My name is Victoria Palmer.
I am a 21 year old misanthropic, boy crazy, femme geek princess, living in Ft. Myers, Florida.
I enjoy infatuationsmoochingnapping.
My bedroom is my personal temple
I am looking for my supernova
I've been a fool to allow dreams to become great expectations
I am online way too much, You can find me on IRC, on efnet
as Juliet, idling in #glitterglam. I used to hang out on
#phrack, #hack, and #phreak, and occasionally pop in there.
I also hang out on slashnet, on #everything. Or you could
just email me, or visit my webpage at
Juliet's Hope Chest and Juliet's Journal
are a good peak into a corner of my soul
I love all types of music, reading, unix.boys, NeXTs, musical theatre, psychology,
sociology, neuro-pharmacology, puppies, and other stuff.
I often do things that are inapropriate I have a fear of being misunderstood, which leads to me over-explaining
I can only sleep in cold rooms I have an obsession with how I am perceived I am always
looking for my true loveI am often silly i am sane
I am not sane I haven't seen my father in over 10 years I like my emotional baggage
I am a little girlI am a strong woman I am not what you think i am plain
"Heterosexual women live in a world of male pleasure, and despite our complaints, I must assume we like it like that.
At the very least, I do. I like wearing high heels, and it's not because they make my feet feel good. When spring turns
to summer and it's time to wear pumps without pantyhose and I get blisters on my toes and heels from friction and
leather, I feel absurdly and obscenely delighted in the shackles of womanhood that cause this unnecessary pain, this
silly Occidental version of foot-binding that is really just a variation on soul-bonding. I like being bound, amid all my
radical feminism, to what boys want." - Elizabeth Wurtzel
10 nodes that I am still touched by
This is dedicated to my sister
Love is touching souls, surely you touched mine
i miss you, damn you for being so damn amazing
Fuck Blame
Am I insane, or is it just wishful thinking?
The day I realized what being alive was
The Morning After
May 1, 1998
Things I wish I had the chance to say
Letter Interrupted
10 nodes that are just cool