Tasklist for June 8, 2000
Season -
Current Status:
Age: 16
Mood: Bored, Slightly Depressed
Job: Unemployed
Car: 1995 Saturn SL1 w/ Factory System
Girlfriend: Single
Best Friends: Good Relationship (we've been hanging out a lot more lately)
Things to be started and finished today
- Read: Chapter 2, Programming Perl
- Read: Chapter 1, Teach Yourself C++
- Read: Chapter 1, Using Visual Basic 6
- Read: Chapter 1, Schuam's Outlines: College Physics
- Locate: Copy of Neuromancer
- Read: Whatever chapter I'm on in Neuromancer
- Install: ChemASAP! program from CD-ROM
- Task: Drive to Petsmart and obtain application (they didn't have any yesterday...)
- Task: Return application to Suncoast
- Task: Pick up Ingredients for Sweet and Sour Pork
- Task: Pick up some rice
- Task: Make copy of Dr. Dre CD and send back original copy of CD along with Mix CD.
Things to be started today and possibly finished today
- Movie: Watch Heat
- Movie: Watch Tommy Boy
- Work: Clean bedroom
- Work: Clean office
- Work: Clean out car and use wet-vac
- Work: Fix loose speaker in car
- Work: Clean out garage so both cars can be parked
Tommorow > >