Confusion 50, YOLD 3190

satellite transmission intercepted from the meta madness of social media, 17 Dec 2023

The one side warns the other side about the dark forebodings of a future dilemma and the other side says 'tend to thine self'. The communists claim the right to look out for the best interests of everybody while the fascists interpret the law to indicate that they are the ones in charge of telling everybody what they can and can't do.
You are free to believe as you wish but you won't convince me of anything.
I have seen the Chaos.

I know this very Catholic lady, I've known her for many years. She sends me a 'Happy Easter, He is risen' text msgs, I love her dearly. One time she asked me 'what faith' I Baptized under and I noted with a grin that I was never Baptized and she very nearly had a heart attack. Seriously, she staggered to a chair and sat down because she couldn't bear the thought of me being stranded in Limbo. I told her that it was ok because I was a Discordian Pope and her eyebrows quivered. "I don't even want to know what that means" she said, and changed the subject to her recent trip to Italy, and then she gave me a vial of magic water from a magic well under a church in Naples. She said that it was Holy. I disagree with many about most everything, though I rarely bother to tell them about it anymore. I used to tell them real quick-like as a matter of standard recourse, but not one of the arguments of the past ever proved a single thing. At the end of my third bout with Atheism, I noted that God didn't care if I thought I was an Atheist. It's all much easier for me to deal with now, because Discordians believe in everything, or nothing, you can decide.

  1. I see scared people thinking out loud.

  2. I don't let scared people tell me what to do.

  3. Que sera sera'

  4. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

  5. I am already dead.

The way I tell the story, Chaos turned to Discord and it was Confusion that reigned. The Bureaucracy was too safe and comfortable, so I sought out the Aftermath. Eventually, the end will become the beginning again, I've come to look forward to those times.

-- Zed Satelite NCCDD 23 KSC!

republished with permission and without supervision

SQ '24