- alt: alternate character
Because of the large number of characters that a player can create on each server, it is common for a player to have several lower-level characters that they do not play as often as their main character. This is sometimes discouraged by ambitious guilds who want their members working on only one character instead of dividing their time.
- ding
It is customary for a player who gains a level to announce it to their group and guild by saying “ding!” Players usually respond with some abbreviation “congratulations.” Because of this custom, the act of gaining a level is frequently referred to as “dinging.”
- DPS: Damage Per Second
The average amount of damage that a player deals. Because certain classes are particularly good at having a high rate of DPS, players specialized in this are often referred to as DPSs by players putting together groups.
- HP: Health Points
Health points work the same as hit points in other games. If a character runs out of health points, she dies, and must be resurrected. Health can be regained by quaffing potions, applying bandages, eating food, or simply waiting without being in combat.
- lock: Warlock
This shorthand is frequently used by players trying to organize a group. When typing quickly, ever letter counts.
- main: main character
Because of the large number of characters that a player can create on each server, it is common for a player to have several lower-level characters that they do not play as often as their main character. Players with multiple characters frequently have one at a higher level that they spend more time playing: their main.
- ninja
A player who steals items or resources that they do not deserve. For example, if another player is trying to kill a group of monsters to get to a chest, another player who walks up and empties the chest, safe from the distracted monsters, would be a ninja. Also refers to players who take items that they don’t need in a group situation. “Ninjaing” is considered a serious offense, and can get a player kicked out of their guild.
- pally: Paladin
A holy warrior, playable by humans, dwarves, Draenei, and blood elves; originally, the Alliance complement of the shaman. The only healer class that can wear plate mail. Paladins are better suited for raids than shamans.
- port: portal
A mage ability that allows portals to be opened to major cities. Frequently used to transport a group out of a dungeon once it has been completed. Because the portal spell requires a special reagent, it is not uncommon for mages to offer portals as a paid service to other players.
- PvE: Player versus Environment
In PvE play, players focus on killing computer-controlled enemies and completing quests, rather than competing against other players. Some servers are specifically PvE.
- PvP: Player versus Player
In PvP play, players focus on competing with other players. Some servers are specifically PvP. On other servers, players must specifically “flag” themselves for PvP combat before members of the opposite faction can attack them. On PvP servers, players are constantly flagged.
- rez (res): resurrect
Players who are killed can come back to life in several ways, including finding their corpse, speaking to a Spirit Healer, or being resurrected by another player. Only priests, druids, shamans, paladins, and engineers (using Goblin Jumper Cables) can resurrect other players.
- RP: Roleplaying
In roleplaying, players attempt to immerse themselves in the game world. They have their character speak authentically, profess worldviews and beliefs that their character would have, and in other ways try to act realistically for their role. Roleplaying servers are the only servers on which players will walk everywhere instead of running.
- rouge: Rogue
A common misspelling of “rogue,” usually perpetrated by the subliterate 14 year olds who infest every square inch of Warcraft.
- sap
A rogue ability that stuns a humanoid enemy for an extended period of time (30 seconds or more, depending on the rogue’s skill). Because this can only be used on enemies who aren’t in battle, and it will attract the attention of nearby monsters, sapping is used as an opening in many group fights with multiple monsters.
- shammy: Shaman
A mystical spellcaster, playable by trolls, Tauren, Orcs, and Draenei; originally, the Horde complement of the paladin. Shamans wear mail, and have an enormous variety of abilities, though they may be weaker than other classes'. Shamans are better suited for PvP play than paladins.
- sheep
A mage ability (technically called “polymorph”) that turns an enemy into a sheep, preventing them from using any abilities, but greatly increasing their health regeneration. Used to remove foes from battle and control the difficulty of fights.
- spec: specialization
Starting at level 10, every level that a player reaches will earn them a talent point. Talent points can be invested into talent trees (unique to their class), which improve abilities and powers and teach new ones. Because a player is better served by focusing on a single tree than balancing between several (at least early in the game), certain talent specializations are well known: an arms warrior, a holy priest, a restoration druid.
- squishy
A priest, mage, or warlock. These classes can only wear cloth armor, which provides minimal protection from physical damage. In a group, it is the job of the tank to protect the cloth-wearers.
- SS: Soul Shard or Soulstone
Soul shards are created by warlocks from the souls of defeated enemies by using an ability as the target dies. They are then used as reagents in spells that the warlock casts. A warlock ability called "soulstoning" allows a player in the group to resurrect themselves after dying.
- summon
A warlock ability that brings a player to the warlock from anywhere in the world. The spell requires the aid of two other players, both of whom (and the player being summoned) must be in a group together. The summonee is given the option of accepting or rejecting the summons. The spell is frequently used to bring a group together more quickly.
- tank
A tank is a character or pet who can take a lot of damage. Tanks are most frequently warriors, paladins, or Voidwalkers. In a group, it is the tank’s job to keep monsters’ attention focused on herself, to quickly distract monsters attacking weaker party members (especially healers) and, if need be, to sacrifice herself to save the healer’s life.