I just got my postcard signed by Jesus and Henry Miller in the mail!

My postcard from Jesus has a picture of the Astrodome on it. On the back, He writes: "Having a great time -- wish you were here. Houston sure is hot this time of year! P.S.: Suck me, you shit-eating son of a Philistine! Cowboys Rule! Love ya, fucko! Jesus Herschel Christ"

Henry Miller's card depicts a photograph of Ernest Hemingway. On the back, Miller scrawls: "I'm so goddamn sick of hearing about Papa. "Farewell to Arms", "Old Man and the Sea", yadda yadda yadda. I swear my dick was twice as big! P.S.: Send me Uma Thurman's phone number. That chick is way hot! Sincerely, Henry Miller"

By the way, my postcard from Queen Victoria actually includes the word "wooglepants". I find that highly significant.

(from a nodeshell by that whiny Kallen)