Everything Japanese Encyclopedia::Japanese People
After 1662 entries, the Everything Japanese Encyclopedia became too big to fit in a single volume.
After much deliberation, it was decided that the EJE would be broken up into separate tomes; this is one of those.
This portion of the EJE is devoted to the nihonjin scattered about Everything2.
If, during your wanderings through the nodegel, you spot a node that has been overlooked by the watchful eyes of the Encyclopedists, drop me a /msg.
Japanese People
- Artists
- Actors
- Anime/Manga
- Musicians
- Visual Artists
- Writers
- Akio Morita (Writer, cofounder of Sony)
- Akutagawa Ryunosuke (Poet and Author)
- Amy Yamada (Novelist) (Added by Shro0m)
- Basil Hall Chamberlain (Writer on Japanese culture, translator)
- Chikamatsu Monzaemon (Playwright)
- Edogawa Ranpo (Detective Story Author) (Added by Shro0m)
- Edwin O. Reischauer (US ambassador to Japan, author)
- Endo Shusaku (Author)
- Ichiyo Higuchi (Poet and novelist)
- Ishihara Shintaro (Writer, Governor of Tokyo)
- Junichiro Tanizaki (Novelist)
- Kakuzo Okakura (Cultural conservationist, art historian, author) (Added by Oolong)
- Kawahigashi Hekigodo
- Kenzaburo Oe (Author)
- Kobo Abe (Novelist) (Added by Shro0m)
- Lafcadio Hearn (1st to write about Japanese culture in English) (Added by mauler)
- Murakami Haruki (Author)
- Murakami Ryu (Novelist)
- Murasaki Shikibu (Author)
- Natsume Soseki (Novelist, poet, essayist) (Added by Shro0m)
- Osamu Dazai (Author) (Added by gn0sis)
- Ougai Mori (Author)
- Poets
- Tawada Yoko (Novelist)
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo (Author of Hagakure, Samurai, Buddhist Monk)
- Yasunari Kawabata (Author, Winner of the Nobel Prize)
- Yoichiro Kondo (Bartender, writer) (Added by Shro0m)
- Yoshida Kenko (Zen Monk, Poet, Essayist)
- Yukio Mishima (Hiraoka Kimitake) (Novelist)
- Athletes
- Chushiro Hayashi (Astrophysicist) (Added by liveforever)
- Fukuzawa Yukichi (Scholar)
- Hideki Yukawa (Theoretical Physicist) (Added by Shro0m)
- Ishikawa Goemon (Legendary thief)
- Kukai (Creator of Hiragana and Katakana)
- Matthew Perry ('Opener' of Japan)
- Nude Models/Porn Stars
- Philip Franz von Siebold (Collector of Japanese cultural artifacts)
- Politics
- Religion
- Royalty
- Sada Abe
- Seiji Koga
- Shibasaburo Kitasato (Microbiologist) (Added by liveforever)
- Takuma Mamoru (Mass murderer)
- Toshihiro Nagoshi (Video game designer)
- Warriors/Martial Artists
- Yashuma Neiboku (Scholar)
- Yasumasa Kanada (Computer Scientist)
- Yodo-gimi (Wife of Toyotomi Hideyoshi) (Added by bobbb21)
- Yoshihisa Maitani (Camera Designer) (Added by megan_of_wutai)