I might be wrong.
I might be wrong.
I could have sworn.
I saw a light.
Coming home.
Today started off as a
horrendously awful day. Gas was
turned off for 2 days, thus no
hot water. I was
filthy, I was
hungry, we had no
food, I had no
plans for the day, and didn't think I would have any.
destiny for the day was already set. My
job was to sit at home and be
filthyuntil the
gas man came and turned it back on.
Tomorrow, I work.
Saturday the
girlfriend is out of town.
Sunday, I work again, but that's not for long. So 3 and half days
alone. My
biggest concern is getting clean, clean for
nobody but
Where'd you park the car?
Where'd you park the car?
Clothes are on the lawn with the furniture.
Now I might as well.
I might as well.
noon, I
phone my girlfriend's house,
hoping maybe she'll come over. She doesn't usually come over, well, doesn't ever come over. I bring her here, or I go to her house, but she's never just gotten on the
bus and come here before. Oh. She's not home. She went to the
college to get her
Thank you.
Bye. I'm sad. Oh hey, the College bus comes almost right to my house, she'll probably jump on the bus and surprise me! Yay. Oh christ, I'm filthy. I had the most
cold shower ever. Hardly a shower, in fact. Most of my bathing was done at the sink, with
liquid soap and a
washcloth. My hair took a long time to wash,
squatting in the
icy bathtub with my head under the tap. I have
longish hair, the knots were brutal to brush out. Now I'm clean, and very cold.
When I am king, you will be first against the wall.
With your opinion which is of no consequence at all.
What's this...? (I may be paranoid, but not an android)
What's this...? (I may be paranoid, but not an android)
Then the
phone rings. I never pick up the phone, it's always
creditors hunting down my
Oops, it was a
payphone, according to the
caller ID. Probably girlfriend. Hey, she called back. Oh, she's on her way to my house? Great! All
shock value is lost. But at least the doubts about her actually coming are
erased. Now I clean my room up
dirty dishes still
strewn about the room. I go upstairs, intending to make
Kraft Dinner. She comes
sauntering up the
street. I stand waiting at the door all
creepy like, and indeed, she is
creeped out. I swear I wasn't standing there waiting the
whole time.
She comes in, we eat
Kraft Dinner, we have
danishes she bought at
Tim Hortons. Stressing they were bought, not stolen. She works at this place, so it's an
honour to have it bought for you. We go downstairs, I pop
Vanilla Sky into my horrid
DVD hybrid, and mess with the
controls and
languages and start the film. We watch the movie la dee da, I love
Vanilla Sky. I saw the
premiere of it long ago. Not many people will agree, but it is a
heartwrenching work of staggering genius. And they play two
Radiohead songs, which immediately puts me into a
Radiohead trip, as you can clearly tell.
Was that the
doorbell? No. 5 minutes later. Was that the doorbell? Yes.
Come on in. (
Hurry the fuck up.) It's right downstairs. Here's the light. (Just
ignite the fucking thing and go.) He goes. We're really not paying attention to the movie anymore. Maybe I'll watch the rest by myself later. Probably not.
Hot water is working back through our pipes in
healthy abundance. We have our fun and pack up to catch the bus back to her house. On the street, mother drives by.
Go away mom. She rolls down the window. Yes, the water is fixed. A ride? Sure, what the hell. Beats the bus. We get a ride home. I come home. Here I am, typing this. On my
Radiohead kick.
I'm a reasonable man.
Get off, get off, get off my case.
I'm a reasonable man.
Get off my case, get off my case.
And there are many more exciting plans set for the coming weeks. Even
September 11th, 2002 looks like it'll be fun.
Free pancakes.