- As though a window gave upon the sylvan scene
- Gave
- Why I gave up on anarchy
- The thing your aunt gave you which you don't know what it is
- gave up
- Richard of York gave battle in vain
- On three separate occasions, I gave up my life so others could live
- Mom, I Gave the Cat Some Acid
- Weird foods your parents gave you when you were sick
- the african violet you gave me
- they only gave me trouble anyways
- I gave her two daisies. This is how I met your mother.
- My grandmother gave me
- notes I never gave her
- The day I gave to charity
- What if all the web designers just gave up and went home?
- He gave her a daisy
- I Gave Away My Underpants
- She is so beautiful, I gave up Nihilism for her
- Advice my father gave me before I left for college
- George W. Bush gave the Taliban $43 million in May 2001 because they banned all drugs
- Jenny gave me a leaf of autumn
- You gave me wings when you showed me the birds
- On a Leander Which Miss Reynolds, My Kind Friend, Gave Me
- A horse gave birth to a donkey
- My purity was little stickers I willingly gave away in exchange for hearts
- God gave a loaf to every bird
- You gave me your hand, I gave you my fist
- Ho ho ho, hee hee hee, we gave your present to a refugee
- she gave herself that holocaust haircut. cinnamon colored clippings cover the motel bedspread like sprinkles.
- Jar of jam you gave me
- It was the tree that gave him away.
- There never was a body that gave the undertaker a tip
- i gave her my heart. she gave me a pen.
- The béarnaise gave us away
- Erected upon weakened ground, finally gave way
- They gave you a heart, they gave you a name
- Monkey Gave Me a High Five
- gave u aids (user)
- The day he gave me a lift
- I gave the olive branch to the Dove.
- The Day They Gave Babies Away
- The last dog I ever gave my entire heart to break
- I who put thorns on the briars and gave insects their sting
- "This sandwich is great, but it could be better if it had tomatoes and also gave me super powers."
- Gave up poetry and went down 't mine.
- A pot that gave birth
- The Woman Who Gave Birth to Rabbits
- I gave it away
- she gave her heart to a falling star
- You Gave Your Love To Me Softly
- She Gave Sweet Love To Me
- I gave her my heart, she tore it apart, and who gives a fart.
- Berkeley gave us Unix and acid, and that's no coincidence
- member
- Lay Member
- Membered
- Expendable Crew Member
- member of the tribe
- Card-carrying member of the ACLU
- The Member and the Soap
- If you are a member of a government agency you must leave now.
- cast member
- member of Congress
- Member Server
- Stressed member
- The inadequacies of Arby's crew members
- sieve-tube members
- the problem with being a member of the dominant culture
- French Constitution: Penal responsibility of the members of the government
- static data members
- Members Only Jacket
- Swollen Members
- AOL member
- MBTI types of E2 members
- member function
- Additional Member System
- Member of the Scottish Parliament
- Member of Parliament
- embryo creation cult member
- E2verse - members (collaboration)
- pointer to member
- pointer to member function
- Conservative and Union Members Committee
- Member state
- static member function
- member instance
- All Turkish members of al-Qaeda arrested so far grew up in Germany
- Flooded Member Detection
- The pyre-light licks you as if you were an ice sculpture. Are all members of your sisterhood finished with bevels?
- Mixed Member Proportional
- YHWH declares that the substitution of LOVE with FUCK is punishable by AIDS; man responds by covering his member with plastic
- One Member One Vote
- port member (user)
- Member of the Herd
- Member of the European Parliament
- staff
- Rock staff
- Staff of killeverything
- Insidious Staff discount
- How to attract the attention of wait staff
- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Bread is the staff of the proletariat. Toast is a decadent capitalist luxury.
- grand staff
- staf (user)
- staff paper
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff
- staff (user)
- The Staff of Aesculapius
- Power Staff
- Giving waiting staff a hard time
- Staff Sergeant
- Alliance and Leicester Group Union of Staff
- Britannia Staff Union
- Transport Salaried Staffs' Association
- Guinness UDV Staff Association
- The Union for Woolwich Staff
- Nationwide Group Staff Union
- National Association of Administrative Staff in Schools and Colleges
- The Staff of Moses
- Union of Finance Staff
- staff room
- Joint Chiefs of Staff
- staff weapon
- Bar staff
- Staff NCO
- Special Activities Staff
- Don't touch, check with other passengers, inform station staff or dial 999
- Chief of the Defence Staff
- Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff
- IRC Staff Meetings (collaboration)
- staff appraisal
- Prospero breaks his staff
- Staff changes, October 2008 (document)
- White House Chief of Staff
- Central Policy Review Staff
- Chief of Staff
- Everything2 Staff
- Helio Staff
- Dragon Staff
- shared copy of Staff Suiicide Intervention.
- Staff Suicide Intervention
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