thursday morning

i finally slept good. even though my house was hot i slept straight through the night. first time in a long time.

the air conditioner is leaking. the insides are awfully dirty and gross. i left the fan running without the air fliter in it (which had gotten sopping wet and, i assume, ruined) all night which seems to have made the water stop dripping. the maintenance people are coming today to look at it. i left a note for them to check the fridge door and the garbage disposal too.

when i got to work there was a voicemail message from me from the surgeon. i assume he has scheduling information for me. i am more nervous about this every day. ugh. i called back to the surgeons office but i was unable to get the information. i left a message with another secretary that i should be called back asap. i want to know WHEN i have to go under the knife.

more later...

well, it's not much later, but i just got a call from the surgeon and the surgery is scheduled for next thursday at noon. argh argh argh. i'll be glad to not have pain, but i'm nervous nervous nervous about surgery. i have a bad case of the what ifs.