
from fujifilm.com
Established in 1965, Fuji Photo Film USA, Inc., is the U.S. marketing subsidiary of Tokyo, Japan based Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.

Ok, end of the Cut and Paste, my apologies.
now for what I know: Fuji makes a large range of photo paper and film. They also make minilabs, cameras, and other misc. imaging devices. My experience is primarily with their film and papers, as there are the only products which most consumers will ever actually be in a position to purchase so here's a brief run down of their more popular products:

Consumer Films:(35mm, APS)
color negative:

  • Superia
    • Superia is a decent (better than Kodak Max IMHO) consumer quality film that comes in a range of speeds (asa 800,400,200,100) and exposures ( 12/24/36). Known for it's tighter grain over contrast and more accurate color balance.
  • Superia Reala
    • Reala is basically a much better grade of Superia, think of it like Kodak Gold, but better
  • Super HG 1600
    • a Very high speed asa 1600 speed film. It's the same emulsion as the Reala but designed to be pushed much faster. You sacrifice image quality for speed in dark areas.
Color Slide
  • Sensia II
    • Sensia II is a general purpose Color Slide film. It comes in 3 speeds: 100(RA), 200(RM), 400(RH). The (??) is the code for the film, this gets more common when looking at professional films. My advice would on Color Slide films would be only use Professional grades mentioned below however, as slide film tends to be much more unstable than color negative

Professional Films:(35mm,120,220,4x5,8x10)
color negative:

  • NPC 160
  • NHG II 800
  • 400 NPH
  • NPs 160
  • NPL 160
  • Press 400
    • As far as I can tell it's asa 400 NPC.
  • Other
    • Most of Fuji's consumer grade films are also available in larger format Sizes.
Color Transparency:
  • Velvia (RVP)
    • Velvia, not to be confused with Velveeta, is IMNSHO Fuji's flagship film. Velvia offers stunning, if slightly unnatural, color reproduction. It's a HIGHLY saturated and very high contrast film that offers near true color, with an extra punch. As pro slide films go, it's medium speed at ISO 50 which means you can get good results with or without a powerful strobe system. This is my personal favorite of the Fuji films, however Kodak E100VS is a better film. Velvia is an ultra-fine grain film and can be pushed to EI 100.
  • Provia 400F (RHPIII)
    • A general purpose high speed professional color reversal film. It can be pushed to ISO 1600 and still manages to keep a fairly fine grain. Unless you really need a ISO 1600 slide film, stick with Velvia.
  • Provia 100F (RDPIII)
    • The finest grain slide film Fuji offers. Like the Provia it can be pushed but only to around 400 or 800. Offers much more realistic color than the Velvia, but still, I'm a bit biased so I say GO VELVIA!
  • Astia 100 (RAP)
    • Made for fashion photography, tends to be flatter and less saturated to encourage smooth skin tones.
  • Provia 1600 (RSP)
    • Insane film, not the best looking of the bunch, but can be pushed from EI 800 to a disgustingly high EI 4800. EI EI OH.
  • MS 100/1000
    • No relation to Mi¢rosoft. Basic film with a basic speed of ISO 100, push to EU 1000.
  • 64T Type II
    • This is VERY similar to Velvia. Maybe a cross between Velvia and Provia, but is balanced for use under tungsten lighting.

    Color Printing Paper:
  • FujiColor Crystal Archive (PII, FL, FM, etc...)
    • Fuji's basic color paper. This is what you get from minilabs and is also preferred by many professional photographers the world 'round. It compares to Kodak Supra. It is available in a plethora of roll and sheet sizes. Comes in matte, gloss, and luster. Very easy to work with.
  • Fuji-Flex High Gloss paper
    • This is a VERY glossy "paper" that isn't really paper, but uses a super bright white Polyester film as the base. It costs roughly 5x what Resin Coated or Fiber based papers cost. The benefit is vastly superior color, better archiveability, and a glass-like surface.

    That's basically it for Fuji and what they have to sell in terms of paper and film. It should be noted, and perhaps someone can do a write up on this, that Fuji also sells a huge range of both digital cameras and professional cameras. And let us not forget, the amazing Fujifilm Blimp!


    Like most of my factual writeups I gathered a lot of this info from my own head and knowledge of the subject, however for many things, film codes, spelling, lesser known films, etc. I gathered the info at http://www.fujifilm.com/ ... I already knew about the blimp :)

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