- Why are there so many crazy people on the Internet?
- I've been looking so long at these pictures of you that I almost believe that they are real
- As a side effect of the server move, this list isn't gettin cleared automatically, so many people listed aren't actually online. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.
- These people are still happening to me
- These people from the other village smell wrong! Kill them!
- Just so we’re all clear, it is okay to miss people who no longer want you in their lives
- These aren't the sorts of people you are supposed to like
- I Knew These People
- We're flawed because we want so much more. We're ruined because we get these things and wish for what we had.
- Entropy, fuck off. These are my people.
- Ack! Am I really related to these people?
- These people are not your friends
- They made the sunrise for people like us just so we have an excuse for why we're still up.
- people are lazy about explanations so they make rules
- so many people want the things that they're not willing to give
- all of these people are me
- Take these shackles off my feet so I can dance
- This one goes out to you - not so much the people in the audience, but more the people in my mind
- The problem with people who think life is inexpressibly beautiful is that they so often try to express it anyway
- I am going to rewrite you so that I can still like people.
- So many people have come and gone, their faces fade as the years go by
- God was creepier than I expected so I took it out on the little people
- Dust mop so magic she can not believe how fun it is to clean up after people
- Why do so many people wear glasses?
- You know there's so many people living in this house
- thoughts and ideas ought to be convoluted, because the things and people that they represent are equally so
- Don't you hate these clever people and these clever-people parties?
- Just so we’re all clear, it is okay to miss people you no longer want in your life
- it wouldn't be so bad if people like you would have become ghosts too
- some people are so poor, all they have is money
- I never dreamed I'd need so many people
- People wouldn't fall in love so often if it were more clearly marked
- It seemed so real, to me these are more than wasted days
- i'm going to show these people a world that you don't believe can exist
- why I do have to get so deep with people all the time just to gently let them down 2 weeks later
- Some people break so easily
- Why do people on TV eat so much?
- Made direct amends to such people wherever possible except when to do so would injure them or others
- Her hair, tangled
- Religion doesn't exist just so that people can be told what to think
- helping old ladies cross the street
- Helping someone learn how, and why, to appreciate text
- Helping Everything2/Perl Monks/AnimeFu
- helping verb
- The helping instinct
- Helping the child or adolescent trauma survivor
- Fighting, not helping
- this isnt helping (user)
- I have another heaping helping of geeky metal songs for you
- Helping children with reading problems
- imagine if helping those in need were a competitive team sport
- The introverted thinker on helping
- are you helping? or are you in the way?
- people
- Stupid people
- How to Talk Dirty and Influence People
- People are sometimes very crazy
- Blue People
- Shiny Happy People
- Small things like these
- Nice people swallow
- We, the people
- Guns don't kill people; people kill people
- People's Republic of China
- People in glass houses should not throw stones
- We do more after 2am than most people do all day.
- People die
- Creative ways of killing people
- Meeting people is easy
- Little People
- Know your pets
- Ordinary People
- The Tomorrow People
- black people
- Dead links in writeups
- White People
- Flaunting your sexuality
- Taking things at surface value
- The Mole People
- People referred to by three initials
- The People's Will
- The Purple People Eater
- Village People
- Only the devil would play the same five songs over and over
- Short Music for Short People
- The apostrophes of Ginger's Creek
- Slippery People
- How to Win Friends and Influence People
- Guns don't kill people. Wait, guns do kill people.
- It is the way of my people
- Relationships between two people
- The People Vs. Larry Flynt
- Power to the people
- Letter People
- Book people and retail people
- How to avoid people whom you don't like talking to
- Who are the people in your neighborhood?
- A People's History of the United States
- People are impossible. I should know; I'm one of them.
- young people
- People's Republic of Cambridge
- A simple program for complicated people
- The People's Republic
- Dead People Server
- insulting people you like
- The People's Elbow
- How to get people to leave you alone
- I don't believe in people
- What the American people want politics to be
- people person
- Variety in the sense of taste in people
- CA(1982): Rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
- One of those people with a disproportionately sized feature of their body
- A Society of People Named Elihu
- people hurt
- What Do You Care What Other People Think?
- Fuck what other people think
- play dumb
- Japanese people like to play games
- It's better to be lonely than to be with inferior people
- The People's Court
- It's better to be solitary than with incompatible people
- Comparing your insides to other people's outsides
- People and the fascinating mix
- People who don't smoke will never die
- Why won't people kick both parties out?
- "Pity, Sympathy and People Discussing Me"
- You have had sex with all the people your partner has had sex with
- The Bone People
- People who don't capitalize their I's
- People who peak as young professionals
- people of the book
- The Apartment People
- What do girls think about guys who think about what other people think about girls and what they do?
- Demon people
- You sad cookie, you CARE more about filthy rich pretty people you'll never meet
- Fake proof that if one person in a room is a redhead, then all the people in that room are redheads
- The art of stuffing people into boxes
- If you could see what your cars are made of, people, you'd shoot yourselves.
- People with programming languages named after them
- You people disgust me
- Yan and the Japanese People
- Reading ahead in comic calendars
- People for Ethical Treatment of Vegetables
- Guns don't kill people, paperclips kill people
- Things that hang from people's mirrors
- Dreamy things people have said to me
- Inability to decide on what your morals and values should be
- (Listen to the) Flower People
- Animals people have sex with
- Guns don't stop dictators, people stop dictators
- Watching people eating
- Seeing Other People
- Offending people is offensive
- People's 50 Most Beautiful People is a crock of shit
- Automatic For The People
- Teaching your dog not to jump on people
- People who argue, using terms they refuse to define
- God is good, people are screwed up
- being beaten into an unhealthy state by other people's pasts
- People I would've voted for
- People Power
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