Thursday is Hell Day. Specifically, this particular Thursday is my Cognition exam, which I'm preparing for by noding.

No, really.

There's no textbook for the course, just a (really really good) web site, which I got the professor's permission to go through and node the more interesting bits of.

I'm also going to be putting up a great deal of Irlen Syndrome-related information, which is interesting reading, and from the same person who brought you autism.

8:41 AM EST - Waking up was difficult. I'm congested and my throat hurts and I need to shower and my room is filled with garbage (mostly empty cans of Goya Pear nectar). She's mumbling in her sleep again, but unlike yesterday's hilarious comments ("thefez haunts the node mountain"), I can't make any sense of the syllables. I think there's someone in the shower.

I'm worried about the exam because I haven't learned anything in the course. When you've been reading Daniel Dennett and Douglas R. Hofstadter since age 10, it can be pretty darn boring to have a professor explain what a formal system is to a group of students who persist in asking questions like "Are we going to have to build a Turing Machine for the test?"