domain Eucarya
kingdom Plantae
division Magnoliophyta (formerly Phylum
class Magnoliopsida (formerly Class
superorder Rosidae or Rutiflorae
order Sapindales or Rutales
family Rutaceae
subfamily Aurantioidiae
tribe Citreae
subtribe Citrinae
genus Citrus
A genus of tropical plants, many of which produce fruits of vast commercial
A variety of some Citrus plant probably developed in the Indonesian
Archipelago some 20 million years ago. It probably had bitter fruit.
Some time during man's wanderings into the area before the last Ice Age,
this plant was discovered, and its juice was used for medicinal purposes.
At some point, these plants were cultivated in India and/or China, from
which the sweet varieties were developed. Today, they are cultivated
wherever the climate allows, often augmented by irrigation.
There are two subgenera of Citrus: one also called Citrus,
and the other called Papeda. All commercial citrus comes
from the first subgenus. The fruits are the familiar sections of numerous juicy capsules with papery coverings, arranged radially around the axis of the fruit, with a fleshy covering and a waxy exterior. All Citrus leaves are obovate with
a point at the tip (spearpoint-shaped). Most Papeda plants
have bitter, inedible fruits; they can be recognized by leaves which grow
along the stems and interconnect with each other. It is difficult
to tell which Citrus are wild and which are cultivated; most 'wild' species
are probably in the Papeda group.
Any attempt to state the number of actual Citrus species would
be pointless. Due to its long history of being cultivated, the
several species of the Citrus subgenus are all cross-fertile, and
produce fertile offspring. Indeed, Citrus plants can crossbreed with
members of Fortunella (kumquat). We have no idea
how many hybrids were produced in the past; even worse, it is in the interest
of commercial growers to have their specialized cultivars recognized as
distinct species. Furthermore, naitonal pride appears to figure into
the mix.
Not surprisingly, the classification of various Citrus plants
into species is highly controversial. In 1875, Joseph D. Hooker recognized
just four Citrus species. Walter T. Swingle, in 1943, identified 15
species. in 1954, Dr. Takesi Tanaka, using looser criteria to distinguish one species from another, recognized 145!
In the list below:
Members of subgenus Citrus are marked with a (C),
members of Papeda are marked with a (P).
Very Large, bold names are commerically important species.
Tanaka species appear indented under the Swingle species they are associated
I'm not sure about the associations of some species, these are marked with
a (?)
I've taken the liberty of merging C. paradisi into C. maxima
as many sources do this, even though EGID does not.
C. aurantifolia (C)
subsumes C. latifolia
subsumes C. davoensis (P) (Dawao lemon)
subsumes C. excelsa (P)
subsumes C. hyalopulpa
subsumes C. javanica
subsumes C. latifolia
subsumes C. limettoides
subsumes C. longispina (P)
subsumes C. montana
subsumes C. macrophylla (P)
subsumes C. obversa
subsumes C. ovata
subsumes C. papaya
subsumes C. pennivesiculata
subsumes C. webberi (P)
C. aurantium (C) (sour
or bitter orange, Seville Orange)
subsumes C. bergamia (Bergamot)
subsumes C. bigaradia (Bigarde Orange)
subsumes C. vulgaris
subsumes C. canaliculata
subsumes C. maderaspatama
subsumes C. myrtifolia
subsumes C. neoaurantium
hybrid: C. pappilaris
subsumes C. rokugatsu
subsumes C. taiwanica
subsumes C. yanbaruensis
C. celebica
C. halimii (new)
C. hystrix (P) (Thai lime, kaffir
C. ichangensis (P) (Ichang lemon,
Papeda, yuzu)
Hybrid: C. hanaju
subsumes C. junos (P) (yuzu)
subsumes C. sudachi (P)
subsumes C. takuma-sudachi
subsumes C. wilsonii
C. kizu (?)
C. latipes (P)
C. limon (C) (lemon)
subsumes C. assamensis
subsumes C. balotina
subsumes C. duttae
subsumes C. jambhiri (rough lemon, citronelle)
subsumes C. karna
subsumes C. limetta
subsumes C. limonia (Mandarin lime, Canton lemon,
Khatta orange, Rangpur lime)
subsumes C. longilimon
subsumes C. lumia
subsumes C. macrolimon
subsumes C. megaloxycarpa
subsumes C. meyerii
subsumes C. pyrifomis (Yellow Wonder)
subsumes C. rissoi
subsumes C. sarbati
C. limonum (small Egyptian lime) (?)
C. luminciana (?)
C. macroptera (P)
subsumes C. combara
subsumes C. kerni
C. maxima (C)
(shaddock, pomelo, grapefruit)
subsumes C. ampullacea
subsumes C. asahikan
subsumes C. aurantiacia
subsumes C. decumana
subsumes C. flavicarpa
subsumes C. glaberrima (Silk-skinned orange, kinukawa)
subsumes C. grandis
subsumes C. hassaku
subsumes C. intermedia
subsumes C. iwaikan
subsumes C. kotokan
subsumes C. medioglobosa
subsumes C. miaray
subsumes C. mistuharu
subsumes C. natsudaidai
subsumes C. panuban
subsumes C. paradisi
subsumes C. pseudogulgul
subsumes C. obovoidea
subsumes C. ornikanto
subsumes C. otachibana
subsumes C. rugulosa
subsumes C. sulcata
subsumes C. tengu
subsumes C. tosa-asahi
subsumes C. truncata
subsumes C. yamabuki
subsumes C. yuge-hyokan
C. medica (C)
subsumes C. limonimedica
subsumes C. nana
subsumes C. odorata
C. micrantha
C. reticulata(C) (clementine,
mandarin orange, satsuma, tangerine)
subsumes C. amblycarpa (nasnaran)
subsumes C. benikoji
subsumes C. chuana
subsumes C. clementina (clementine)
subsumes C. cleopatra (?)
subsumes C. crenatifolia
subsumes C. deliciosa
hybrid: C. depressa (voangasay, Flat or Hirami
subsumes C. erythrosa
subsumes C. genshokan
hybrid: C. inflata
subsumes C. keraji
subsumes C. limonellis
subsumes C. madurensis (P)
subsumes C. microcarpa
subsumes C. mitis
hybrid: C. nippokoreana
hybrid: C. nobilis (King Orange)
hybrid: C. oto
subsumes C. paratangerina
subsumes C. platymamma
hybrid: C. pseudoaurantium
subsumes C. reshni (Cleopatra)
subsumes C. suavissima
subsumes C. unshiu
subsumes C. succosa
subsumes C. suhiensis
subsumes C. sunki
subsumes C. tangerini
subsumes C. tardiferax
subsumes C. tardiva
hybrid: C. tarogayo
hybrid: C. tumida
hybrid: C. yatsushiro
hybrid: C. yuko
C. rocarpa (Kabosu) (?)
C. siniensis (C) (sweet
oranges: Blood Orange, Navel Orange, Valencia)
subsumes C. aurea
subsumes C. funadoko
subsumes C. iyo
subsumes C. luteo-turgida
subsumes C. oblonga
subsumes C. shunokan
subsumes C. sinograndis
subsumes C. tamurana
subsumes C. tankan
subsumes C. temple (Temple Orange mmmm....)
subsumes C. ujukitsu
C. sphaerocarpa (?)
C. tachibana
subsumes C. erythrosa
subsumes C. kinokuni
subsumes C. oleocarpa
subsumes C. ponki
"Survey of Phenolic Compounds Produced in Citrus", Appendix 2
Mark Berhow, Brent Tisserat, Katherine Kanes, and Carl Vandercook
United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Citrus Variety Collection
University of California, Riverside
Sorting citrus names
EGID-Citrus Network
Citrinae Subtribe classification, January 2001
The primary classification sources appear to be:
Hooker, JD. Flora of British India. Rutaceae, 1:484-517.
Reeve and Co, London, 1875.
Swingle, WT. "The botany of citrus and its wild relatives of the orange
subfamily". Pp. 129-474 in:HJ Webber and LD Batchelor, eds. The Citrus
Industry. Vol i. History, Botany, and Breeding. Univ of California Press,
Berkeley, 1943.
Tanaka, T. Species problems in Citrus. Japanese
Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, 1954.