Browse through the latest editor selections below, or choose a specific editor (or former editor) to see what they've endorsed:
TitleCooled by
The Baby-Sitters ClubTheDeadGuy
The Jill Dando MurderHeisenberg
labia minoraavalyn
Oliver Cromwellwertperch
May 19, 2007grundoon
Bovine Selective Visual ImpairmentTheDeadGuy
Ghost in the Shell 2: InnocenceJD
test5Two Sheds
Roman namesEvil Catullus
A Review of 'E2 Community Developments Newsletter, Summer 2007'The Debutante
Learn to Programshaogo
Shíshì shishì Shi Shì, shì shi, shì shí shí shishaogo
Watergate Saladshaogo
Things you can tell just by looking at herLometa
anger managementHeisenberg
Clement AttleeThe Debutante
Nuclear Weapons Do Not Function Without Yellow TapeAndrew Aguecheek
Kolkata Metroascorbic
Twinkle, twinkle, like a star. Does love flourish from afar?Heisenberg
here is the mutiny I promised you and here is the party it turned intoLucy-S
October 8, 2007grundoon
The Poet and The WormLometa
satellites fallen from graceThe Debutante
Hurry up please it's timeOolong
Shooting people with your gun at a -90 degree transformationLaggedyAnne
You cannot burn the a easternavalyn
When having sex in ancient Romecreases
Harvey Milkavalyn
When did you choose to be left-handed?panamaus
Immortality blowsDimview
Stab me again. It never felt so good to bleed.Dimview
Lost Gems of YesteryearLometa
A Beginner's Guide to IRCXWiz
We are a people in whose bodies old sea-seeking rivers roar with bloodDimview
Chocolate cakeThe Debutante
ToasterThe Debutante
Editor Log: August 2007avalyn
Want (the state of not having her)Dimview
E2 is like a hamburger jointborgo
I wear this skirt only when the rodeo is in townLord Brawl
Va, pensiero, sull'ali doratedanne
Editor Log: July 2007Transitional Man
Frankie Goes to HollywoodThe Debutante
Plastic BirthDimview
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