From the Operetta Pirates of Penzance by Gilbert and Sullivan:

GENERAL:  Oh, men of dark and dismal fate,
               Forgo your cruel employ,
          Have pity on my lonely state,
               I am an orphan boy!
KING/SAMUEL:        An orphan boy?
GENERAL:            An orphan boy!
PIRATES:       How sad, an orphan boy.

GENERAL:  These children whom you see
               Are all that I can call my own!
PIRATES:                 Poor fellow!
GENERAL:  Take them away from me,
               And I shall be indeed alone.
PIRATES:                 Poor fellow!
GENERAL:  If pity you can feel,
               Leave me my sole remaining joy--
          See, at your feet they kneel;
          Your hearts you cannot steel
     Against the sad, sad tale of the lonely orphan boy!
PIRATES:  (sobbing)      Poor fellow!
          See at our feet they kneel;
          Our hearts we cannot steel
     Against the sad, sad tale of the lonely orphan boy!
SAMUEL:   The orphan boy!
add KING:                The orphan boy!
          See at our feet they kneel;
          Our hearts we cannot steel
     Against the tale of the lonely orphan boy!
PIRATES:                 Poor fellow!


    GENERAL (aside)           GIRLS (aside)           PIRATES (aside) 
I'm telling a terrible   He is telling a terrible If he's telling a
     story                    story,                   terrible story 
But it doesn't diminish  Which will tend to       He shall die by a death
     my glory;                diminish his             that is gory 
For they would have           glory;              Yes, one of the
     taken my daughters  Though they would have        cruellest
Over the billowy waters,      taken his                slaughters 
                              daughters           That ever were known in
                         Over the billowy waters,      these waters; 
If I hadn't, in elegant  It is easy, in elegant   It is easy, in elegant
     diction,                 diction.                 diction, 
Indulged in an innocent  To call it an innocent   To call it an innocent
     fiction,                 fiction,                 fiction 
Which is not in the same But it comes in the same But it comes in the same
     category                 category                 category 
As a regular terrible    As telling a regular     As telling a regular
     story.                   terrible story.          terrible story. 

KING:     Although our dark career
               Sometimes involves the crime of stealing,
          We rather think that we're
               Not altogether void of feeling.
          Although we live by strife,
               We're always sorry to begin it,
          For what, we ask, is life
               Without a touch of Poetry in it?
                                                      (all kneel)

ALL:      Hail, Poetry, thou heav'n-born maid!
               Thou gildest e'en the pirate's trade.
          Hail, flowing fount of sentiment!
               All hail, all hail, divine emollient!
                                                       (all rise)

KING:     You may go, for you're at liberty, our pirate rules
               protect you,
          And honorary members of our band we do elect you!
SAMUEL:   For he is an orphan boy!
CHORUS:   He is!  Hurrah for the orphan boy!
GENERAL:  And it sometimes is a useful thing
               To be an orphan boy.
CHORUS:   It is!  Hurrah for the orphan boy!
          Hurrah for the orphan boy!
ENSEMBLE: Oh, happy day, with joyous glee
          They will away and married be!
          Should it befall auspiciously,
          Her (Our) sisters all will bridesmaids be!

     (RUTH enters and comes down to FREDERIC)

RUTH:     Oh, master, hear one word, I do implore you!
          Remember Ruth, your Ruth, who kneels before you!
PIRATES:  Yes, yes, remember Ruth, who kneels before you!
FREDERIC: Away, you did deceive me!
PIRATES:  (Threatening RUTH)  Away, you did deceive him!
RUTH:     Oh, do not leave me!
PIRATES:  Oh, do not leave her!
FREDERIC: Away, you grieve me!
PIRATES:  Away, you grieve him!
FREDERIC: I wish you'd leave me!  (FREDERIC casts RUTH from him)
PIRATES:  We wish you'd leave him!

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