Everything2 Time Capsule
It's like the everything snapshot, but much more comprehensive. Our children may look back on this writeup and think, 'Wow! This place used to be a dump!

At the time the server rolled over to January 1, 2001;

From the Everything daily report:

Top 25 Cool Writeups by Rep 

January 1, 2001 (thing) 
written by anotherone and cooled by tftv256 ((kwa-PING!))
January 1, 2001 (idea) 
written by break and cooled by simonc 
Noders are Clean: The Aftermath of an e2 Party (idea) 
written by zot-fot-piq and cooled by nocodeforparanoia 
January 1, 2001 (idea) 
written by RalphyK and cooled by heyoka 
January 1, 2001 (idea) 
written by clearpebbles and cooled by Aresds 
January 1, 2001 (person) 
written by Jinmyo and cooled by blowdart 
No one wants you the way you are. (idea) 
written by anemotis and cooled by Frater 219 
Why You Should Tip Waitresses (idea) 
written by generosity and cooled by qousqous 
January 1, 2001 (thing) 
written by ariels and cooled by WWWWolf 
When Everything2 Goes Mainstream (idea) 
written by syntax_ and cooled by tftv256 
Why are there no girls on Everything (idea) 
written by Saige and cooled by nine9 
Japanese writing system (idea) 
written by Myrmidion and cooled by blowdart 
Editor Log: October 11, 2000 (thing) 
written by sensei and cooled by hramyaegr 
Why You Should Tip Waitresses (idea) 
written by blaaf and cooled by proj2501 
How to Screw With People's Heads At The Mall (idea) 
written by ivan37 and cooled by wh00t 
are you a Visigoth or Ostrogoth? (person) 
written by Stride and cooled by Sylvar 
Codger must be stopped. (idea) 
written by blaaf and cooled by WickerNipple 
Gandalf (person) 
written by Wuukiee and cooled by dg 
polynomials (idea) 
written by General Wesc and cooled by dg 
bases of dating (idea) 
written by cahla and cooled by proj2501 
Mersenne prime (idea) 
written by blaaf and cooled by mrichich 
December 31, 2000 (idea) 
written by RimRod and cooled by nine9 
bases of dating (idea) 
written by masukomi and cooled by blowdart 
iMac (thing) 
written by ccunning and cooled by Rancid_Pickle 
How to bathe a cat (idea) 
written by BelDion and cooled by wh00t 