Insomnia. Sort of.

For the 6th day this week I was unable to sleep more than four hours. I need nine, usually get 7, and have been as short as two for a few days recently. Y was also unable to sleep more than 4 hours, so we got up, ate lunch, and watched part of Sneakers.

The apartment complex where we live has a new concierge, and they had a party at the clubhouse Saturday evening to introduce him. We went for the food, mostly. The concierge is about 5'4, talkative but not energetic, and drives a blue Miata. Apparently his job entails watering plants and driving people to the airport. We're fairly certain that he's a friend of Dorothy.

So we got some rice and fruit and sat down at the back of the pool area. A man and a woman sat down near us a few minutes later, with their baby. She said "Hi, I'm Robin, and this is my husband Jeff," which I repeated afterwards every hour or so, after we left the party:

Hi, I'm Robin, and this is my husband Jeff.
Hi, I'm Robin, and this is my husband Jeff.
Hi, I'm Robin, and this is my husband Jeff.
Hi, I'm Robin, and this is my husband Jeff.
Hi, I'm Robin, and this is my husband Jeff.

Jeff is a pediatrician. Robin likes the Linens n' Things store and had a huge bruise or removed cyst on the backside of her left thigh.

Another guy sat down next to them a few minutes later. They ask him what he does, of course, and he said that he works on cars.

Robin persisted in using "y'all" to talk to this one guy, saying later that she was born and raised in Delaware but liked to say "y'all." It's plural, Robin. She left to get cake, and the car guy then asked Jeff something about the baby, Abby. Jeff said "Yeah, she used to have even more hair than this. That was before the chemotherapy."

I knew he was joking, but the other guy was silently freaking out, you could tell. He said "Really?" And Jeff said, no, not really. Holy shit, what a comedy killer. A pediatrician joking about his own baby going through chemo. Ha ha.

I won 6 movie passes in a raffle. Yay!

After the party (which was barren, considering how many people live in the complex), we went to the store. I'll skip that part. It wouldn't be amusing, not that any of this day log necessarily is.

After picking up some water and pretzels at the store we went to see The Godfather at the Museum of Art's outdoor cinema. We took two pillows and a blanket. Y was asleep through most of it, and I had a few catnaps though fortunately did not miss the horsehead scene. I had completely covered myself with the side of the comforter so it looked like we had just come there to sleep. Then we left early and I went to work.

And here I sit at work, trying to hear my Audio Paragon 80s music while getting blasted with the manager's Dirty Dancing soundtrack and Neil Diamond CD.