I started today in orchestra. Nothing amazing. Just sat around playing bass drum.

I also had my first day of mid-terms for AP Statistics and Spanish. The spanish went no better or worse than I expected it to. The stat also went well but I feel like I got screwed. I left some z-score tables at home that I didn't think I would need for the exam. When I got to class I found out I actually needed them but didn't worry too much because I knew my teacher had extra books with the tables in them. Unfortunately some kid took the last book. I told the teacher this and she said that I probably wouldn't even need the tables anyway. She was wrong. Three problems that I could have easily done used the tables. I knew how to do them but not without the chart in the time we had. The worst part was that the kid who took the last book didn't even use it the entire exam. I also didn't simplify my last answer because I thought it was wrong and I wanted to check it but I ran out of time. OH well. I always have tomorrow to redeem myself.

I did realize that grades are a real joke. The only true test of ability is actually putting someone into the environment. My example is a good one. I knew how to do the problems but because I didn't have the charts I got screwed. In real life I would have had the charts close by in a book or online. I don't think grades are a total waste of time since they provide some order to school. My problem is that they are depended upon entirely too much. I guess until we can brain probe someone they're the best choice.

The rest of the day was stupid. Spent most of the time reviewing for more mid-terms next week. I did go and see the the Ashman. Didn't get anything accomplished but found out that it is hard to find telnet online, at least for me.

Also got back this essay in AP US History that the teacher seemed to love. She took off some points since it a little late(2 months) but she still seemed to really like it. For some reason I like writing essays in history because I always seem to do well on them.