Victor, the cleaner,one of the most fabulously efficient killing machines in modern cinema history. Character played with an almost idiot savant intensity by the towering Italian actor Jean Reno (yes, Italian, Reno has learned to act French) in Luc Besson's 1990 tour de force, La Femme Nikita. Victor's preferred method of corpse disposal was, of course, hydrochloric acid (hence his moniker The Cleaner). Victor died behind the wheel, chivalrously driving Nikita from the scene of the embassy operation balls-up.

Recurring character in the Suikoden game series. He is a highly skilled rebel fighter, viscious with a two-handed sword. In Suikoden II, his best attacks occur when paired with Flik. Victor is a key figure in Suikoden; a battle without him in the lineup is like trying to ride a moped on an interstate.

compiled overview of the 80ton Victor 'Mech, from various BattleTech novels and game sourcebooks:

Originally built under a Star League Defense Force contract in 2510, the VTR-9B Victor served with distinction as a support 'Mech. HildCo Interplanetary produced the 'Mech in three plants, all of which were destroyed during the First Succession War. Of the estimated thousand Victors produced, many disappeared along with General Aleksandr Kerensky and the Star League Defense Forces, and still more were destroyed during the brutal battles of the Succession Wars.

Unlike most assault 'Mechs, the Victor is jump capable. As most MechWarriors do not expect an assault 'Mech to be able to jump, the Victors jump jets enable it to give enemy troops a nasty surprise. The Victor's Pontiac 100 autocannon provides excellent medium-range firepower, though some models have reported feed problems. The Victor's left arm sports its major close-range weapons, twin Sorenstein V medium lasers. A Holly SRM-4 Missle Rack supplements the lasers.

The earliest models carried a sophisticated array of anti-infantry weapons, including a flamer and a machine gun, which were later discarded because they caused severe overheating problems. The Victor's original Standus 20 tracking system was traded for a MacLandry 34 on all but the first-run prototypes because the Standus frequently projected "ghost" targets.

House Davion's famous Avalon Hussars used their Victors to great advantage against House Liao forces in the mountains of Tsanna, Wei, and Redfield. The jump-capable Victors proved more dangerous to the enemy in some situations than the heavier-armed BattleMasters, and to this day several Avalon Hussars pilots and officers prefer the Victor over its better-armed cousin. The Avalon Hussars also fared well against a House Liao force of Wasps and Locusts on the planet Wright in 3012. A Hussar attack lance consisting of several Victors encountered two Liao recon lances and reduced them to rubble in minutes with a combination of jumping attacks and autocannon fire.

McGee's Cutthroats also used Victors in the battles for the planet Suk. Several months of fighting reduced the number of operational Victors, but the 'Mech turned the tide in more than one battle.

In several engagements between House Marik and House Liao forces, the Victor revealed a few minor weaknesses. In 3001, while battling for the city of Shul on the planet Berenson, several Victors assigned to Marik's Regulan Hussars were crippled in close fighting because they lacked short-range weapons. Several more were felled by heavily armed infantry platoons in Shul because the 'Mechs were not equipped with anti-infantry weapons.

Note: Information used here was the domain of FASA before they split the rights between Wizkids LLC and Microsoft (table-top gaming and video games respectively). Copyright of the fluff text is in limbo, but names of persons, places, & things are without any doubt the property of Wizkids LLC. Use of any terms here related to the BattleTech trademark are not meant as a challenge to Wizkids LLC's rights.

Victor: "humble, poor" man who lived circa 500 AD, who is still remembered today thanks to his ingenious use of cryptography.

From The Codebreakers, by David Kahn, p. 86:

"At the Coptic monastery of St. Jeremias in Saqqara, Egypt, perhaps just before it was abandoned in the late 6th century AD, a man enciphered a message in monalphabetic substitution and scratched it on the wall inside the door to a courtyard in a curious bid for immortality.

'In the name of God before all things', the inscription calls beseechingly across the centuries, "I, Victor, the humble poor man - remember me!'"

Vic"tor (?), n. [L. victor, fr. vincere, victum, to vanquish, to conquer. See Vanquish.]


The winner in a contest; one who gets the better of another in any struggle; esp., one who defeats an enemy in battle; a vanquisher; a conqueror; -- often followed by art, rarely by of.

In love, the victors from the vanquished fly; They fly that wound, and they pursue that die. Waller.


A destroyer.

[R. & Poetic]

There, victor of his health, of fortune, friends, And fame, this lord of useless thousands ends. Pope.


© Webster 1913.

Vic"tor, a.


"The victor Greeks."



© Webster 1913.

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