Browse through the latest editor selections below, or choose a specific editor (or former editor) to see what they've endorsed:
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HTML symbol referenceavalyn
Fresh rioting began at dusk Tuesdayizubachi
flying boatsmartalix
Human sacrifice and the AztecsGorgonzola
Dirty Harrysmartalix
Gloria AnzaldĂșa Memorial QuestDejaMorgana
To Love Everythingizubachi
Lesser known female artistsLometa
Saving Private Ryanmauler
I had forgotten the bear's name, and could not find my way home to the Thousand Acre woodgrundoon
Treatise on Time (You Fucko)izubachi
F-14 TomcatDejaMorgana
Helping someone who practices self-mutilationTheDeadGuy
The Fisher KingTheDeadGuy
Chaos theoryborgo
Five sonnets of vanityIWhoSawTheFace
The DoorsTheDeadGuy
Gospel of JudasJD
The streets are old and dirty and old and I like themizubachi
Lyme diseaseLometa
Vivien LeighLometa
Puberty seems to depress young womenTheDeadGuy
Surviving a long-distance plane flightkthejoker
How to install Linux on a dead badgerDejaMorgana
Paul Robesonpanamaus
Love CanalLometa
Other things nobody tells you about the south poleLometa
The semi-fictional life of every real womanLometa
Don't give upavalyn
I was tired. It was late. She was Russian.DejaMorgana
March 29, 2006Lucy-S
Elvis Presleyborgo
March 28, 2006Jack
John Peelgrundoon
RumourQuest 2006kthejoker
Shadow of the ColossusXWiz
every partial order can be extended to a total ordersmartalix
Gone in Sixty Seconds 2006 - Theatre Quest EntriesExcalibur
Parkinson's diseaseLometa
The HoursLometa
Tamara de LempickaLometa
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