No shades of grey (again, on a computer, such as early Macs).

Also, slang for a police cruiser, since historically, they were painted black and white (at least, in the U.S.). Watch the last bits of The Blues Brothers.

By analogy, any issue framed in absolute terms. If you look closely enough, almost every black and white issue is really a false dichotomy, and things are really in shades of grey

A type of cookie sold in bakeries. It gets its name from its frosting, which covers one of the cookie's faces. Half the frosting is black or brown (typically chocolate), and the other is white (typically buttercream or a firmer variation). The base cookie is moist but not really chewy, not too sweet, sometimes with a slight citrus flavor. I have never seen a packaged version of the black and white, probably because the cookie is also typically about 16cm (6 inches) in diameter.

Have you ever felt, the winds of time, blowing so strong, that they knock you down, and you fall, into a puddle of regret.
And have you ever felt, the strings of loneliness, wrap around you so tight, that you can scarcely breathe, or even proceed to voice your sadness.
Have you ever lingered, to look out, off the cliff to oblivion, questioning the very ground you stand upon.
Or perhaps lingered there, only to wipe a tear from your eye, whilst struggling to obey, the thoughts you have so long repressed.
How do you feel, upon reading these words, that ring so true to heart.
Do your eyes water, or maybe close, to shut out the reality, that lies so painfully, somewhere deep within your soul.
Know this my darkling... the answer to eternal happiness is truly a reality;
And someday you shall stumble across it, when you least expect to.
But it must be known, that eternal happiness cannot exist alone, for it consists of both good and bad, as does every other thing, within our great universe. And it is only thought that makes all you perceive real... the physical is your own creation, and once your thought has been harnessed, life will become remarkably simple.

The black and white print is a wondrous thing with numerous possibilities beyond sticking it behind glass - it is a tool in greater artistic expression.

The first thing to realize about the black and white print is how it differs from a color print. In both cases, a print is made of a gelatin matrix which holds the silver. In a color print, the silver is attached to dyes which produce the color - while the black and white print the silver is left (producing black through shades of gray). This concept becomes more important with two of the processes that can be preformed on a black and white print. If one was to bleach a color print, the resulting geletin densities would have little to do with the colors that existed previously.

Hand Tinting
Hand tinting is using some form of coloration to add color to specific areas of a black and white print. This is often done in the form of a special paint or pencil, though some markers work also (Marshall's has one of the better assortments of supplies for this). This has been done to countless photographs and can often be seen in photographs of children and young women from the 40s (and well before too) though the 60s (it has since fallen out of favor with the time it takes and the proliferation of cheap color film) - adding blue to the eyes, a flesh color to the face and a bit of blush to the cheeks and lips. It is not only people that can be tinted - any photographic subject can have color added back to it. Probably one of the better web sites showing the range of expression that this can have is: (make certain you are running with javascript enabled - the mouseover of the photograph is the key to the presentation).

Photographic Toning
Toning a photograph is often done to increase the archival nature of the print - often allowing it to exist for a very significant length of time. This is often seen with the sepia toning in old west photographs. The toning process bleaches out the silver from the gelatin matrix and then replaces it with some other compound (selenium, copper, gold, sepia , or many others). Toning a photograph will change the hue - going from black to white to a copper to white or blue to white - this often changes the levels of the grays (most of the time making the mid-tones lighter). It is possible to tone specific spots of the photograph with the use of masks to prevent the bleach and toner from reaching other portions of the print.

Bromoil Transfer Process
Just as in the photographic toning, in the bromoil transfer process a black and white print is bleached to remove the silver from the print. At this point, print is tanned and dried so that it will accept water in the less dense (white and highlight) portions of the gelatin matrix. After soaking the print again in water an oil based ink is applied to the surface. The white areas (with water) reject the oil while the dark areas accept it. After inking the matrix it is applied to an art paper and the image has been transfered. The use of a brush on the print allows the artist to change the emphasis or subtly alter the image. The artist is by no means required to stick with using a black oil and can take this opportunity the add color to the photograph.

CST Approved

"Black and White"

Written and Performed by Static X
Taken from the album Machine released on May 22nd, 2001 via Warner Bros
Running Length of: 3:12

Lost in my own World
Lost in my own World
Lost in my
Lost in my own World
Lost in my own World
Lost in my
Getting to the right
Getting to the wrong
Getting mine
Getting to the right
Getting to the wrong
Getting high

Losing your mind
Losing your mind
It's bluring, It's fading
Your soul's on fire
It's black and white

Burning inside
Burning inside
Burning into white
Burning inside
Burning inside
Burning into night
Yourself collides
Yourself collides
Yourself into mine
Yourself collides
Yourself collides
Yourself splinters like

Losing your mind
Losing your mind
(It's ours for the taking)
It's bluring, It's fading
Your soul's on fire
It's black and white

Blurring the light
Blurring the light
(It's blurring, It's fading)
It's ours for the taking
Flickering colours
It's black and white



Tuning C G C F A D
(All Distorted) 


VERSE (each verse is the same, each note hits on the same syllable in the line)
|-------------------------------------------------------2-| x2
Lost in my own world, lost in my own world, lost in my.....

|-------------------------------------------------------2-| x2
Getting to the right, getting to the wrong, getting mine...

CHORUS (same as verse)
    Losing your mind, losing your mind, its blurring, its fading...

   Your souls on fire, its black and white!


   Lost in my own world, lost in my own..lost in my...

     Losing your mind, losing your mind........It's blurring, It's fading...
            Your....soul''s Black and White!

I would put a drum tab up, if only drum tabs were more popular and I could play drums! If ANYONE knows a link to a drum tab for this song, I will add it after you /msg me.

For those of you who can't be bothered to find out for yourselves:

This song is about how the band when they are on tour and how they become lost in their own worlds and lose their sense of reality and home life. The lead vocalist, Wayne Static, is describing how these two worlds, reality and his own little world, are completely seperate, but at the end it all comes together ("blurring the light"). The two worlds are like black and white i.e. completely different to each other.


Song Production and Programming: Wayne Static, Ulrich Wild
Mastering: Tom Baker
Mixing: James McCrone, Ulrich Wild
Engineering: Ulrich Wild

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