So much has happened to me this year. This has to be the best year of my life so far. I started out this year with a very boring life - my daily routine was work, sleep, repeat. I was afraid of even talking to women. I was sleeping away nearly all of my free time; I was depressed. I was gaining weight and wasting my life.
I made some friends at work who took me to a strip club. I was terrified to go; but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I got to know a cute asian girl (Kawana) who dances there, and she helped break me out of my shell. We would spend an hour or two talking every time I was there, and it helped me to be comfortable with talking to those people who lack a Y chromosome.
This was about the time I started on e2, and started doing my daylogs. My first daylog was actually written as a result of my first experience with Kawana. She was the first person I have ever asked out on a date, even though she very nicely turned me down. That helped me get past that fear as well.
e2 has also helped me to come to understand social conventions and to better know how to deal with people. Reading other people's daylogs gives me an understanding of how everyone deals with life and others, and this has helped me to see how a variety of people think and behave, so I know what to expect of others.
When I started doing my daylogs, I decided I was going to node everything that I was thinking and feeling, no matter how sappy or pathetic it sounded. This has helped me to be more honest about myself. This honesty has spilled over into my daily life and has made communication flow much easier with others. I felt that since I am accepted here for being honest, I can be confident about speaking honestly in real life as well. My daylogs also help me keep a clear track record in my mind about what I have done and what I plan to do. Just taking the time to think about this stuff and put it into words through the keyboard helps me to remember.
This year also was the first time I have been out on a date. My friends set me up with Sara (who I had just met a week before) for the christmas party. I had a great time and really enjoyed every aspect of just being close to someone, even if just for a short period of time. I am still trying to find out if she came along with me just to go to the party or if she has any interest in me. Either way, I learned a lot from that experience.
And just before this life-changing year could end, I had the new experience last night of a very attractive and athletic young lady coming over and starting a conversation with me while at the gym. After years of being used to people avoiding me, it was silently shocking to me that an attractive stranger would come up to me and want to know something about me.
Other things I've accomplished this year:
Summary of new experiences this year:
Well, the day and the year are not over yet. If everything goes as planned, I will probably be going down to South Beach tonight for the new year's eve party. I'll be back later to write on how that went.
3:21AM 2001
South Beach was nice. Most of the buildings were built back in the 50's or were built to look that way at least. We all hung around a small bar named Zeak's for an hour until around 11:30, then we went over to the beach and had some champagne and watched the fireworks at midnight. I got hugs and kisses from the ladies, even though I've never met any of them before tonight. :)
Afterwards, we stopped by a bar/pool hall, where I got to see some interesting people. We stopped over at a pizza joint named Deno's which had good pizza and awesome garlic rolls.
I've never driven so far south before... I imagine it can be quite easy to get lost, but I didn't. There were freeway exits that ramped over a hundred feet up in the air. I followed TC most of the time, except when we got to a toll booth on 195 and I didn't have exact change, so I had to wait and they had to pull over and let me catch up.
I played two games of pool in a team with TC's boyfriend... We lost the first game, but I made a couple of good shots. We won the second game when the other team accidently shot the 8-ball in.
Well, there's not much more to say about tonight. I had a good time and a few new minor experiences.
To everyone here on e2: Thank you for your votes of encouragment and for sharing your knowledge and experiences. You all have helped me a great deal. Take care, and Happy New Year.