Cover Page
Preface to the Second and Revised Edition, 1884
1. Of the Nature of Flatland 2. Of the Climate and Houses in Flatland 3. Concerning the Inhabitants of Flatland 4. Concerning the Women 5. Of our Methods of Recognizing one another 6. Of Recognition by Sight 7. Concerning Irregular Figures 8. Of the Ancient Practice of Painting 9. Of the Universal Colour Bill 10. Of the Suppression of the Chromatic Sedition 11. Concerning our Priests 12. Of the Doctrine of our Priests
13. How I had a Vision of Lineland 14. How I vainly tried to explain the nature of Flatland 15. Concerning a Stranger from Spaceland 16. How the Stranger vainly endeavoured to reveal to me in words the mysteries of Spaceland 17. How the Sphere, having in vain tried words, resorted to deeds 18. How I came to Spaceland, and what I saw there 19. How, though the Sphere shewed me other mysteries of Spaceland, I still desired more; and what came of it 20. How the Sphere encouraged me in a Vision 21. How I tried to teach the Theory of Three Dimensions to my Grandson, and with what success 22. How I then tried to diffuse the Theory of Three Dimensions by other means, and of the result
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