I have a ready edgy look on my face…it’s inexplicable to me. I shot for [legendary, out-of-retirement gay porn director] Joe Gage recently and at the end of the day he and I are talking. I mention how I want to come back and work with him again. He says, “I’m amenable to that. And let’s face it, you’re a total pig.” Which is a term I’ve never identified with. And yet I’m now coming into contact with lots of men who do, and I’ve been kind of struggling with it.

It’s not just “pig” either. There are two words that I struggle with, “pig” and “nasty.” Because to me, what that’s all about is that you’re still buying into the idea that you’re still on the margins of sexuality. When you talk about being “nasty”—well, in comparison to what? There’s an implied comparison. And frankly, if want to go get fisted, I don’t want to sit and think, “Oh, I’m so nasty” as if it’s some sort of self-validating thing about how “edgy” the sex I’m having is. I just want to say “I’m enjoying getting fisted,” and have it be just that.

I’m really drawing on bell hooks, a black feminist author from the 80s. One of the things she talks about is margins and centers. It’s kind of basic feminist theory, She just happens to be the person who exposed me to the idea. As soon as you define yourself on the margin, you’ve defined yourself in relation to the center, and in a less powerful position to the center. So when I hear guys talking about “Oh, I’m so nasty” to me you’ve given up some of the power of your sexual expression. You define yourself relative to your perception of what mainstream is. I don’t want to fall into that trap.

So when Joe tells me that I’m a total pig. I think what he meant is that I was into it. There were two guys that I had great chemistry with and I was like, Joe, both of these guys are fuckin’ me. So, we get the scene, and I’m down on my knees in front of two guys, and I’m sucking their dicks and I’m kind of going back and forth, and I really wanted them both in my mouth at the same time. And I kept kind of waiting, it just seems like a standard porn thing, right. The direction never came. Finally I was just like “fuck it” and I’m just going do it. And I did. Joe started saying, “That’s great! Yeah, do that, but turn your face.” There were a couple more times where I thought of some way to make the scene better, and I’d do it. I was the guy doing most of that sort of thing in the shoot. I was the guy having real sex. Not just acting.

But I might just be overreacting to the words “pig” and “nasty” or the tone of voice and not the actual intention of the guys who use it. I might be putting all this theoretical bullshit I have in my head about margins and centers on top of what for them is really a simple statement for them about how much they like sex and how they are as sexual beings. But I’ve really, really had to think through all of this.

I’ve thought through this same stuff, too, while (well, ok, after) watching porn guys go after it. But I’ll admit that during the interview I was a bit surprised to witness one of them thinking about it, too. The whole thing was messing with my clean psychological divisions between the people sexing up my Quicktime player and real people in the world.

As an adolescent, porn was shockingly powerful: Real people, having sexy sex, right there in front of me. I was all hormones and these images were electrifying my developing sex circuits, and almost any porn was enough to satisfy. Psychological maturation, leveling hormone drive, and actual experience of sex changed my young adult relationship with the stuff. Thankfully I had the media literacy to realize that what I was jacking off to wasn’t real sex at all, or even representative of real sex, but a product of an image industry that, like Men’s Health, showed some exaggerated archetype of the real thing. And taken as such, it worked fine. I shifted into a working conception of porn performers. They weren’t the fantasies I had in my head, but close-enough stand-ins. They were a cordial but alien species, come from Planet Pretty to occasionally exchange money for images of their Zipless Fucks.

Mark…I mean Bo… has begun to break that down. When I finally see any of his scenes, (they aren’t available as of this writing) I expect the experience will change from my knowing him, knowing that he’s thought his way into that trussed-up greasy three-way step by step. It’s almost as if that’s who I’d be if I had that moment-in-the-sling epiphany and got myself into porn shape. I’d want to be having non-canon, real sex™ too. And that thought is…sexy.

I don’t know how his plans to be “the thinking man’s porn star” will play out for guys who haven’t made it into his apartment to interview him, but he’s asked for a copy of this writeup—however I write it—for his website, so clearly he wants to leave the line separating Mark from Bo ambiguous, to play with it. Again, pretty smart, I think.

At the risk of unflattering comparisons to Dirk Diggler, I think I should end on one particular thing that Mark mentioned a couple of times in the interview. We spent some time talking about the split between his ENTJ, Richard-Dawkins-loving side and his caution-to-the-wind, Tarot-reading, shake-it-up side. You may be surprised to know that he doesn’t refer to his inner bad boy as the “porn star.” Instead, he refers to it as the “rock star.”

Making Beautiful Music

    Bo: One of the things I realized in Zambia in 2002 was that I had never pursued my heart’s true desire, which is to make music. I’ve had music in my head my entire life. About once a month I’ll be walking down the street, letting my head float, and a bass line will pop into my head. Then without warning the guitar part will come in. Then I can hear the vocal I don’t know what the words are, but I can hear how it would go on top, and in five minutes there’s a song in my head. Then I’ll I think, “That sounds fucking cool. That would be an awesome song.” But I have no tools to capture it, to make it, so it’s lost.

And sometimes, it will happen with lyrics, too. I have tools to capture that, of course, so I’ll sometimes race back home hoping that I remember it. But what more often happens is a phrase pops into my head or a situation pops into my head.

As an example let’s go back to the sex party. Over the course of the next day or two, I was thinking about this first experience in a sling, and this song idea popped into my head. It would be called “Slung” and it’s basically this feeling about being a piece of meat hanging in a butcher window and I’m available for your consumption…but I’ll be there again tomorrow.

I’m intrigued by the idea whatever notoriety I gain by porn I could translate into my musical career. There could be a point where I decide it’s time to take the plunge and the financial security might be shaky for awhile and it’s a lot easier to say, I’m going to go live in a friend’s basement and sell my car and…if I’m not committed to anybody else. So it’s all very hypothetical right now, and I…well I made the comment way earlier that I live in my head anyway so this is just another manifestation of that. You know I’m dead serious. It has to happen. I just need the question resolved.

If you'd like to connect a face to the text and don't mind the explicit pictures, his BigMuscleProfile is public: http://www.bigmuscle.com/orobourical