- Insects do so much the rest of the world never notices.
- Show me dear Christ, thy spouse so bright and clear
- I want the stars so bright they make me breathless
- So rectangular a world we live in
- When did the World get so old?
- The world is bleak and horrible and depressing, so I'm going to set it on fire and laugh
- so utterly of the coming world
- the luckiest girl in the world (so stellar, so astronomically astounding)
- So Long, Mom (A Song for World War III)
- The world through a filter so thin of you
- If God is good, why is there so much suffering in the world?
- bright
- Bright Lights, Big City
- Bright Angel
- Bright's disease
- A young lady named Bright
- bright room
- bright ideas
- not very bright
- Bright Star, Would I were Steadfast as Thou Art
- Bright Eyes
- A Bright Red Scream
- if you're lucky, they fuse into something bright and astonishing
- You Bright And Risen Angels
- All Things Bright and Beautiful
- Bright Side Of The Sun
- Bright Sun
- Frisky, most silver, serene -- bright step at the margins of air, you tiny colossus and winsome and master me, easy in sunlight, you gracious one come to me, live in my life
- bright future behind it
- One Bright Day
- A Bright Shining Lie
- Reuben Bright
- Bright and falsely cheerful
- Bright Star
- Moon Burns Bright
- brights
- Bright Blue Gorilla
- Bright College Years
- Bill Bright
- Bright Size Life
- Ring of Bright Water
- In the high bright window
- Beast's Bright Eyes
- The Bright Sun Brings it to Light
- Bright the Vision that Delighted
- John Bright
- Star Light, Star Bright
- Burning Bright
- The bright woman is caught in a double bind
- Palms of Glory, Raiment Bright
- Turn on the Bright Lights
- The Bright Field Incident
- October's Bright Blue Weather
- The stars were bright that night she left me forever
- bright (user)
- The Bright Red Spot in Cho's Cheeks
- Bright citrus stir fry
- The Brights
- The Bright Man
- Red aura, she looked bright
- Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
- Stone, Steel and Bright Lights
- Bright Leaves
- Bright Young Things
- Bright Paper Werewolves
- the bright sun, your eye
- A star that shines twice as bright burns for half as long
- left everything on his desk and walked out into the bright sunlight
- Bright Young People
- the light too bright, the day too long
- They looked up at their moon and saw a peculiar bright spot
- For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, who art as black as hell, as dark as night.
- Bright idea
- bright bulb
- Bright Smurf (user)
- Starlight, star bright, starboard is to the right.
- Bright Morning stars are rising
- Bright Red
- Raise My Sword of Right to the Bright and Shining Light
- boron has bright orange hair, and Bruce Willis can make it boil at 4200K
- Your Future Looks Bright
- The moon shines bright on my old kentucky home
- Tiger, tiger, burning bright
- some day i hope to shine very bright
- His eyes shine bright with cruelty and unnatural lust
- The sun rises in spite of everything brand the far cities are beautiful and bright.
- Bright Valiant (user)
- a boy cries behind the bright screen of his phone; another lays mumbling about a ballads of his misfortune
- The lantern will stay bright under my watchful eyes. This is what we must attend to.
- grasshopper
- The Ants and the Grasshopper
- The Grasshopper and the Owl
- Flying Grasshopper
- The Ant and the Grasshopper: The New Version
- You have much to learn, Grasshopper
- knee high to a grasshopper
- The Australian Grasshopper
- Since I was knee-high to a grasshopper
- On the Grasshopper and Cricket
- The Grasshopper Lies Heavy
- Masshole Grasshopper Unit (collaboration)
- The Wooden-Legged Grasshopper
- grasshopper (user)
- Song of Ceber 20: Grasshopper
- The Grasshopper
- so far
- So Sue Me
- So it goes
- So
- Why we are so afraid
- It's so crazy it just might work
- So I Married an Axe Murderer
- I had not thought death had undone so many
- Why do we treat them so well?
- The world is greatful you decided to push the wagon.
- You're so money
- Don't stand so close to me
- U2 Faraway So Close
- So close yet so far away
- As above, so below
- so good
- God can create a stone so heavy even he can't lift it
- Knowing doesn't mean so much
- Why would a god let so many of his "flock" stray?
- every so often
- Not wanting to sleep so the next day won't start
- Why so Pale and Wan
- I miss you, damn you for being so damn amazing
- So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish
- so I land at LaGuardia
- And so it goes
- Aye' Are So Dunk
- And so, I left
- So far, so good
- So You Want to Be a Wizard
- American girls are all so easy
- You're So Vain
- São Tomé and Príncipe
- I told you so
- So what ever happened to Yahweh's drinking buddies?
- so to speak
- Why are we all so troubled?
- Because I say so
- I don't want to fall so easily
- It's not so much that I like him as a person God, but as a boy he's very handsome
- Me So Horny
- You're too young to be so old
- right so
- Now that we're being so open and honest
- make it so
- So, who is this Webster 1913 guy, anyway?
- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past
- Not so hot
- Not so kosher
- Why is high school so horrible?
- I'm so toasty, you could spread jam on me
- Just So Stories
- You so truly know your inner plankton, it is a revelation
- So charmingly heathen, your skin is like a teardrop on a popsicle
- Why it is so hard to be yourself
- coffee so thick it sticks to your spoon
- If the IRA are "terrorists," so were the French Resistance against the Nazis
- Why do people on TV eat so much?
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