In my experience,
marijuana, while not physically addictive, is incredibly socially addictive.
I was addicted to pot for about a year. Like telbij mentions above, there just wasn't a good enough reason to quit, especially for me, it being my senior year of high school and everything that entails. It has been interesting since then watching what happens to my friends-turned-potheads-turned friends. Most still smoke, but not like we did. Everyone scattered from our border town, and found that the green is much more expensive everywhere else in the nation, especially when vague concepts like room and board suddenly become rockhard rent and groceries.
Biskit still smokes a lot. We're roommates now, and he's found rent is a beast without a job. But why trade your hours for dimes when you can just worry about making the money by the first, right?
Danny D stayed behind. Just about the time we graduated there was an influx of "The White," Cocaine into our adolescence. Without warning we couldn't find pot anywhere, and the dealer kids were practically rolling in the snow. I moved away soon after, I still worry about Danny.
Richdawg became a Christian in Tucson. I've tried to stay neutral on this one, but I noticed one thing. He stopped smoking, and this is big. Big like broke-the-$200-Roor-in-half big. Rich was a real head, we are close friends, and this is how I noticed addiction.
After being "zooted" all the time lost its charm and just made me sleepy all the time, I quit smoking. I suppose being busted for a pinch of pot and spending the night in jail for it had a little influence too. (gotta love conservative Arizona). These days I toke on occasion. Seeing Richdawg was always an occasion. We'd sit together, get stoned, and well, just talk. Pot slows one's proverbial roll. I miss that.
Marijuana is socially addictive. I don't miss the THC, I miss the ritual. My freshman year of college, walking to The Spot with friends, loading "Smokin' Joe" with water and snow, cleaning, laughing. I miss my friends having the excuse of "we were so stoned" so they can just be themselves and have some fun. When I smoke these days, the idea is sweeter than the high.
If pot isn't addictive like I always testified, why was it so hard to stop?