Over drinks at the Raising a Glass to the Fallen: An Impromptu Bay Area Noder Gathering, one idea that popped up was attending the Nut Farm Tree Northern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire next weekend (the 22-23 of September). We will be heading up on Saturday, which gives people the chance to stay an extra day if they are so inclined and others the chance to put off papers and programs for another day... it can get on on Sunday, right? Ok, change of plans its Sunday. Thats right, Sunday. Several people can only make it on that day, and alas, the Rabid Monkey can only make it on Saturday (sorry guy - call in sick like Ashaka says?)...
RM: Sorry boss, I'm *cough* sick, I can't make it today.
Boss: What is that noise in the background? It sounds like bagpipes...
RM: Thats my friends trying to cheer me up and scare the germs out of me... if it works, I'll be fine for tommorow.
Boss: Are you by any chance wearing a kilt?
RM: Yep! fresh air helps get clear things up.
Boss: You sound a bit drunk...
RM: Aye, that is true... mead - heavy on the honey, it helps the sore throat. *cough*
Boss: I see, well, ok then... you can call in sick, just don't go wearing dresses at work anymore.
See, it can work!

There primary choice for this weekend has to do with the good turnout that we did have for the Glass to the Fallen (which was quite surprising given its short notice) and several "That would be fun" comments from the table. Furthermore, one of the goals was to have it be before Juliet leaves from the wonderful world which is the west coast.

The Northern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire started Aug 25, and lasts until Oct 14 (this includes every weekend in September). It opens at 10am, and closes at 6pm. Tickets cost $17.50 at the door for adults, and $7.50 for children 5-11 (children under 5 are given away free) - just in case Factgirl wishes to bring the Factetts. Students and military with ID get in for $15. General Parking is $5.

The location for this is The Nut Tree in Vacerville:

Located just 47 miles from the San Francisco Bay Bridge, take Highway 80 east and exit at Allison Drive. From Sacramento take Highway 80 west for 30 miles and exit at Leisure Town Drive. Watch for freeway signs directing you to the Faire.

(From http://www.renfair.com/2001/nocal/maptofaire.php)

Who is attending and who is driving (car-pooling is good)?

  • Me (m_turner)
    (will drive - room for 3 others, 4 if you are friendly)
    (Driving from the south bay, and up the East Bay)
  • Your name here (or in a writeup below)
    (please include transportation available/needs)
    (please include where you are or route taken to facilitate car-pools)

   September 2001

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa


 2  3  4  5  6  7  8

 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29


For more information see http://www.renfair.com/

P.S. - I still want a picture of nate in the stocks.

Ok, so where and when are we to meet?

Here, I am very open to suggestions - and as an inital one, it is:

Mountain View Train Station at 8am. Why? Well, there is a parking lot there and there is a train station there (thus people from various places can get there without driving). If you can't get there, then please tell me (or add to your writeup before the word galaxy on saturday) the best place for one of the various cars to pick you up and possibly a contact number (I will give out my cellphone and pager number to individuals who are unable to get to Mountain View if they ask).

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