Alarm clocks are not tactful devices. Why should they be? "BEEP BEEP BEEP" is alarm clock speak for "Get out of bed, you've only got a few minutes to throw on a shirt (leave the pajama pants on, there’s not time!) slip on your shoes, grab your backpack and bolt off to class, dash in the door and into your desk before the professor calls roll or you'll lose ten percent of your letter grade on your next exam!"

Good morning!

Another day starts in a frantic panic, just like the last, a trend that continues hour to hour, day to day, week to week, month to month. Lives are lived on fast forward in these times. Fast cars are driven to fast-food drive-through windows, pull up to fast-bank machines and get pulled over for speeding by cops in their own fast cars. Nights are spent watching the television news and the television sit-coms on a hundred different channels, each accessible instantaneously with the touch of a button. Our favorite shows break after seven eight nine ten minutes to give us short advertisements for pre-packaged lunches, espresso machines, ginseng enhanced super drinks, running shoes, and other quick fix quick answer gimmicks (Ten minute abs! CLICK One-minute rice! CLICK Pizza delivered in thirty minutes or less! CLICK More! CLICK Better! CLICK Faster! CLICK CLICK CLICK)

Everyone is running away from it, raging against it. The know they have to keep writhing, keep moving, like sharks in a slowly draining swimming pool, because if they know that if they stop they will be stricken with the malady that plagues these fast-forward times.
