Happy Birthday blowdart !!
Hot Bugs have been screaming in the early morning heat when I leave for the gym. Some perv from a nearby Hotel was videotaping us when I came out last Friday. Hid behind his camrea and slinked away like the snake he was when I saw him. My workouts are up to an hour, 3 d
ays a week and three mile walks 5 days a week. The last
two weeks I've noticed that I feel stronger and healthier than I have since illness first struck 6 years ago now. Two years ago May 18th I was taken off all meds, six months later I went back to working out. Walking and working out became a lifestyle for me in 1988. It's good to have it back. Eighteen months it's taken to get back my strength I NEVER thought it could happen. Absolutly amazing what the human mind and body can endure and still recover. Fortitude best describes it!
Number One Son has been promoted at work so I see less and less of him. Thinking of him moving out one day truly saddens me, but he'll be fine. Both boys have been pretty much 'cordless' since illness turned my topsey turvey. I've resorted to dancing by his room when he has company and the music is too loud. They all grin and shut the door. No one knows ...so don't tell on me.... I've set the Universal Remote up so I can slip it under his door and turn down the stereo. Isn't SCIENCE amazing!!
The A/C out at my husband's restaurant. We stopped in after a visit to the dentist and he was soaked in sweat. Nothing but fans and indoor swamps running. With the ovens and grills running and temps outside over 100ºF it's no wonder the poor guy's been coming home exhausted. I finally convinced him to at least wear short sleeved dress shirts till they get it fixed. By Friday so they say.
Number Two Son, his friend Corey and I went to see Gladiator violent is some scenes, but an excellent story nonetheless.
My neighbor insists that I call her and make her walk with me and it's the last thing I sincerely want to do. I've tutored all her kids except one and every time they have problems at school I get an earful. She's gone from homeschooling to private to public schools with them. Moving around so much as a kid I always wanted my boys to go to the same school. We're lucky that we live in an excellent school district for public schools. I finally started charging $40 an hour (the normal rate here) to tutor her kids and that was the end of that, or so I thought. It's frustrating to hear her go on so about these kids that I've known since birth. Hubby says to just go on without her but it's not my nature to do so. I think I will though. I treasure my walks as a time to think and relax.
AT&TWorldNet has crossed that fine line of harassment this week will node about that today.
Lately I've wondered if all that I've done to teach, raise my children, be a good wife and grow up (I can be hopelessly silly sometimes) has made a difference in this world. I come from a fairly well known family and have had big footsteps to follow in and measure up. Some of my reflections from my walks have brought to mind the parable from Matthew 13: 1-9 It's really the first parable I understood. One of not wasting resources in places where growth would be slow to respond or not at all. An epiphany of sorts gained this week ~ whether the seed of my effort will grow well or not at all is not for me to determine. The money time and talent used well in obedience to God is not for me to judge. If God gives me the opportunity, my job is to sow, not to analyze the soil.
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not reurn there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout...so shall my word be... it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose.
- Isaiah 55:10-11 (NRSV)