yesterday i went whitewater rafting. another girl (jill -- she rules) from work and her boyfriend (dan) who works in the building, craig and i somewhat crashed the party. another company in the building has many outings and activities, and this one i was invited along. it was fun. the river was a bit low making the rapids a bit dissapointing, but it was still an amazing day. exercise in the outdoors rules. far better than work, NO DOUBT. the weather was perfect. not so hot as to be uncomfortable, and not so cold as to make the water feel freezing. $48 for a charter bus ride to the put-in, lunch, rafting, dinner and beer is a great deal.

it's going to rain today. i love the rain when i don't have plans to be outside. i'm glad the rain held off until today. i hope we get a good soaking and some nice loud thunder and lightning to add interest to the day.

i noticed the new node "men who judge women by their books". i love it. i don't know what my bookshelves would say about me. lots of heinlein, frank herbert, ray bradbury. tons of reference books (primarily about mathematics, human biology, botany and psychotropic/entheogenic plants) . my geek books are kept at work, so none of that is at home (though there wasn't a distinction about the location of the books). Ryu Murakami, Pat Frank (Alas, Babylon!), Chris van Allsburg, and buttloads more. currently i am reading several books: The Past Through Tomorrow (Robert Heinlein), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams), and Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov). i have different books i keep in different locations... The Past Through Tomorrow is my on-the-toilet book, Lolita is my in-the-bathtub book, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is my before-bed book.