- The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
- The Ones Who Walk Away From Salemo
- Women you know you should just walk away from
- walk away from time
- I'd walk away from the dawn and leave for you
- even cigarette smoking, Atlantic City gamblers walked away from the slot machines
- Inches away from her face
- Little solace comes to those who grieve
- those valiant men who saved New Orleans
- Crawling through festering flesh, hungry and, yearning, they wait for the day they will tear away from the dark.
- you can give up, but there will always be those who do not
- those receive me, who quietly treat me, as one familiar and well-beloved in that home
- Happy those who with a glowing faith in one embrace clasped Death and Victory
- It would be a less interesting world if we all walked and skipped alike, and never fell from bicycles.
- Please leave me far away from your nonsense, woman.
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter III
- A list of things kids should and should not have from a woman who has no kids
- Having run away from a wedding reception
- Home away from home
- fart and walk away
- Those Who Dig
- Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever
- away from me
- Bands Who Take Their Names from Eighteenth-century English Poetry and Prose
- returning to that place from far away and long ago
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter XII
- Those also serve who stay behind and fill in the Gaps
- to all who walk with us, and are not walking with us
- Kids who walk in the middle of the road
- There were people on the Titanic who waved away the dessert trolley
- Those who hunt monsters
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter VIII
- Get your dog away from my rims, cop
- Famous people who died from smoking related illnesses
- Any sufficiently nice person is indistinguishable from someone who likes you
- keep away from children and poets.
- Those who study philosophy
- Don't take any guff from those swine
- You're one of those people who knows all the words to every song, aren't you?
- We've come from too far away, I think, to really make much contact.
- Drop the hamster and back away from the canary
- You can never get away from yourself
- Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one
- Why do all the pretty things always run away from me?
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter XIII
- she turns and smiles, then walks away
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter XV
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter XI
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter VI
- Those who wake sleeping dragons
- Those who will not follow are doomed to lead
- And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music
- Who is the third who walks always beside you?
- Overgrowth (for those who have loved the emotionally disturbed)
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter IV
- walk away (user)
- Cemeteries are boring, but I can't seem to stay away from this one in particular.
- Snatched away, like the Lindberg baby, who everyone talked about, which explains my lifelong fear of ladders.
- we'll walk away again
- Walk away
- Why I ran away from home
- Wandering about with keys dangling from an oversized shoelace around your neck
- The Three Kings who were from Villeins
- Who wants a Yo! MTV Raps Trading Card from the FUNKY FRESH holliman?
- Walk Away Renee
- The Child who came from an Egg
- I have weighed the cost benefits and walked away.
- The further I get from the things that I care about, the less I care about how much further away I get
- The Man Who Fled From Azrael
- God helps those who help themselves
- All Those Tears But I Learned Something From Her
- Those who are idle are complicit
- Slipping away from myself
- NATO runs away from protestors in Victoria
- Those who are as a light in the darkness shall ever be troubled by moths
- You know you've been away from home too long
- Those Who Hunt Elves
- May those who are born after me
- On getting blown up 8000 miles from home by a man who does not own shoes
- stop adoring from so far away
- I was less than one hundred footsteps away from you I suppose
- I've got to get away from all this escapism
- For Those Who Suffer Desire
- She kissed me gently, just once, then walked away crying
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter VII
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter IX
- Asymmetric Cryptography for Those Who At Least Know Algebra
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter II
- Those who look for meaning in the world are like travellers seeking wood in the shade of a forest
- To a girl who thought she was moving away
- Keep guns away from drunks
- Far away from home
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter XIV
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter X
- let the memories be good for those who stay
- Step away from the fridge, lardass!
- I always imagine those surrounded by time, but I walk on top of it.
- you have an obligation to those who are gone
- i hope there are those in this world who know what a gift it is to have anyone that knows the whole of their heart
- We reserve the deepest disdain for those who remind us of ourselves.
- My tribe are those who built the Internet
- First Christmas Away From Home
- those who are dead are not dead
- wasn't I the guy who walked these streets all night?
- Sitting in the library, listening to the rain, reading an interesting book and wanting to meet the man who just walked past
- The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
- Am I the only one who walks alone under moonlight without fear?
- The woman who walked in a straight line
- And only those who had been there knew the whole truth.
- Waking up is nice for those first few moments before you remember who and what you are.
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter V
- running away from home
- Suddenly alone among a million lives, far away from home
- stepping away from the computer, to go camping
- On Being the one who goes away
- Keep us away from us
- Everything is about a week away from paying off
- Till Eulenspiegel walks the tightrope
- i Kill Strangers, Stay Away From Me
- George W. Bush is a heartbeat away from the presidency
- The Introverted Thinker walks away
- Your job is to brush away the cobwebs from the corners of your emotional bedroom.
- when the truth walks away, everybody stays
- Y2K from people who worked that night
- Who is protecting whom from what?
- As seen mouthed through one half inch of safety glass as the bus pulled away from the terminal and left a westward wafting cloud of exhaust
- Are guys who get blowjobs from guys straight?
- The Scots Confession: Chapter 18
- Simple methods for conversing with those suffering from death
- The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
- Who modification to hide users' hosts from other users
- you're a bow and arrow, a broken guitar, while the rainwater washes away who you are
- keep away from children
- The Man Who Flew Into Space From His Apartment
- A love letter from someone who cannot say I Love You
- Letter from a man who smokes Chesterfields
- Of course they want to come here. Who doesn't? Besides the people from Los Angeles, but we don't speak of them.
- all I ever learned from love was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
- Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
- Those stupid ad execs who make every price end in 99
- The guy who got Isekai'd straight from 1942 Stalingrad to a fantasy land
- Those people who laugh too loudly
- A letter to those who have impressed me
- Where the heck did those Hobbits come from
- Who benefits from rebuilding Iraq?
- For those who wear glasses
- Those who are the most intelligent are often the most likely to go insane
- Those are giants; and if thou art afraid, away with thee out of this and betake thyself to prayer while I engage them in fierce and unequal combat
- The sort who hides away
- Those who would sacrifice essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Those who have abandoned their dreams will discourage yours
- Questions for those who don't like capitalism
- Lift not the painted veil which those who live
- Surah 79 Those Who Drag Forth
- those who knew
- We try to be friendly here. Those who are not friendly will be shot.
- Those who come to scoff often stay to pray
- Those Who Must Be Kept
- To those who know who they are
- good things come to those who wait
- Very Far Away from Anywhere Else
- those who don't fit into the herd are always recognized
- Surah 37 Those Who Set the Ranks
- Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
- Wash Away Those Years
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter I
- Gods exist but will only talk to those who stay awake after bedtime under the covers.
- I'd like it here if I could leave and see you from a long way away
- Having someone wrapped around you, looking into your eyes, inches away from your face, smiling the cutest smile in the world and giving you quick little kisses on the nose is the greatest feeling anywhere ever
- An American in Tours
- Asymmetric Cryptography for Those Who Only Know Arithmetic
- For those who find themselves frequently in shadows
- Those of us who are thieves starve without a joker in our deck.
- Those who can't do, teach
- Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying
- Your facts peel away from your own fiction
- I'm not a dyke just 'cause I shaved my head, but if it keeps certain people away, fuckin' A right on
- Girls Who Are Wizards
- It's not enough they take your life away with a gun; they have to take it away with their pens, too
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