CPS also stood for Capcom Power System. An arcade system developed by Capcom in 1989, and lasted up until 1996 when Capcom opted for the CPS-2 system for 2D games (Even though the CPS-2 system had been around 2 years prior in 1994). It featured such classics as Final Fight, Strider, & The Punisher.

Now for you techies, some hardware tidbits for ya. The Capcom Power System had a resolution 384 x 224 (3 Graphics planes / 16 colors per tile). A maximum of 256 (?) sprites ranging in size from 16 x 16 to 240(256?) x 240(256?). The main processor was the the classic M68000 (Classic is prolly a bad choice of a verb, but it's my writeup =o) at about 10 MHz. Three processors were used for sound, a Z80 (@ 4 MHz, it actually did a bit more then sound...), YM-2151 (@ 3.58 MHz), and a OKIM6295 (@ 10 Hz).