- 40 Days and 40 Nights
- 40 Watt (user)
- Top 40
- AS/400
- Atari 400/800
- OS/400
- 40
- -40 C
- 40 acres and a mule
- 40 oz. to freedom
- 40 lashes with a wet noodle
- Genesis 40
- Exodus 40
- Eskimos do NOT have 40 words for snow
- Job 40
- Isaiah 40
- Jeremiah 40
- Ezekiel 40
- XFree86 4.0
- -40 Celsius
- Psalm 40
- Microsoft Personal web server 4.0
- old chestnut: horseman and 40 mile army
- Answer: horseman and 40 mile army
- Moby Dick - Chapter 40
- The Golden Sayings of Epictetus, 40
- The Antichrist: Chapter 40
- Weekly Top 40
- OS/400: Quick & Easy spool file to physical file
- Pride and Prejudice - Chapter 40
- Tipping a 40 for Boom-Boom
- 40 Hex
- RPG/400
- Women who can drop a Llama at 40 paces
- Falcon 4.0
- 40 party
- JLA #40
- Life begins at 40
- The 400 Blows
- The Gallic Wars Book 1 Chapter 40
- $400 off is a sucker bet
- No human artists have appeared in the Top 40 music chart for the past 5 years
- Top 40 Music Is Rotting My Brain
- Sense and Sensibility - Chapter 40
- The Transformers #40
- 5/40
- Birds still sing at 4:00 AM
- Astrophil and Stella: Sonnet 40
- Classical Mythology: Table 40
- .400 batting average
- Constitution of Ireland Article 40
- 40 disciples, 40 blood tests
- Federalist #40
- Emma - Chapter 40
- US Highway 40
- Black Beauty Chapter 40
- Mansfield Park - Chapter 40
- Nobuo Fujita's 400 year old Samurai sword
- Maschinenpistole 40
- $40 billion buys a lot of cell phones
- Americans have more than 40 words for boobies
- Farr 40
- Mencius VIIa: 40
- 400 meter dash
- 40 Hour Famine
- Philosophische Untersuchungen 40
- Opus 40
- Interstate 40
- 40 oz. and a mule
- .40 Smith & Wesson Automatic
- Dewey Decimal System: 400
- Class 40
- VS Knight Lamune & 40 Fire
- Unicode 4.0
- Chopin Polonaise: Opus 40 no.1 & 2
- 40 Miles from Denver
- Rt. 40 in Ocala National Forest
- 40 Mile Loop
- Joint Resolution 40
- 400 Blows
- Die Hard 4.0: Live Free or Die Hard
- 40 Albums That Should've Been Hits: 1971
- The 40 Year Old Virgin
- Rover 400
- MP 40
- 400 B.C.
- Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic
- HTML 4.0
- gabbers 40 (user)
- Project Euler Guide: Problem 40
- 40 years together
- How to run Wordstar 4.0 on a genuine DOS machine in 2024 without a floppy drive
- Wordstar 4.0
- Day Of Ire (user)
- Gekko Day (user)
- day
- Armistice Day
- The Seven Days of Fire
- April Fools' Day
- Days of the New
- every day
- The Longest Day
- Independence Day
- Day planner
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off
- Happy Days
- We do more after 2am than most people do all day.
- Press Day
- 0-3 day wareZ
- salmon day
- Back in the day
- Strange Days
- all day
- May Day
- Queen's day
- Groundhog Day
- A Grand Day Out
- The day God took back the edges
- Pi Day
- What will occur the day after Windows NT becomes open source
- flag day
- Music was better in the old days
- Salad days
- Have a nice day
- An apple a day
- Day trading
- Windows Refund Day
- The Day Today
- The Day the Earth Stood Still
- day camp
- A Day in the Life
- Those were the days
- other Rocks Against, back in the day...
- Bad hair day
- Green Day
- The Island of the Day Before
- Labor Day
- Judgment Day
- field day
- why natural selection does not work in this day and age
- "The good old days" are a scam
- The day the music died
- Everything Day Logs (page 0)
- Seven Days
- day job
- Last Days
- Eight Days A Week
- Day of the Dead
- All Souls Day
- Jam Echelon Day
- lay siege on the day
- Columbus Day
- good old days
- One day at a time
- Christmas Day
- We got along OK, until one day we didn't
- on my best days
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