- Until I die there will be sounds. And they will continue following my death. One need not fear about the future of music.
- There are times when they seem to be right
- The next time they would come, I would not be here.
- Sometimes people will tell you that there are no options and they will be wrong.
- They try to be quiet but you know they are there with their weird coppery breath.
- They Might Be Giants
- Dammit, those barricades have to be around here somewhere!
- There Must Be Someone
- There can be only one
- When I stop going there, I will be well.
- They say the prettiest girls get to be angels
- And Man Said, "Let There Be God."
- Here Be the Giants Chapter 1
- Because the weather is always beautiful, they don't even know that storms can be beautiful too.
- there are some things that can only be said at the top of a ferris wheel
- There will be nobody there to shed a tear
- There's got to be a way to make it sweeter, a little more like lemon meringue
- Things never were what they used to be
- Recessive traits aren't what they used to be
- Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
- you can give up, but there will always be those who do not
- but my dreams, they aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
- There is no place in suburbia for beauty
- There's a sign on the wall. But she wants to be sure. Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
- They knew what our pain would be.
- Let there be another next time
- If people weren't meant to be eaten, they wouldn't be made of meat!
- Here Be Dragons
- Some things that fly there be
- Here Be Monsters
- No One Here Is Ever Going to be President: Noders raise things in the city where things fall down
- On the comet there will be much pie
- I wouldn't be here if my judgement wasn't clouded
- Pirates and ninjas: why they should be friends but can't be
- There will never be another you
- I really came to understand that they were just real people who wanted to live real lives and be treated equally as opposed to, for example, wanting to destroy us.
- but you should be right here, right next to me
- If there were more people like you, there would be less people
- If not for bras there would be far too little between men and breasts.
- Death Be Not Proud
- Here Be the Giants Chapter 3
- Don't ever lie. If you lie to your friends, they won't trust you, and you'll have nothing, and you'll never be safe.
- Be patient, you will get your patent. And they will pat you on the back.
- There Will Be Pieces of You
- and i just want to be there when the lightning strikes
- They will be lucky for you. Allah favors the compassionate.
- they tell you to be your true self. to never give up on who you are. they don't know who i am.
- in a world where the bar keeps seeming to be lower, where stupidity has got a foothold, there is room for excellence and uncompromising vision
- Is There In Truth No Beauty?
- every horse can be tamed by someone. but they don't always live at the same time.
- We must remember them or they cease to be.
- You will know your action. You are present there, not thinking of somewhere else you ought to be.
- Here be Cows
- lest there should be among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood
- Who Will Be There
- There will be time, there will be time, to prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet
- Automobile tire pressure
- It Makes a Fellow Proud to Be a Soldier
- There need to be more powers
- Moments such as these are superfluous to my life; nevertheless, they deserve to be remembered.
- you had to be there
- You gotta be dead to get your music played here.
- There shall be no more cakes and ale?
- In such bounty there can be no shortage
- WARNING: Noders May Not Be What They Seem to Be
- Beautiful things should be left alone lest they become just another thing that we should throw away.
- there will be a last
- When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.
- taters haster be peelt an' boilt fore they kin be masht an' et
- I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh and they shall be drunk with their own blood like wine
- I've read books so I know things that sound like they could be true
- And there will be whores and rumors of whores
- There need to be better terms in English for "significant others"
- What am I doing here when I could be swimming with the dolphins?
- People tell us who they are, but we ignore it, because we want them to be who we want them to be.
- Here Be The Giants Chapter 2
- i'll still be here tomorrow
- Suicide is punishable by resurrection. There will be no exceptions.
- Eyes are the windows to the soul, but there are some windows that should never be opened
- This is how it appears on Wikipedia and they tend to be somewhat anal about grammar, so I'm trusting this is correct
- nor was there anything to be attained that you didn't already have
- there are people who are gone but wanted me to be happy
- it's good for me to go and not have there be words
- The Ten Commandments revised
- In the spark of an enemy, there will be salvation
- Frontiers are not easy, nor are they meant to be
- can i be buried here among the dead?
- will my heart be there, where I left it so long ago?
- if everyone were 10% more good, there would be a 90% reduction in evil
- we are starving because we are afraid of our own hearts, and there must be another way
- If there were more people like you, there would be more people
- it would be in everybody’s best interest if there were more creative and critical thinkers analyzing the situation and broadcasting their observations
- They shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever
- Notes on ruining the beauty of barren places by being there
- There and Back Again in Search of Beauty
- There is beauty in the wild flowers that grow randomly among our wheat.
- play dumb
- To Be There
- Will You Be Here Tomorrow?
- there must be something positive about this; I just can't think of it at the moment
- I'm not even supposed to BE here today!
- But, my dear sir, if you educate them, they will no longer be Baptists
- How precious can human life be? There are six billion people on the planet!
- There will be time
- We knew there would be kissing, and breasts
- Most adults forget what it was like to be a child once they hit a certain age
- Pray ferverently to what gods there be
- When, if ever, will there be permanent peace in the Balkans?
- Where's the kaboom?
- If you behave there will be cake for the miscreants we call your brothers
- There could still be a reunion of The Band
- The mailbomb from the Christian Fundamentalists I pissed off should be here any day now
- Should there be a statute of limitations on being a jerk?
- Be a problematic duck over there
- It Will Always Be Here For You
- There should be laws requiring electric cars to make the Jetsons flying car noise
- We try to be friendly here. Those who are not friendly will be shot.
- In the future, hairstyles will be just like they are now
- Limiting the number of fuzzy shirts allowed in one room
- If you lived here, you'd be home now
- If there were a slight, let it be fulsome
- Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You
- There has to be a better way to make human beings
- The Enigmatic Head of They Might Be Giants
- There is some place I need to be
- We couldn't be anywhere else but here
- Art is whatever makes you proud to be human.
- There was never supposed to be an Episode 7, 8, or 9
- I don't want to be here when you don't call.
- If everyone had a flower instead of a gun, there would be no more war
- Someday, someone will be here unearthing my bones
- Where have my wings gone? They are hidden, embarrassed to be seen.
- There will be no more stories to read
- There is a space between your shoulders where your wings used to be
- Be Here Now
- Spiral, spin, ride the whirlwind, knowing when the drumming stops, there will be no second dance
- If all you did was node, your writeups wouldn't be very interesting, would they?
- One day, E2 will attain sentience. And I'll be there to see it.
- There ought to be limits to freedom
- And then Satan said, Let there be cricket ball.
- They will not be named!
- There Will Be Blood
- They be killin' some hog over thar'.....
- Don't trust Elves; they may want to be your friends
- Be there or be square
- Your noise would not be missed here.
- The sky will hold them. They will be an ocean apart.
- Six reasons -- er, four reasons -- why maybe there could be a (nontheistic) God
- The Saudis were terrified that someone was going to be a better Muslim than they were
- The video cuts out here; nothing more can be determined from the tape.
- Birds are not to be allowed to die here
- throw them away; there will be individually-wrapped replacements
- they does not know what it might be to live without them
- if i'm right, you'll be here to read this any day now
- people do, on the whole, have the right to be who they want to be
- panamaus does the Antipodes, or Get yer shorts on Sydney, there be a NoderParty!
- Real hackers start their own IRC networks so that they can't be traced by the FBI
- There must be something terribly wrong with me. Sometimes I feel like I haven't learned anything.
- I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to your leader, and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity.
- To women, to hide their teeth, if they be rotten or rusty
- thoughts and ideas ought to be convoluted, because the things and people that they represent are equally so
- They left the streets stained with blood, and their howling could be heard long after they were gone
- If we define things as unreal, they may still be real in their consequences
- If Christianity were true, why would there still be any Jews?
- all the cute guys will be there
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