Cancers should NEVER take too much Acetimetephen.

I told you so, I told you so......okay, that's out of my system now. I had to hear it, so you do too. Sorry Jen has erupted into such a huge problem, but yous almost out of there.

As for my journal type entry, this is a recap of the last few days. I accidentally overdosed on freakin' Tylenol, people. Can you believe it? Windi's Achaeles Heel is too much of an over the counter med. You take over 10,000 mgs, and see how well you do. I was just plain stupid. I was trying to run away from the pain in my mouth, which will be taken care of by this afternoon. Bear is my hero in this Satyr says, "The Season Finale of 'As the Porch Rots' ". So, getting the goddamn tooth pulled finally today. Nope, not all together happy about that. I don't even think I want to relate the goriness of my getting all that poison out of my body. Just hoping there was minimal damage to my liver, 'cause then what am I supposed to drink with? My liver is by far my favorite drinking buddy.

Speaking of which, I actually had just a couple yesterday. I was supposed to meet up with the techies last night, talk to Jon about Schtuff. But I wasn't feeling hot, didn't feel like seeing more hickies, and I had gotten a call from Grrm to drop the film by. Man, is he down. "Erin and I finally called it quits the other day." Really....I thought you guys were already broken up......that sucks a big smelly dick. Yeah, he's a nutcase, but he's an all right guy. So, talk to me. I took him to Doughertys and bought him some beer, I needed to pay him back somehow. Ah, another person I don't feel completely cofortable being myself around. There's only two, I guess that ain't too bad. We walked by my place on the way to his, he had asked me to carry him. We both know I could do it. We had two shots when we got there....that's when I drank, and played with the doggies for a minute. Then he brushed the hair out of my face and kissed me.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it."
"Grrm, we're gonna be friends, right?"
"Hope so."
"Okay, then I need to go now."

So I did. I left. I didn't necessarily want to. Don't ask me. I meant it when I said I WANT TO BE FRIENDS! There are too many players, too little me. And I ain't ready for anything more serious than stolen kisses. I don't know what I want. Actually, yeah I do. Can I take the stability and loyalty from the Aries, the artistic drowned pieces from the Cancer, the history, danger and desperateness from the Leo, and the craziness and 'Just let it all go' of the Pisces?

I take out my deck, pull out the cards, and introduce The King of Wands to the Emperor, The King of Cups and the Seven of Swords. Ugh, sometimes I wish I could wear hickies as if to say, "I ain't backin' down one iota". This isn't fair. Really, it's not. It's times like these when I feel like asking myself, "Okay, it's the end of the world. If you could have one person by your side, who would they be?" I wish I knew the answer, but I guess I won't for a while.

Is this what holding on looks like?