If you are ever in a position to serve alchohol or tobacco products in the United States, chances are you will have come across someone trying to make illicit purchases with a fake ID. Spotting most can be remarkably easy, just because so few people know how to.
These are a few
obvious warning signs to look for:
Watching body language and eye movement can be a quick give away that someone is trying to get away with something. There are several tells, nervous body language, darting eye movements, and the eye following the ID or illicit product.
Government IDs will all be quality with clear text and images, and smoothly laminated.
Check your workplace regulations, but it is usual to only accept government issued IDs. Check the front and back for any indication, such as "This is not a government ID".
Most fake IDs are from out of state, to take advantage of your lack of knowledge of the ID. Use an ID catalog to verify the features of the particular document.
Fake IDs can be broken down into 3 general categories, but a particular ID may contain features from different groups.
The borrowed ID is the hardest to detect, simply because it is a valid document, just for a different person. The simplest way is to determine whether or not the entire description matches the person who gave it to you. Make sure height and eye color match. If in doubt, most IDs have a signature on them, so have the person give a quick sample. You can also quiz them or their friends on the information on the document. The most common form of borrowed IDs come from an older sibling. However, these are likely to be expired. Never accept an expired ID.
The most common, but perhaps easiest to detect, is the modified ID. A person will take a real ID and modify either the identification or the age. Feel along the top surface, it should be smooth and uninterrupted. A bump around the name, age, or picture may indicate that a coverup has been used. Slide your fingernail along the side to see if the laminate separates. Look for tiny pinholes that might indicate someone attempted to bleach out portions of the writing. Hold it at a steep angle to the light to see if there are any knife cuts or raised areas.
The quality of forged IDs can range greatly, from a laminated bubblejet business card to the product of a $3,000 plastic printer. If you have access to a blacklight, shine it over the ID to verify the validity of the document. Most ID catalogs will describe any UV security markings for the ID. Also examine the hologram, and make sure it is the one that should be, and isn't a fake using metal shavings or glitter. Make sure the laminate is continuous and smooth. Any air bubbles or seams indicate a home job. As with a modified ID, slide your fingernail along the edge to see if the laminate will separate. Gently twist the document back and forth. A real ID will bend back to shape, but a fake may tear, separate from the laminate, or be permanently bent. The text should all be clear, and any background on the card should appear crisp, and you should be able to make out detail in it. Any bluring or blending of text or graphics indicates a poor printing process.
Remember, it is your job to be vigilant about underage drinking and smoking. Most IDs are easy to spot, but people don't take the time, or think about it. A friend of mine used one of such poor quality, but it was always a success. It was "laminated" with two pieces of clear tape, and had bubbles. The state seal was blurry, to the point that all the text on it was illegible, and the actual ID information appeared washed out. A cursory examination would have revealed this ID to be a fake.