Ok. It's decided.

After much going over the bank account and budget and much crying after finding every time that I just didn't have the money for the plane fare, I've decided I'm just going to have to borrow the money.

There's no way around it, it just has to be done.

First off, I love gatherings. I've missed more than I've made and every time I miss one I hear tales of what went on and end up regretting not going. No more. I've been a responsible adult for about half my life now, and it's about damn time I reaped some of the rewards!

I went to Texas last year and Vancouver earlier this, and I've never been to Ohio, so this will be something new. I love to travel, I love to meet people, and I love to talk (if you think I'm a hassle in the Chatterbox, wait til you see me go in person! you have permission to tell me to shut up, 'cause I seem to be defective on knowing when to stop talking. just tell me, I'm hard to offend and I'm a little dense sometimes).

Since I'm going to be borrowing the money, I'm not asking for too much beyond the airfare, so I'll need help with lodging, transportation and food. I'll be cutting down on my normal spending (but with a Strategicon event the week before and the Valhalla faire the week after, I don't know what I'll have, but I'll try to be as self-sufficient as possible. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Hugs will be given out to them what wants 'em. I will also have gifts from California! (I'm poor so don't hurt me if you're disappointed, 'cause I almost wasn't gonna bring anything other than me and my stuff)

See you all there!


What I am bringing on the plane (aside from me and my schtuff) As noted (below), I am taking requests.
Update: Server time: 16:29 Wed May 9 2001

I have spoken with the comptroller, and she has ok'd the initial request. Now it's up to her to speak with the big boss and get the ok from him. I can't figure any reason why he would veto it, so I'm in like Flynn!

Hey, if anybody wants something small and cheap brought in from California, let me know and I'll see what I can work up. My suitcase is huge and I pack light.
Further Update: Server time: 23:18 Thu May 10 2001

I have reached the point of no return. The boss ok'd the loan, like I knew he would, so it was merely a matter of purchasing the tickets. The comptroller let me use her credit card ('cause she wanted the usage, of course), which allowed me to purchase the tickets online. I fly in on American Airlines and will be arriving Saturday morning at about 9:40 on flight 4407. If I don't go, I have to pay a penalty of $100, and I'm of the opinion that $250 spent and fun had is much better than $100 spent for nothing.

Final Update: Server time: 21:06 Fri Jun 1, 2001

Ok, turns out I won't have the gifts that I wanted to bring due to poor planning on my part (almost a given) and my car not running (sob), but I ~will~ have gifts for all.

Also, I've decided to add stuff to what I'm gonna be bringing.