The M section of Robert Cawdrey's 1604 dictionary A Table Alphabeticall.
Not content with a mere transcription, I have also translated Cawdrey's 400 year old English into modern E2 English, through a process involving the OED, much research and many educated guesses.
The main entries may appear in as many as five parts :
Original {Corrected} [Repaired] (Modern) <E2>
Original is exactly as it appears in Cawdrey.
Corrected fixes what I believe to be a typo.
Repaired swaps I with J, and U with V, as necessary for current alphabetic usage.
Modern gives the modern American spelling.
E2 removes plurals and verb endings and such, so it links to an existing node.
Each operation is performed on its left-hand neighbor. The results are omitted if nothing
changed. Only the rightmost word is hard-linked.
A leading (f) indicates French origin, a leading (g) indicates Greek origin.
If an entry is marked with clueless, then my search for a modern version of the word has come up empty.
Please msg me with any corrections or suggestions.
See Also
Main Entry,
- MAcerate
- to steepe in water, or make cleane
- madefie (madefy)
- dip, make wet
- maffle
- stammer, or stut
- magicke (magic)
- inchaunting, coniuring
- magistrate
- gouernour
- (g) magitian (magician)
- one vsing witchcraft
- magnanimitie (magnanimity)
- valientnes, courage
- magnificence
- sumptuousnes
- magnifie (magnify)
- to extoll, or praise highly
- magnitude
- greatnes
- (f) mayre {magre} (maugre)
- leane
- maiestie [majestie] (majesty)
- the stately port and honourable renowne of any
- (f) maladie (malady)
- disease
- (f) malecontent (malcontent)
- discontented
- malediction
- slaundring, ill report, or backbiting, or cursing
- malefactor
- an euill doer
- malepert (malapert)
- saucy, proud, snappish
- (f) maligne (malign)
- to hate, with purpose to hurt
- (f) malignitie (malignity)
- naughtines, malice
- malitious (malicious)
- hating, or enuying
- manchet
- fine white breade
- mandate
- a charge, or commaundement
- (f) maniacque (maniac)
- mad: braine sick
- manicle (manacle)
- a fetter, for to bind the hands
- manifest
- opened, declared or reuealed
- manuring
- dung, tilling
- (f) mannage (manage)
- handle
- mansion
- an abiding place
- manuall (manual)
- done with the hand
- manumisse (manumit)
- to set free, or at libertie
- (g) maranatha
- accursed
- (f) marche (march)
- goe in aray, or goe forward
- margent
- edge, or brim of any thing
- (f) marte (mart)
- a faire
- (f) massacre
- kill, put to death
- martiall (martial)
- warlike, or valiant, or taking paines and delight in warres
- (g) martyre (martyr)
- witnes, one suffering death for the faith of Christ
- materiall (material)
- of some matter, or importance
- matrixe (matrix)
- wombe
- matron
- an auncient, sober, and a discrete woman
- mature
- ripe, perfect, speedy
- (f) maugre
- despight, against ones will
- maxime (maxim)
- a principle, or sure ground in any matter
- (g) mechanicall (mechanical), mechanick (mechanic)
- handie craft
- mediatour (mediator)
- aduocate, or surety, or one making peace betwixt two
- medicine
- remedie, or cure
- mediocritie (mediocrity)
- a measure, a meane
- meditate
- muse vpon, bethinke
- meditation
- the earnest minding or thinking vpon a thing
- (g) melancholie (melancholy)
- black choler, a humor of solitarines, or sadnes
- mellifluous
- sweete as hony, yielding much hony
- (g) melody
- sweete sounding, or sweete musick
- memorable
- worthie to be remembred
- (f) menace
- to threaten
- menstruous
- defiled, or foule
- mentall (mental)
- belonging to the minde
- mercenary
- seruing for wages, and hireling
- meridian
- pertaining to noone tide
- meritorious
- that deserueth, or set for advauntage
- (g) metamorphosis
- a changing of one shape, or likenes into another
- (g) metaphor
- similitude, or the putting ouer of a word from his proper and naturall signification, to a foraine or vnproper signification
- (g) meteors <meteor>
- elementarie bodies, or moyst things, ingendered of vapours in the ayre aboue
- (g) method
- an order, or readie way to teach, or doo any thing
- (g) methodized <methodize>
- brought into order
- (g) metropolitaine (metropolitan)
- of the cheife citty
- (g) microcosme (microcosm)
- a little world
- militant
- warring, or beeing in warres
- (f) miguionise {mignonise} (mignote)
- play the wanton
- ministration
- ministring, or seruice, or charge to doo a thing
- minoritie (minority)
- a mans time vnder age
- minutly (minutely)
- smally
- miraculous
- meruailous, or wonderfull
- (f) mirrour (mirror)
- a looking-glasse
- miscreants <miscreant>
- infidels, mis-beleeuers
- misprission (misprision)
- concealement of a mans owne knowledge
- misknow
- to mistake purposely, to be ignorant of
- mitigate
- asswage, qualifie, or pacifie
- mixation <mix>, mixture
- mingling, or tempering together
- mobilitie (mobility)
- moouing or stirring
- modell (model)
- measure
- moderate
- temperate, or keeping a meane
- moderation
- keeping due order and proportion
- (f) moderne (modern)
- of our time
- modest
- sober, demure
- (f) moitie (moiety)
- halfe
- molestation
- troubling
- mollifie (mollify)
- make soft
- momentanie {momentarie} (momentary)
- that which lasteth but a while
- moment
- weight, or importance, also a short time
- (g) monarch
- one ruling all the kingdoms about him
- (g) monarchie (monarchy)
- the rule of one prince alone
- (g) monasterie (monastery)
- colledge of monks
- (g) monopolie (monopoly)
- a licence that none shall buy and sell a thing, but one alone
- monument
- a remembrance of some notable act, as Tombs
- moosell (muzzle)
- to fetter
- (f) moote (moot)
- argue, or dispute a case in law
- moralitie (morality)
- ciuill behauiour
- morall (moral)
- pertaining to manners, behauior and life, among men
- (f) morgage (mortgage)
- lay to pawne
- morigerous
- well mannered
- mortall (mortal)
- that endeth ere hauing an end and dying deadly
- mortifie (mortify)
- kill, or make dead, and sencelesse
- mortuarie (mortuary)
- dutie paid for the dead
- motiue [motive]
- cause moouing, or the thing, and reason, that mooueth to doe any thing
- (f) mouldre (moulder)
- make small, turne to dust
- mulct
- a fine, penaltie, or punishment
- multiplicitie (multiplicity)
- varietie, or diuersitie of sorts
- mundifie (mundify)
- to make cleane
- munition
- defence, supportation, or strength, and plentie of weapons, to resist in warre
- municipall (municipal)
- priuately belonging to a free man, or burgesse of a cittie
- (g) muses <muse>
- goddesses of learning
- (f) mustaches (mustache)
- the hayre of the vpper lippe
- mutable
- changeable, wauering
- mutation
- change
- (g) muthologie (mythology)
- expounding of the tales of the Poets
- mutilate
- wanting some part, maimed
- mutuall (mutual)
- one for another
- (g) myrrhe (myrrh)
- sweet gumme
- (g) mysterie (mystery)
- a secret, or hid thing
- (g) mysticall (mystical)
- that hath a misterie in it
See Also
Main Entry,