Cops can be such assholes, sometimes.

*yawn* My day started at 6:00 PM yesterday.

I picked up Bob and headed off to the mall to gather supplies for the night's festivities. Hit up the dollar store and got the usual, 4 glowsticks, a couple packs of gum. We headed down to CVS to get some jolly ranchers. Mission accomplished. We drove around for an hour before we could pick up Mike, and head off to the party. Picked up Mike. Headed off to the party.

Reached the location of the rave, which is at Level, a new club in Pittsburgh. We park and walk down to the entrance to find 7 police cars, drug sniffing dogs, and a paddy wagon across the street. As we waited, we saw the cops collect the ID of the entire security team and the promoters. After that, they left. We got inside and danced our asses off. When inside, we found out that the party was split up. Half of the DJs (including who I really wanted to see, DJ Venom) were at the paintball arena on the other side of the city. Now let me tell you about the paintball arena. It is the last resort venue for parties in Pittsburgh. It's got walls covered in paint and a floor of dirt, so it's not really all that fun. We opted to stay in the nice, cool, well-lighted club.

A couple hours pass, along with some recrational pharmesuitcals, and we were partying like none other. The vibe was good and so was the music.

I was dancing to a really good set by Thomas Michael, and then the music fades out. Some pig stands in front, letting us know that the fire marshall was shutting the party down. Everyone groans and starts moving out. We, on the other hand, went upstairs where the party was still going on. We got a good five minutes of dancing in, before the music stopped as well. *sigh*. We collected some people, and started mozying on downstairs. One girl had one of those LED skywriter spinny things, and she made it say "LAME" and started spinning it around. Heheh. We decided to leave and we get outside and it's chaos.

The cops have the street blocked off, the drug sniffing dogs are going nuts and the cops are being real dicks. There was some serious police shoving which was really fuckin unneccsary. We left and went to someone's house. We were waiting for a friend to show up, and he shows up, and so does about 25 people which we didn't know. Oh well. Everyone was pretty cool and we chilled there. There is when we found out that the bust over at the paintball arena was alot worse.

Aparrently, some kid screamed "PIGS!" at the cops. Three cops chased this kid down, slammed him into the pavement, and arrested him. The cops also took their dogs around the parking lot. If the dogs started barking and they couldn't get into the car, the police impounded it right on the spot. The party over there also got busted at around 2:30.

At 8:00 this morning, Three Rivers Stadium was to be imploded to make way for the new PNC Park. We all decided to make our way over there to have the perfect end to the night. I fell asleep for all of 7 minutes, and in that time period, the extra 25 people left. That was wierd.

We drive back into the city and find a nice parking lot about 10 blocks away from Point State Park. Man oh man, it was cold. We got to the park, found a good viewing spot and chilled there. Literally. We stood there and played spot the raver. We took pictures of wierd shit like a dog coming out of some guy's ass.

Exactly on time, a series of booms sounding alot like fireworks started going off.


The stadium crumbled like a sandcastle and everyone was amazed. Cue mad dash to car.

Every mercedes-driving yuppie piece of shit was in the city. It took 45 minutes to get out of the parking garage. Sheet, man. I dropped off everyone at home.

My dad was the only person home. He was also the only member of my family who didn't have any idea where I was last night. I walk in, reeking of smoke, very cracked out, tired as hell and he's like, "Hey! I guess you went down to see the implosion. How was it?" I told him it was good and went to my room. In my head I laughed due to the fact that it's been 16 hours since I've last been home and he hasn't a clue.


Update: According to the local news, the owner of the club will be fined $430,000. The club had 1,100 people over its rated capacity. The paintball arena had 400 people over it's rated capacity. Both buildings are shut down until further notice.