A 16-voice polyphonic and 4-part multi-timbral sampler, with a 61-note velocity/aftertouch sensitive keyboard. Manufactured between 1986 and 1987.

The S-50 features 12-bit sampling with a variable rate of 15-30kHz. For saving your sounds, 750k of internal memory as well as a 3.5" disk drive are available. Version 1.0 of the S-50 could hold 16 different samples (called "tones") at once, but the second revision expanded this to 32. Three sampling modes are featured: manual, auto and previous.

There are lots of editing capabilities on the S-50, such as looping, multi-stage envelopes and dawing waveforms. An external monitor can be connected for more detailed graphical editing. Most of it is done with a Alpha Juno / JX -style "alpha dial".

Other features include full MIDI support and high-/low-pass digital time-variant filters. The a 4-track, 16-channel SY-503 sequencer was available as a software upgrade.

Two rackmount versions, the S-330 and the S-550, were also released.

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