The National Post is one of the two national newspapers of Canada, the other one being the Globe and Mail. The National Post is owned by media giant Conrad Black, who has become a right-wing icon in Canada. Not surprisingly then the National Post leans this way as well, opposite the Globe and Mail which is more to the left. It is very popular in the West and suffers in the East which runs parallel with the geo-politcial break down of Canada.

To criticise the aesthetics and quality of writing offered by the Post is fairly easy. They are going for a younger "hip" audience that likes to see language that reflects this. This isn't an overly negative point, but this is a newspaper and not a grown-up version of Teen Beat.
The front pages invariable have a colour picture of a super model pasted along the top, which refers to a paragraph blurb about them buried in the back. This is a cheap way to sell newspapers.
The last critic involves their blatant bias towards the right, which is annoying if you want a balanced opinion, as Canadian papers do not traditionally endorse political parties as those in the United States do.