I had an incredibly detailed set of dreams last night. It's amazing I remember them all, and remember with such clarity.

Dream 1

I was on a field trip with some people to a water pumping station. Apparently it was also some sort of man-made river that spanned 50 miles. I remember they tried to get us to walk the distance, but I said 'screw that' and decided to ride a float of some sort down the river. The tour guide followed me, and I ended up on some sort of platform next to, and below the main station. It was metal, and bolted to the wall. Sort of like a platform in the water, with several of them in a line across the water. The water below was murky and green, and there were three dead duck carcases floating by. On my jump from the first to the second platform, something bad happened. Something really bad happened.


I was absolutely PISSED. The tour guide behind me said something to the effect of "That's what you get for messing with it now." So I looked at him, got whiny-eyed and said "Can you go get it? Please? Quick!"

And of course, he had to. So he did. He submerged into the water, and returned with my camera. I planned on letting it dry out, and debated in my head what kind of damage water would do to a camera. I took the flash card out and put it in my back pocket. I took one last look at the station to see '50 Miles' stamped on the window in white lettering, and this dream ended.

Dream 2

I was in a movie theater, but I wasn't sure what I was watching. This showing was totally full, and people were talking loud and it was difficult to watch the movie.

Suddenly, almost everyone gets up and leaves in an incredible hurry. I ask one of the people sitting in the row in front of me why everyone is leaving.

"It's the show. They're going."

Apparently there was some sort of concert happening, and these people were in the movie just passing time until it was ready to start. When the concert-goers were gone, there were about ten people left, and the movie was quite enjoyable after that.

Dream 3

My friends and I went to a Grocery Store / Bar called "The Silicon Bar." The bar was a typical bar with stools, a bartender, a jukebox, dim lighting, and people. Except behind where the people sat was a tremendous grocery store - all in the same building.

So we're walking around, perusing the items on the shelves, when most of the staff and all of the patrons leave in a rush. (Deja Vu?) My friends and I find one of the remaining staff members and ask why everyone is leaving. He doesn't know. So we did what any people in this type of situation would do.

We put on uniforms and helped out the staff.

Purple shirts with green aprons. In a grocery store. We don't work here and I offered for us to help out. I got the impression that my friends weren't terribly thrilled with helping, but didn't mind. What was I supposed to do, leave?

Dream 4

I worked for Dr. Frasier Crane, alongside Roz. Apparently, he hired on a woman named Laura to do PR work for him. Unfortunately, Laura wasn't as capable has we had hoped, as she constantly screwed stuff up. Not remembering the details, she messed something up to the point of telling the public how to get into the building, up to the studio floor, and to the booth. People were swarming the booth on all sides, and looking in the window to try and meet Dr. Crane. I opened one of the booth doors ever so slightly to let Laura in, and as she reached the door I started to ask "Laura, I was wondering if you'd ever, you know, want to go out sometime?" but she didn't hear me, and only just managed to get into the booth. The people were dispersed by promising them hand-signed autographs of Dr. Crane.

Dream 5

I was in a Grocery Store (what is it with the recurring themes?), but it was a different store than the one in Dream 3.

Anyway, I was in the checkout line. The cashier (a cute, short-haired blonde) were talking about something when the subject turned to the idea of "us". She said something to the effect of "Be direct. I won't call you." and I said "Would you let ME call YOU?" and she said "I think that would be a GREAT idea.", and she proceeded to write her telephone number on my receipt.

She looked up, and then asked me if I wanted to learn C. I said "In the worst way.", and she then told me she was taking a C class the next day and was wondering if I was, or wanted to be there. Of course, I said Yes.

Now, most of the time it's really hard to find out why you dream, and where they come from. However, I was able to discover the source behind the 'phone' dialog between the cashier and I.

Yesterday, I was reading an article on "Rewriting the Rules of Dating", and it was geared toward the female audience. One of the so-called rules went like this:

You always hang up the phone first. While we're on the subject, don't call him. Ever.

I scoffed at this "rule", and pretty much thought it to be a load of crap. Somehow, the contents of this article managed to work their way into the dream, and upon waking up, I immediately remembered where that part came from.
