- That is not dead which can eternal lie
- Love is like skipping: if you know the secret, you can learn to fly
- Soul Bride Oddly Dead in Queer Death Pact
- No obstacle can overcome the spirit of a man determined to choke his chicken
- No Rack Can Torture Me
- No time like the present
- September has such a feeling
- there is no weight that can bury us beneath the ghost of all my guilt
- You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
- fruit flies like a banana
- Snatched away, like the Lindberg baby, who everyone talked about, which explains my lifelong fear of ladders.
- I felt I was part of something, like a voice in a crowd or an island in a sea
- Dead in California just feels like lonely somewhere else.
- It is not instruction, but provocation, that I can receive from another soul.
- You can play with my ex-girlfriend, but treat her like the lady that she is.
- My Fine Feathered Friends, Chapter 9: In Which We Meet a Wise Old Bird
- there is a place where the dead live. it is in us. it is all around us. it is more than we can understand.
- The words no one can find
- These rugs will unite this country like no other rugs have before
- fewer has no opposite like less-more
- when I am King, we will have no such things, but, my lads, if the old king my father were dead, we would be all kings.
- Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.
- Staying power like no other memory, aside from love
- Having gotten myself into a position where I can have my cake and eat it too, I feel no compulsion to get up from the table
- The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel
- My Fine Feathered Friends, chapter 3: In which I deal with a big bird
- No one can be in two places at once
- at least in dreams when shit gets ugly you can still fly and whistle
- My God parted the sea; what can yours do?
- her ardent eyebrows are charcoal scimitars taut above eyes that breeze like open windows
- We Can all Die Like This
- No One Can Stop the Bobsled
- it's a pity we only appreciate some once they're gone, when they can no longer defend themselves
- Dead Men Tell No Tales
- the sky above me like a full recovery
- can i be buried here among the dead?
- like you're blind but still can see
- Don't stop. You can sleep when you're dead.
- No Fly List
- Dead of Fever, Buried in the Fevered Sea (document)
- Like no place else
- A kind of calm like no other
- I Like Bananas Because They've Got No Bones
- What Does Your Soul Look Like
- Oceans of Sand, Seas of Dead Horses
- When I look into her eyes, I no longer care about what the world thinks. This is what it feels like to be alive.
- There are no cases like mine, Doctor.
- There is no frigate like a book
- heart medications which all have names like alien military from other planets
- my money like fishes, my love like the sea
- More kissing? More kissing? No one likes kissing this much!
- Even as he watched the sea rise up like anger
- The Dead Sea tide
- She is the sea. Above her, he is thunder.
- No matter what you think, you can NOT do homework in bed
- Even a Doll Can Seem To Have a Soul
- No Time, No Room, No Thought, or Writing Can
- How can someone worship a dead naked man nailed to a cross as their god?
- There are no birds in Antarctica
- Now he can be loved. Now he is no more.
- No government can ever give you freedom
- Your boss can fire you for no reason
- we can push our own buttons like adolescent gods
- the bleak spark crackling and cursing above it like a small malignant spirit set to dog its tracks
- the morning snowdrops fall like dew in the sunlight and fill my heart with their icy cold and all i can think about is you
- Spinning shapes like a song out of order. In the dark she can see fireflies.
- Even simple things that you think are harmless can be dangerous. Like crayons. Like velvet.
- My Fine Feathered Friends, chapter 8: In Which We Meet an Odd Little Bird
- Always talk to dead people when you can. Always.
- a place which you can only see for a moment before waking
- it went like this, as near as anybody can tell
- the ability to fly above storms
- Necromancers really lift your spirits, but the dead can bring you down
- I know what it's like to be dead
- When at last I found no further traces of the living or the dead, then I stopped.
- When you blow out like a dead star
- immortality of the soul in a nonjudgmental world of the dead
- No dreamer’s diagram so symmetrical and so faultless on paper can guarantee anything. Only we can guarantee, only our behavior under pressure.
- You can say the train isn't real but it's still going to sting like a son of a b
- dead bird
- Dead Like Me
- some summers they drop like flies
- Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
- When you fly like thunder, I am reminded of Icarus and Bellerophon. How does your myth end?
- I walk triumphantly through a sea of dead things. I am their master.
- No damn you, it's nothing like a chess game
- Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
- Snooding like there's no tomorrow
- No Place Like Home
- Candles are like souls
- Now that there is no hell, evil folks like you just get reincarnated as McDonald's register jockeys
- Like there's no tomorrow
- there was at that moment no one more rightful dead than that unknown and faceless man
- Does your soul cast about like an old paper bag?
- What would existence be like for a child born with no senses?
- War hath no fury like a non-combatant
- No One Likes Superman Anymore
- No Fool Like and Old Fool
- Though I sang in my chains like the sea
- There is no weirdness like the weirdness of a novel written by a mathematician
- Hell hath no fury like a villainess scorned
- Recipe for Tomato Soup, unless you're like me, in which case it's a recipe for tomato stew
- eyes like the sea after a storm
- Like, Love, Lust, and the Open Halls of the Soul
- Santiago, under the volcano, floats like a cushion on the sea
- turn off the instrumentation and fly by the seat of your pants - an exercise in dead reckoning
- Dry bones can harm no one
- This poem can be put off no longer
- Dead Can Dance
- Why birds fly in "V" formation
- Why is it we desire that which we can never attain?
- I sometimes feel like I need every human that I can form a healthy relationship with to survive
- I can think of worse things than to die like a dog
- I can no longer use variables in ordinary discourse
- Sea bird
- There are no sleep in can
- I feel like shit today, but I can always feel worse tomorrow
- No one can be totally logical
- My heart is like a bird in the wounded night
- No one can know what you want unless you tell them
- You can no more win a war, than an Earthquake
- I am going to rewrite you so that I can still like people.
- Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity
- Maybe because we like to cry. Maybe because neither of us can believe.
- No evil can happen
- All right. She can fly circles around Uranus, but where's the bathroom?
- Ghosts can laugh, but they're already dead
- In such bounty there can be no shortage
- The Japan That Can Say No
- If I could draw houses like I can draw your breasts
- But can you still cry like a child?
- No need to yell, I can hear your thoughts.
- I hold you where no one else can go
- No one can be unhappy with a fresh box of crayons
- No man can eat fifty eggs
- Squished tubers and dead bird: An orphans' Thanksgiving
- I don't believe in God or the soul but these machines can make me cry
- if you like it violent, we can play rough and tumble
- There is nothing the dead can do
- Red birds will fly out of the east and destroy Paris in a night
- Can I tell you how much I want to smoke you, like this cigarette?
- Can we still like each other knowing the worst about each other?
- they can drop bombs and no one will get hurt
- Condensed life in a can, like the ones you buy at grocery stores
- I can no longer tell you
- Everyone has a dead bird story
- Weather can be pretty, yet so damaging. Sort of like some men I know
- two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead
- We can do the sideways thinking that's needed to combat something which can literally eat your combat training.
- canned piece of soul
- In space, no one can hear you scream
- Dead Souls
- Redemption is very much like vengeance. Redemption has more valor, and is more satisfying if you obtain it. But if you chase it blindly you can waste yourself completely.
- Jah no dead
- Dead Sea
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- No prayer for the dead gods
- A dead bird and a drunken father
- Here's your heart, usually I don't like dead things as gifts.
- Secret Dead Sea Scrolls
- Like kicking dead whales down the beach
- Red Sea Pedestrian
- no power in the verse can stop me
- All that you can take with you is that which you give away.
- If there were no birds
- She said I dreamed like dead men
- Dead Men Tell No Tales: A True Ghost Story
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
- De La Soul Is Dead
- I used to fly like peter pan, all the children flew when I touched their hands
- Time flies like an arrow
- These dead open their bodies to the living like a door
- Timex "water resistant" watches do not necessarily resist the Dead Sea
- Every time I see a dead fish that isn't, I think of you. Happiness keeps washing over me like a wave. What do I do with it all?
- Mr. Lunch liked to chase birds. In fact, he was a professional.
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