- I have no proof that he would ever want to kiss or destroy me.
- I met him two days ago and now he wants to fly me to Peru
- How Could You Want Him (When You Know You Could Have Me)?
- Kiss Me Deadly
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- I fall in love with my migraine, every day he seduces me with a kiss.
- he kissed me for a year and a half
- I have always wanted someone to say to me what you just said
- Kiss me quick, squeeze me slowly!
- Better him than me
- Who the heck wants to look like an old lady? Pick me, pick me!
- Excuse me while I kiss this guy
- Your website makes me want to remove my brain with a rusty spoon
- what I want and what is expected of me
- Kiss Me, I'm Chris
- You kissed me. It was sweet and timid.
- Jenny Kissed Me
- one kiss: bad for me, but i give in so easily. i'm weak.
- My crush asked if he could kiss me
- She kissed me gently, just once, then walked away crying
- She only wants me for sex
- You want that I should rough him up?
- They want me for a focus group!
- How Do You Want Me?
- I didn't want him
- When you want me and how you want me
- Those pajamas just make me want to give you a great big full bodied bear hug flying tackle of cuddle doom
- Let me dream if I want to
- I want to be alone until God rips a rib out of my chest and makes me a woman
- Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me
- it is a new dawn and I am a new me, this you can have if you want
- I saw him lying there leaving me, and I did not know
- If there is a God, I want him on Speed Dial.
- You're such a fool to give me what I want
- You kissed me on the mouth; I felt your lips on mine for months afterward
- Your kisses, even in word form, give me butterflies
- The annoying kid told me to kick him so I did
- you kissed me on that night you can't remember
- Kiss me, you are beautiful. These are truly the last days.
- Kiss Me
- What are you in for,cybercriminal? Hacking the sun? Freaking a planet? Technomurder? No. A century ago I told a man to kiss me on the peanus
- Gosh! That single kiss made me feel like I'm charged up with the power of a million exploding suns!
- I wanted you to want me
- He just wanted to give me something he forgot to give me a long time ago
- Kiss Me Good-Bye
- kiss me quick
- February wants me dead
- makes me want to be a better hacker
- That which cannot give me everything I might want
- Your God does not make me want to reconsider my thoughts about suicide
- kill him dead; don't call me
- I want the stars so bright they make me breathless
- The sparkle of this angled blossoming was invading the Earth, and Vug said, "It's spring!" I kissed him.
- If you want to converse with me, first define your terms.
- Bob wants me to let my imagination
- Chaos looked me in the eye and asked me if I wanted a slice of cheesecake
- I want you inside me
- 'Scuse me while I kiss the sky
- What I used to be/Will pass away, and then you'll see/That all I want now/Is happiness for you and me
- you want me here? well, then ask me to stay.
- I wanted to touch him so badly that it made my fingertips burn
- If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.
- I don't want my magic anymore. It has only caused me problems.
- Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me
- So I was balls deep in the guy's ass that night when he turns to me and asks for a kiss. Damn. What a fag.
- I want a first kiss
- Kiss Me Baby
- I want that first kiss feeling
- Oh be a fine girl kiss me right now sweetheart
- Kiss Me, Kate
- better off with him than here with me
- Kiss me once and never again
- Kiss Me, Judas
- Punish me with kisses
- I should have kissed him, of course.
- You eat toffee on toast. You kiss me every morning. I love you.
- Kiss Me, Stupid
- Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me
- Is it fair for him to love me when she craves his touch?
- That which does not kiss me makes me stronger
- Slay Me With Kisses
- Tell me how you want to die, and I'll tell you who you are
- Kiss Me Quick and Pork Pie Hat
- Any man can handle adversity. If you want to test his character, give him power.
- If you take me home tonight I know that we will kiss, and one of us will fall in love and it will be a mess.
- Oh Ricky, how come you never kissed me?
- And I could hear him call to me, as if the world went quiet for that one distinct moment
- Scientology is a wonderful religion that I would never want to sue me
- You say you want to help me
- Tell him, she told me
- I don't have a life; Everyone else wants to live my life for me
- They Don't Want Me
- I'm gonna be sad and then I want you to make me laugh
- I Want You to Want Me
- Somewhere there's a god who wants me
- She only wants me for tech support
- I want a slow low hum to rock me to sleep: Tell me your dream
- You know you want me, baby!
- Wake me up if you still want me
- The Mobility Divide: or why I want you to give me $20,000 in the 21st century
- I want your hands on me
- I want you to hit me as hard as you can
- I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me
- She won't kiss him until she marries him
- Many girls want to be carnal with me because I am such a premium dancer.
- The one thing I wanted more than anything was for someone, just once, to tell me they don't know what they'd do without me
- I remember when it was me who made you want to take over the world and enslave humanity
- More ads which make me not want to buy their cars
- there are people who are gone but wanted me to be happy
- He tells me that I could have his heart and I want to take it right then, slip it into my pocket and run
- I want to strangle the stars for all they promised me
- Please please please let me get what I want
- Women want me when I'm taken
- He cries for me, all these years later. He'll never stop 'til I join him in the grave.
- I wanted the light to guide me to the darkness
- When someone was willing to drown with me, I really didn't want to drown anymore
- You want me to become what?
- Follow me if you want to know.
- want me like time
- i want to show you that anything is possible. i wish you would believe me.
- Leave him in an empty room with a tape recorder
- as much as time to him reveals
- How Candide Found His Old Master Pangloss Again and What Happened to Him
- Crown Him with Many Crowns
- Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him
- That Thou Art Mindful Of Him
- Divine hunger sustains him
- If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him
- Then I poked him in his sunburn
- then I hugged him
- I refute him thus!
- And we killed him and he's dead.
- a poem for a boy before I met him
- For Webster 1913, whenever I may find him
- Heart! We Will Forget Him!
- If he's late, you can always start without him
- I'm not sharing him
- How to approach a developer who may well be working and ask him a question
- Strange man makes permanent visit
- An Ode for Him
- And that's when I shot him, Your Honor
- Can I eat him, boss?
- To the Not Impossible Him
- Martyrdom, or why mowing a Dandelion is the best thing you can do for him
- I knew enough about him to know his name and what kind of snowball he could make
- The Man Felt an Iron Hand Grasp Him by the Hair, at the Nape. Not One Hand, a Hundred Hands Seized Him, Each by the Hair, and Tore Him Head to Foot, the Way You Tear Up a Sheet of Paper, Into Hundreds of Little Pieces
- His mind went blank against the flesh next to him
- his whole life, like a thundercloud, out in front of him
- The Mojave Desert spit him out, and the Pacific Ocean swallowed him, half-chewed
- Atli bids the Giukings to him
- Lui: A View of Him
- A day without him is three years long
- As Nature Made Him
- HIM (user)
- I had to call my father this evening and tell him I was dying.
- I've come to bury Caesar, not to praise him
- he gives rest unto him who comes at the eleventh hour
- the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him, too
- him da best (user)
- a well-placed nail to the temporal lobe guarantees him a lifetime of first impressions
- Worship Him
- Oh Shit. How can I take him home to Mother?
- I was trying to show him my insides, you know. I like to share.
- I'm the only person who'd ever told him to his face he was beautiful.
- The Last Thing He Expected to Happen to Him in Hollywood
- It was the tree that gave him away.
- Why for you kick my dog and call him fuck off?
- H-I-M (user)
- Some nights, alone, he thinks of her, and some nights, alone, she thinks of him
- Better than kicking him into next week
- Let him hold out hope that someone or other might come. Then fuckin' kill him.
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