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GothTransitional Man
vibrator shopping 
I remember when it was me who made you want to take over the world and enslave humanityLucy-S
Don't node drunkTheDeadGuy
Restricting Childbirthsmartalix
August 9, 2005Halspal
Sid Caesarknifegirl
They shared a love of impermanence, brieflyLometa
MichelangeloTransitional Man
Latex. High heels. Knives.smartalix
The day I became a capitalist swine, hell-bent on gorging on the fruits of slave labormauler
Essay on Silenceanthropod
The fear of the LORD is the ending of freedommkb
Forget women - here's what men wantsmartalix
Alfred Kinseyanthropod
Roe has got to gomauler
Advice for people in Long Distance Relationshipssmartalix
Brian Wilsonsmartalix
Route 66JD
im in ur base killin ur d00dzascorbic
Footprints is a Gay Black Hippie Jewmauler
Hermann HesseHatshepsut
Great Lakes Avengerssmartalix
Jesus driving out the Temple moneychangersTransitional Man
War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strengthsmartalix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceOolong
Wired, old school: Information exchange and the explosive popularity of 17th and 18th century coffee housesLometa
July 14, 2005JD
The best thing since sliced breadsmartalix
Mexican red ricesmartalix
Holy shit, you mean I'm not invisible?smartalix
You've got an underdeveloped sense of vengeance 
karoshiMr. Hotel
December 21, 2004 
All Along the Watchtowersmartalix
Memory retrieval cuessmartalix
unilateral neglectLucy-S
One Hundred Years of Solitudesmartalix
July 10, 2005 
Freedom Tunneljessicapierce
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