"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to "steal" ideas from many is research." -Anon-
/==-==\ American Mythology-=*=- Aesop's Fables-=*=- Arthurian Mythology-=*=- Australian Mythology-=*=- Aztec Mythology-=*=- Celtic Mythology-=*=- Chinese Mythology-=*=- Christian Mythology-=*=- Egyptian Mythology-=*=- Etruscan Mythology-=*=- Finnish Mythology-=*=- Folklore Mythology-=*=- Greek and Roman Mythology-=*=- Haitian Mythology-=*=- Hindu Mythology-=*=- Hittite Mythology-=*=- Incan Mythology-=*=- Japanese Mythology-=*=- Korean Mythology-=*=- Latvian Mythology-=*=- Mayan Mythology-=*=- Mesopotamian Mythology-=*=- Native American Mythology-=*=- Norse Mythology-=*=- Persian Mythology-=*=- Polynesian Mythology-=*=- The Zodiac
A A Bao A Qu Abominable Snowman Abracadabra Acadine Acheri Adamastor Ahes Ahkiyyini Aino Alatyr Alfar Alp Alrunes Alves Alyosha Popovitch Amphisbæna Amulet Anjanas Ankou Johnny Appleseed Asrai Auld Clootie B Baba Yaga Balan Balin Banshee Baobhan Sith Barbegazi Barghest Basilisk Bean Nighe Bean Sidhe Sir Bedivere La Befana Bendith Y Mamau Old Bendy Bernardo del Caprio Bertha Bicorn Biersal Bigfoot Billy Blin Bishop-fish Black Annis Black Dog Black Donald Blarney Stone Blemmyes Bloodybones Bogeyman Boggart Bogie Bolla Boobrie Booyan The Bridge at Arta Brownie Bruin Bucca Buggane Paul Bunyan Bwca C Cader Idris Caladbolg Cathleen Ni Coolihan Catoblepas Ceffyl-Dwr Chichevache Cirein croin Clootie Colbronde Colt-pixy Corrigan Cusith D Dana o'Shee Daoine maite Daoine Sidhe Davy Jones Dobrynya Nikititch Dones d'aigua Doppelgänger Dragon Durandal Dwarf Dyeduska Vodyanoy E Each uisge Elf Ellyon Erlking Erreka-Mari F Fachan Fairy Fay Fear Liath More Feeorin Fenoderee Fetch Feux follets Fifinella Fir Darrig Firebird Firedrake Flying Dutchman Foawr Folklore Frau Hütt Frau Welt Friar Tuck G Gabbara Gagana Gamayun Garafena Gargouille Gargoyle Ghillie Dhu Ghoul Giant Glaistig Glas Ghaibhneach Glashtyn Gnome Goblin Golem Gorgoniy Gorgonya Green Man Gremlin Griffin Grim Reaper Guadiana Guaxa Gwrach y Rhibyn Gwragedd Annwn Gwyllion Guytrash H Haferbock Hag Halottlato Havelock the Dane Hedley Kow Heinzelmännchen Herne Hippogriff Hobgoblin Holger Danske I Igosha Ilya Muromets Incubus Indrik the beast Itchetiky Ivan Tsarevich J Jabberwocky Jack Frost Jack o' Lantern Jack o' the bowl Jack-in-Irons Jenny Greenteeth Jinn K Kabouter Kaukis Kelpie Kenne Killmoulis Kludde Knocker Kobold Koszcey Kraken Kriksy Kullervo Kulshedra L La Bafona La Llorona Lamiñas Leanan Sidhe Lemminkäinen Leprechaun Liderc The Little Dutch Boy Little Red Ridinghood Lliannan-She Lorelei St Lucy Lunantishee Lutin M Queen Mab Mahr Maize Mamur Mandrake Manoa Manticore Mara Marinka Meigas Mephistopheles Mermaid Merrow Mielikki Mimis Monster of Loch Ness Morgue le Faye Muryans N Naecken Nain Rouge Nick Nixes Nocnitsa Nuberu Nuckelavee O Ogier the Dane Ogre Ojancanu Oliver Orc Orlando Ouzelum Bird P Pecos Bill Queen Pedauque Peg Powler Pey Phynnodderee Pigwidgin Pixie Plaksy Plant Rhys Dwfen Portunes Prester John Puck Pwwca Q R Red Cap Revenant River of the Princess Roc Rübezahl Rusalka S Saci Sand-Man Santa Claus Sasquatch Scheherezade Scratch Sea Serpent Sea Witches Seelie Court Selkie Shellycoat The Shivering Boy Sidhe The Sleeping Beauty Sluag Sluagh Spriggan Sprite Stray Sod Succubus Swan May Sylph Szepasszony T Taltos Tangie Tarbh uisge Tatzlwurm Thule Tiddy Ones Tomte Trasgu Trenti Troll Trow Tutivillus Tylwyth Teg U Undine Unicorn Unseelie Court Urisk V Vadleany Väinänöinen Vampire Vitore Vodnik Vszogos gyermek W Walpurgis Night Wandering Jew Water Leaper Werewolf Will-o'-the-wisp Witte Wieven Wyvern X Xanas Xindhi Y Yali Yeti Z
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