user since
Fri Oct 12 2001 at 12:22:23 (23.4 years ago )
last seen
Sun Feb 28 2010 at 10:11:06 (15.1 years ago )
number of write-ups
53 - View mcai7et2's writeups (feed)
level / experience
5 (Crafter) / 1716
mission drive within everything
everymission drivething
Stay true to yourself and complicate your life
most recent writeup
Honey and Lemon cold relief
Send private message to mcai7et2

Politics (
Economic Left/Right: -0.62 (a touch left of centre)
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -4.77 (mid libertarian)

(Lists generated Thu Sep 26 11:32:15 2002 GMT, as of God is Alive, Magic is Afoot writeup, by the Homenode List Generator. Goodness is the percentage of votes that are upvotes.)

5 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
1C! Siamese Cat 1
How to destroy the world using a spaceship and an elephant 2
November 8, 2001 3
October 25, 2001 4
January 9, 2002 5

5 Least Voted-Upon Writeups
1 Political World
2 (tied) The Everything People Registry : United Kingdom : Scotland : Aberdeenshire
2 (tied) Sunny 16
4 What's the Buzz
5 (tied) God is Alive, Magic is Afoot
5 (tied) focusing screen
5 (tied) mtl5 1C!
5 (tied) Darkroom
5 (tied) Mamiyaflex C3

5 Highest Goodness Writeups
1C! Siamese Cat (tied) 1
1C! Royal Navy (tied) 1
1C! PGP (tied) 1
Hot chocolate (tied) 1
2C! The Geography of Swallows and Amazons (tied) 1
1C! Durham (tied) 1
righting a small sailboat (tied) 1
1C! Sepia Toning (tied) 1
1C! Lake Windermere (tied) 1
Sensible Software (tied) 1
1C! Ballad of the Skeletons (tied) 1
Barbecue Chicken and Bacon on Mash (tied) 1
The Brit Awards 2002 Winners (tied) 1
Aberdeen (tied) 1
portrait lens (tied) 1
Dunblane (tied) 1
Lest We Forget (tied) 1
Paul Gascoigne (tied) 1
brandy butter (tied) 1
Roast lamb chops and vegetables (tied) 1
Robert Gordon's College (tied) 1
Championship Manager 3 (tied) 1
Tuscan (tied) 1
Zeiss (tied) 1
Responding to a tender brief (tied) 1
1C! Return to the Forbidden Planet (tied) 1
Sensible World of Soccer (tied) 1
1C! mtl5 (tied) 1
focusing screen (tied) 1
Darkroom (tied) 1
Mamiyaflex C3 (tied) 1
Sunny 16 (tied) 1
Political World (tied) 1

5 Lowest Goodness Writeups
1 (tied) Dream Log: February 22, 2002
1 (tied) What's the Buzz
3 Street Spirit (Fade Out)
4 God is Alive, Magic is Afoot
5 November 8, 2001

5 Most Reputable Writeups
1C! Siamese Cat 1
1C! Royal Navy 2
1C! deep fried Mars bar 3
1C! How to shoot a rock band 4
How to destroy the world using a spaceship and an elephant (tied) 5
October 25, 2001 (tied) 5
Hot chocolate (tied) 5
2C! The Geography of Swallows and Amazons (tied) 5
1C! PGP (tied) 5

5 Least Reputable Writeups
1 (tied) Dream Log: February 22, 2002
1 (tied) What's the Buzz
3 (tied) God is Alive, Magic is Afoot
3 (tied) The Everything People Registry : United Kingdom : Scotland : Aberdeenshire
5 (tied) Street Spirit (Fade Out)
5 (tied) Political World

Find out more about me and see some of my photos, go here: is the second best website in the world, go there and join, upload your photos and enjoy the fun.
Well, I survived Travis, read all about how it came to pass here. second from the right, head on my hands

The photographer is a friend of mine, check out his other pictures
If you Ch!nged one of my writeups and I didn't thank you for it, thank you.

On the 7th of March I will be photographing the Travis concert at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre in front of 8,000 people, I have never done anything like this before, help!

Go there, upload photos

E2 Print Exchange

(idea) by mcai7et2 (print)

I like making pictures and sending them to people, if you would like a black and white 8x10 print of one of my photos, please drop me a /msg, I will see what I can do. All I ask is that you send me a picture of the print in situ. Before you ask, my photos are not online at the moment, but tell me what you like and trust my judgement ;).

I decided to start doing this because everyone is already doing mix cds and book exchanges, I thought this might be a little different, also I am horribly narcissistic and like the idea of my pictures on other people's walls.
My own private nodegel:
Total dishonesty: 3.45 rep, 363.80 hours. Average dishonesty: 0.06 rep per node, 6.06 hours per node. 
 |     O                                                     @   
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0+--O-O------------------------OO------------------------------O-> now

"Hobbies, sorted kind of alphabetically ;)
Computers & Programming
98 Trans AM/WS6
Desert Eagle Pistol Tribute
Ballistics in Java
Nuclear Weapons"

Humanity genuinely scares me sometimes

Bands I have seen live: Foo Fighters, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Queens of the Stone Age, Electric Six, PJ Harvey, REM, James, Cast, Teenage Fanclub, Bob Dylan, Radiohead, Stiff Little Fingers, Terrorvision

Being an impatient sort, I could not wait until level 5 to get my homenode picture, so here it is (copy this into a text file, base64 MIME decode it, Gunzip it, and it should be a PNG):
H4sICFB/DzwAA3Rlc3QucG5nAM1YXWgj1xU+M/buahfR1TZ5mBZBtCAcPZhGaF9UMLHIQ7CpIaLtS6EPclfpKiTNivzALmzriWYkyzRplqilo3Ybq7RQhxaiprQRabJR6kJlunT9kAYXCh3j 7a7blwxxIFpi9vS7c2f0L9uFPlTyGd1zztxz7v2+c640Ti8+8fRzka/kLuYj6WcuRua/tXjh8cijTzz1+KnPk3hNQr7zyJdw/YInb0EeIv/15ZSikHirQstNSqsw0BkxT6GkiPDoAkbC+W/9 9IzQVFd76QWpHXc1xbvzhKtBjosIIZo+TRTw/bCcIQ0jrWctAZnR/RN3nKT2Z/w50qJSYFJa3DB4MbO4+n/CQO4bSigUIk3TKBKJUCwWo2QySalUiubm5iidTlMmk6FcLkf5fJ50XSfLsqhW q1G9XqdGo0HNZpNarRZtbW2Rbdu0u7tLjuMgSZMCAQ0So2AwhTxp5MlBdAqHLeSrUTTaQM4WTU/bFI87yMvIycjJyMfIx8jHyMfIx8jFtLnJyMPIwSIFBbQABWIBCqaCFEpjLzmNNF2jsBWm SC1C0UaUYq0YTdvTFHfilOIUpRn74gzlGXti7ImxJ8aeuE5NbtImb5LNNjnsiBSkBQIUg6SCQUoDrxzw0iFWOEw14NaIRqkF7OzpaXLicWLgx8COgR0DNwZuDNwYuDFwY2DGm5vEwIsFVtAD iBdAjCDmhjBXA+Ya5oUxL4J5UWAdA87TmBPHnBTIS0MykDxEh1iQGqQOaUI2ITbEETreGviIgY8U+EiDjxz40MGHBT5q4KMBPlrgwwYfDvhg8MHgg8EHgw8GHww+GHww+GDwweCDwQc7gh8C n8AJXKTBRQ5c6ODCAhc1cNEAFy1wYYMLB1wwuGBwweCCwQWDCwYXDC4YXDC4YHDB4CEQAj4a8IkAnxjwSQKfFPCZAz5p4JMBPjngkwc+OvAptylt7VHG+pjytTbp9TZZjU+odr1N9dZdam4B H6zb3pW1FEJsLZqiSDxNsVSO4nM6Jb9qUSpTo7mnGpTWW/R182+Us2x67to/SF/bQbxdspr/op/fcKi+9SG9fatNLadN77fbZH+MuG3wAi7LqAMLfFqohRo4rZfLdB28tiBb4NZGTew2RA7U ZRn9ZqHfLNRmTadyvUzWdYusFjjaQo3a6LvdBjk6EbZJDmHgXHIVHVoSPOtX12gul6HMpbJ7Ihyj90+h01HJf8Tnr6YIFhwCyu+VUVJSTPqZopJSVgpUFgNVnHnKG1DfVYq4FiA/haxAliFv uh7T1Ux4i2RAMMuAYsiBjIHrBPmjwoDH8KaablBDKfghZEbTdUq9Z85rbuKSd9OINN6ooAw6uvqkODxHTRozwrUkk43xGt5yJrpxfenc84sjLlwAog6v2d//+IneyHB5OnytBZnHX2eR1o6M 7EB4dWjTh8JZ8Fg/fJmjI/+yU5iH4vG/WPHQyFS6haqOX7Vf+P6ta263GW7X+NYi+VPNAUunHQZUnz3xWcRCDDdmkcw+n7S/pvxI8RB4R3EXXqC/Kj+Gx1VFg30wdCSUOzl/7abobO91MXzH 9f/WbVGZ8HXIdTDSt3DDW8HQBkxXDK/3YZSI+MjInjf9+jSQZcVzdG8Qs2UNmaMQH83qSJ4PYvEAdkdG7Z9jjooyqqYOOo5wLQ7u0XAPywGj7GG/u0oH7UdUioCxRF13VzMHb/bYNN1ZfRsp CtL6dljo3DKif73ghltT/iE/iNFKJ4Lp+f37i0P3+iWjjuF25ajVMdin6v9LaRx0PLmlMabpepvP9LqtOLBkd0J/1/k39xNT6Gs++Y0vm4+VNf90eQkKvpvpe0OniQzl7fpNMRAn/66rypW8 rYhfHtJW8lL7x5vZs6fi4Po7Pxnkb4l/9sQ0R0A74mv6v+3KPvh3hvOJb99Op8hGHSwVte9rvGdZtwbCiU2vdMu7r70OL+hxUceBMq6JjniwDoDSbe5eIrtHv19Dsr6632u3lN/hyliV/9lb SvJ5N0TyeVel7vOu8ExQYkI+R09SDCMDvlP0yOL5Jy88c/H5p7OK/2jf/6Df1ZkUOvTVecg+ivQ+qB+jiip/lhv4tLx/KPyQleYomdif5QIf+/Te0m+4yOoql4Tx7qow7t1bmu0a799rZ+zS 2cQ37guGZ6+VLhgvWktswFHY++zUwk8qia8lshurG4kL1Wxltut49b7EYiLbWhIO86rvODO1cK2SmE9k//KAcEQrbIoUdyu+faOyA/vUOTnh/v3kNzOvfq6wWAneOLezfKJaSsrcBqt/x+om Pr3DK1LdFuonL7vq0Gb5QeSZvPftVXyoH8q98qxru+zabrq2QHsqnN8oaflQ3ljeXn8xvqwn89t/Ov5AU9uLbkzNJ56dulw9d6Mavf1YFSt+I3tTOL54e17NwzGx/sKM/Vj16tn1P2RPw/Hg ydvzDz97+3J11lmduXOzWmnnX8myDHV+INQrIpTIvlO6lL9SFcmdO1Urv72O5N/HMu9w8wc8cZqH97Z3BVxN3sN2vivUj5aEuu+pQWdm/eFw3q6Wz5+Qho+uVGf+PLVQzW6c8w3L+zNnb1TN mx3DNp9MLlSjXUN1ZgNTov6UPRE0br9XOi8NJVb3+eXeQe8K/wP8H5b3KhMAAA==
If anyone manages this, please let me know
Some Quotes:
Leonard Cohen: "The reason I write is to make something as beautiful as you are"
Thom Yorke: "White wine and sleeping pills, help me get back to your arms. Cheap sex and sad films help me get where I belong."
Winston Churchill: "Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, This was their finest hour."

My Second Ever Node (now residing in Node Heaven, posted here for posterity):

It is a little known fact that during the first world war, pilots on both sides used to use cats as airborne projectile weapons. The cat was filled with molten bronze to add bulk and strength and then dropped from a biplane. The cat's innate sense of balance meant that they always fell accurately and landed on their feet, which would often be sharpened to form a four tipped armour piercing weapon.

Further developments of the same principle involved the bronze cats having explosive slices of toast strapped to their back to produce a long range smart weapon which would speed towards its target powered by this primitive anti gravity device. To target a specific building, the target simply had to be marked with a bowl of catnip and pinpoint accuracy could be achieved from many miles.

Later in the war, aerodynamic techniques had evolved to the point where the cat was unneccessary but the tradition is still kept alive today. A pilot in the RAF is still presented with a bronze statuette of a cat after his first sucessful bombing run.

The sacrifice of the millions of cats who gave their lives is commemorated at a special service every January, held in St Paul's Cathedral.

This was attached to this nodeshell, which was empty at the time
I am pretty sure there cannot be many nodes that have been nuked twice :-)

Not including soundtracks, compilations or greatest hits: 1977, A-sides, Amnesiac, Appetite for Destruction, August and Everything After, Automatic for the People, Big Calm, Blanket, Bleed American, Blonde on Blonde, Blood and Chocolate, Bleed American, Blood on the Tracks, Blue Lines, Bring it On, Brothers in Arms, By The Way, Californication, Come Find Yourself, Come on Pilgrim, Contino Sessions, Dark Side of the Moon, Definitely Maybe, Division Bell, Document, Doggystyle, Drawn From Memory, Exile on Main Street, Fat of the Land, Felt Mountain, Grace, Graceland, Green, Heathen, Highway '61 Revisited, How to cut and paste volume 2, How to Cut and Paste 80's edition, JJ72, Kid A, Life's Rich Pageant, Liquid Skin, Lost Souls, Love and Theft,Marshal Mathers LP, Melon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, Mezzanine, Monster, Moon Safari, Mother's Milk, Murmur, Nevermind, New Adventures in Hi Fi, No Angel, OK Computer, Origin of Symmetry, Out of Time, Pablo Honey, Play, Pop, Premiers Symptomes, Protection, Rage Against the Machine, Reckoning, Reload, Reveal, Reverence, Selected Ambient Works 85-92, Selected Ambient Works II, Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Severe Tire Damage, Showbiz, Sixteen Stone, Stanley Road, Supernatural, Superunknown, Surfer Rosa, Sweet Oblivion, The Bends, The Color and the Shape, The Last Broadcast, This Desert Life, UP, Use your Illusion, Vertigo, Vibrate You, What Sound, Wish You Were Here, White Ladder, Word Gets Around, Yourself or Someone Like You

<katyana> socrates didn't corrupt minors in that touchy feely way. He made them think about things

I just asked CowbotNeal to check my user name on his nick-o-meter, it appears to be 66% lame.

Etymology of my username
It was my login at Uni. The first two letters refer to the University, the next, the department, the number is the year I joined, the next two letters are my initials and the final number is because there was another person with my initials on the course. I use it because it is never taken, so I can always use the same login for every website I visit.

I wish i knew if anyone had ever read this page