Saint Andrew
Feast Day: November 30

St. Andrew (Greek andreia - "manhood" or "valor") was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ and the brother of the apostle Simon Peter. In Byzantine tradition, he is called protokletos ("the first called") because he is named first among the apostles in John 1:40. Andrew and Peter were both fishermen in Capernaum on the Sea of Galilee when called by Jesus to become "fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19).

Varying sources place Andrew preaching in various parts of Asia Minor around the Black Sea following Jesus' resurrection. He was crucified in Greece by the Roman Governor Aegeas in 60 AD. He was bound instead of nailed to the cross to prolong his agony and the cross was 'X' shaped, a symbol which is traditionally associated with him.

His remains were taken to Constantinople by Constantius II in 357. When the French took Constantinople in 1208, Cardinal Peter of Capua brought them to Arnalfi, Italy. In the 15th century, Pope Pius II displayed Andrew's skull to a crowd from the steps of St. Peter's in a ghoulish attempt to drum up support for a crusade against the Turks. The head was returned to from whence it originally came, Patrai, Greece, by Pope Paul VI in a gesture of goodwill towards the Greeks in 1964.

Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland and Russia.