Confusion 50, YOLD 3190

   Given the caveat that there are always more than two sides, as well as no sides at all, playing both sides means manipulating the opposing sides of an argument, conflict, competition, etc., against one another for one's benefit or amusement. It can also mean aiding, engaging, or supporting both sides of some issue, situation, agenda, competition, etc. The phrase usually implies doing so in a duplicitous manner to further one's own objectives, though not always...

Here are seven possible ways a Discordian might potentially play both sides:

  1. Embrace Chaos: Discordians revel in chaos and disorder. They might intentionally create confusion or challenge established norms.

  2. Question Everything: Discordians question authority, dogma, and certainty. They challenge conventional wisdom with an uncertain embrace.

  3. Golden Apple Diplomacy: Like Eris and her golden apple that sparked the Trojan War, Discordians use humor and mischief to provoke change while revealing hidden truths.

  4. Non-Combative Zenarchy: Discordians follow the concept of Zenarchy, advocating for non-combative approaches to social change. They play both sides by subverting power structures.

  5. Balance Order and Disorder: While chaos is celebrated, Discordians recognize the need for balance. They play both sides by appreciating Harmonia and Discordia.

  6. Erisian Pranks and Discordian Jakes: Discordians engage in playful pranks to locate deeper messages. They disrupt the status quo while spreading laughter. Operation Mindfuck, anyone?

  7. Meta-Paradoxes: Discordians love paradoxes. They might play both sides by embracing contradictions, blurring boundaries, persuading parity, and challenging fixed beliefs.

Remember, Discordianism thrives on absurdity. creativity, and unpredictability, so these ways are more like delightful suggestions than strict rules, amongst other things. Or not.

SQ '24